コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: CallumLap/Dealing
        public static void S01()
            string input  = "";
            bool   option = true;

            while (option)
                option = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Inventory\nWeed:" + weed);
                Console.WriteLine("As you're on your way to your university introduction talk, you see a first-year girl.\n" +
                                  "She looks lost and confused, what do you do?\n\nA) Approach Her \tB) Keep Walking");
                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                if (input == "A")
                    bool option2 = true;
                    while (option2)
                        option2 = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("You slow down as you approach her, clearing your throat to get her attention you say:\n" +
                                          "A) Hi, are you looking for the introduction talk?\nB) Hey, wanna buy some drugs?");
                        input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                        if (input == "A")
                            Console.WriteLine("Girl: ");
                            Game.Dialog("Hello, yes I am, but I'm a bit lost...\n");
                            Console.WriteLine("You offer to let her come with you as you know the way\n" +
                                              "You walk together to the introduction talk.");
                            goto end;
                        if (input == "B")
                            ChanceRoll option2Chance = new ChanceRoll();
                            int        roll          = option2Chance.RollChance(rnd);
                            if (roll >= 6)
                                Game.Dialog("Erm, well I only smoke weed.. And I'm new to town so a dealer would be good\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("She gives you her phone number and says her name is Shelly");
                                Console.WriteLine("She passes you a £10 note and you hand over a slightly less than 1 gram baggie of weed");
                                Shelly = true;
                                cash += 10;
                                goto end;
                            if (roll <= 5)
                                Game.Dialog("What? Hell no! I'm a good girl, my parents told me \"Drugs are bad, mkay\"\n");
                                goto end;

                            goto end;
                            Console.WriteLine("Please choose either A or B\n");
                            option2 = true;
                if (input == "B")
                    Console.WriteLine("You ignore her and keep walking");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please choose either A or B\n");
                    option = true;
                Console.WriteLine("You receive a text message reminding you that your rent of £90 is due in 3 days");
                Console.WriteLine("As you are walking you quickly check your stash:");
                Console.WriteLine("Inventory\nWeed:" + weed);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: CallumLap/Dealing
        public static void S04()
            string input  = "";
            bool   option = true;

            while (option)
                option = false;
                cash  -= 90;
                Console.WriteLine("You wake up feeling {0}", state);
                Console.WriteLine("You check your inventory");
                Console.WriteLine("Cash £" + cash);
                Console.WriteLine("Weed: {0}\nMushrooms: {1}\nMDMA: {2}\n", weed, mushrooms, MDMA);
                Console.WriteLine("What do you do:");
                Console.WriteLine("A) Go back to bed B) Check your phone C) Go to lecture");
                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                switch (input)
                case "A":
                    Console.WriteLine("You roll over and fall asleep");
                    Console.WriteLine("You wake up 1 hour later, it's 9:45AM, you've missed half your lecture, get go anyway because you need to sign the register.");
                    if (sold == 1)
                        ChanceRoll option2Chance = new ChanceRoll();
                        int        roll2         = option2Chance.RollChance(rnd);
                        if (roll2 >= 1)
                            goto arrest;

                    goto lectureDeal;

                case "B":
                    Console.WriteLine("You see some notifcations, check them?\nA) Yes\tB) No");
                    input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                    switch (input)
                    case "A":
                        Console.WriteLine("You read the first notification, it says that £90 direct debit was paid for rent\n Cash = £" + cash);
                        if (sold == 1)
                            ChanceRoll option2Chance = new ChanceRoll();
                            int        roll2         = option2Chance.RollChance(rnd);
                            if (roll2 >= 1)
                                Console.WriteLine("You read the second notification, it's breaking news!\nIt reads:");
                                Console.WriteLine("Last night a young university student was found dead by the side of the road.\nIt appears that the student likely died from MDMA and alcohol abuse,\n our prayers go out to the students friends \nand family\nOfficals have now released the students name. His name was Daniel, more known by as Dan.\nIf anyone has any information about his death please contact us\n");

                                Console.WriteLine("You feel sick with guilt and slowly walk to your lecture, hanging your head low");

                                Console.WriteLine("As you enter the university building, you're stopped by a security member, and he radios to someone else");
                                Game.Dialog("Hold up lad, we'd like to ask you some questions\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("Standing in the university lobby, you watch as 3 police officers and university security make their way to you menacingly. One of the officers says:");
                                Game.Dialog("Right then boy, your coming with us to the station, we have some questions we think you can answer\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("What do you do?\nA) Go calmly\tB) Make a run for it \tC) Break down and confess");
                                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                                switch (input)
                                case "A":
                                    Console.WriteLine("You calmly walk with the officers to their vehicle and drive to the station");
                                    calm = true;

                                case "B":
                                    Console.WriteLine("You stand there for a second, before suddenly bolting through the doors and outside, hoping to escape. The officers don't take long to follow suit and before you know it your on the ground convulsing as waves of electricity shoot though your body, temporally disabling you. As you lay on the floor in agony you are cuffed and dragged to the police vehicle");
                                    run = true;

                                case "C":
                                    Console.WriteLine("You start crying hystarically and confess that you are responsible for Dan's death, the officers quickly cuff you and drag you away, leaving a trail of tears");
                                    confess = true;

                                    Console.WriteLine("Choose A, B or C");


                    case "B":
                        Console.WriteLine("You ignore them and make your to your lecture, just on time");
                        if (sold == 1)
                            ChanceRoll option2Chance = new ChanceRoll();
                            int        roll2         = option2Chance.RollChance(rnd);
                            if (roll2 >= 1)
                                goto arrest;

                        Console.WriteLine("Choose A or B");

                case "C":
                    Console.WriteLine("You quickly get dressed and head off to your 9AM lecture, eating toast on the way to save time");
                    if (sold == 1)
                        ChanceRoll option2Chance = new ChanceRoll();
                        int        roll2         = option2Chance.RollChance(rnd);
                        if (roll2 >= 1)
                            goto arrest;
                    goto lectureDeal;

                Console.WriteLine("As you enter the university building, you're stopped by a security member, and he radios to someone else");
                Game.Dialog("Hold up lad, we'd like to ask you some questions\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Standing in the university lobby, you watch as 3 police officers and university security make their way to you menacingly. One of the officers says:");
                Game.Dialog("Right then boy, your coming with us to the station, we have some questions we think you can answer\n");
                Console.WriteLine("What do you do?\nA) Go calmly\tB) Make a run for it \tC) Break down and confess");
                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                switch (input)
                case "A":
                    Console.WriteLine("You calmly walk with the officers to their vehicle and drive to the station");
                    calm = true;

                case "B":
                    Console.WriteLine("You stand there for a second, before suddenly bolting through the doors and outside, hoping to escape. The officers don't take long to follow suit and before you know it your on the ground convulsing as waves of electricity shoot though your body, temporally disabling you. As you lay on the floor in agony you are cuffed and dragged to the police vehicle");
                    run = true;

                case "C":
                    Console.WriteLine("You start crying hystarically and confess that you are responsible for Dan's death, the officers quickly cuff you and drag you away, leaving a trail of tears");
                    confess = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("Choose A, B or C");

                Console.WriteLine("You get to your lecture and sit through the damn thing, bored to tears.\n As the lecture ends the lecturer asks you to stay behind to talk");
                Console.WriteLine("You walk up to Dave the lecturer once everyone has left and ask what he wants");
                Game.Dialog("Hello, I've heard rumours you are selling drugs.. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I just, erm, need some weed...\n");
                Console.WriteLine("What do you do?:\nA) Laugh and walk away\tB) Tell him it's £15 p/gram for added risk");
                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                switch (input)
                case "A":
                    Console.WriteLine("You laugh out loud, turn and walk away, as your leaving you see him hang his head low, he's obviously not very happy");

                case "B":
                    Console.WriteLine("He sighs and says:");
                    Game.Dialog("Alright deal, I'll take as much as you can sell, heres my number too\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("You hand over {0} grams of weed", weed);
                    Dave = true;
                    int total = weed * 15;
                    Console.WriteLine("He hands over £" + total);
                    cash += total;
                    weed  = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("As you leave you check what you have left:\n Cash: {0} \nWeed: {1}\nMushrooms: {2}\nMDMA: {3}", cash, weed, mushrooms, MDMA);


                    Console.WriteLine("Choose A or B");