public FieldInfoItem(FieldInfo field, bool allowNullEquivalentValue, String propertyName) { ParamChecker.AssertParamNotNull(field, "field"); ParamChecker.AssertParamNotNull(propertyName, "propertyName"); this.allowNullEquivalentValue = allowNullEquivalentValue; this.field = field; DeclaringType = field.DeclaringType; #if SILVERLIGHT if (!field.IsPublic) { throw new Exception("Field '" + field + "' not public. This is not valid in Silverlight. One possibility is to set the field public or define public setter/getter."); } #endif this.propertyName = propertyName; Type fieldType = field.FieldType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(fieldType, null); if (fieldType.IsValueType || fieldType.IsPrimitive) { NullEquivalentValue = NullEquivalentValueUtil.GetNullEquivalentValue(fieldType); } Object[] attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { XMLName = ((XmlElementAttribute)attributes[0]).ElementName; } if (XMLName == null || XMLName.Length == 0) { XMLName = Name; } xmlIgnore = false; #if !SILVERLIGHT attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonSerializedAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { xmlIgnore = true; } #endif attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { xmlIgnore = true; } attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { xmlIgnore = true; } }
public FieldPropertyInfo(Type entityType, String propertyName, FieldInfo field) : base(entityType) { EntityType = entityType; BackingField = field; AddModifiers(field); Name = propertyName; DeclaringType = field.DeclaringType; PropertyType = field.FieldType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(PropertyType, null); IsWritable = field.IsPublic || field.IsFamily; IsReadable = IsWritable; Init(); }
public WrappedPropertyInfo(Type entityType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) : base(entityType) { EntityType = entityType; Name = propertyInfo.Name; DeclaringType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType; PropertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(PropertyType, null); this.propertyInfo = propertyInfo; IsReadable = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod() != null?propertyInfo.GetGetMethod().IsPublic || propertyInfo.GetGetMethod().IsFamily : false; IsWritable = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() != null?propertyInfo.GetSetMethod().IsPublic || propertyInfo.GetSetMethod().IsFamily : false; Init(); }
public PropertyInfoItem(IPropertyInfo property, bool allowNullEquivalentValue) { = (IPropertyInfoIntern)property; this.AllowNullEquivalentValue = allowNullEquivalentValue; Type propertyType = property.PropertyType; DeclaringType = property.DeclaringType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(propertyType, null); if (propertyType.IsValueType || propertyType.IsPrimitive) { NullEquivalentValue = NullEquivalentValueUtil.GetNullEquivalentValue(propertyType); } XmlElementAttribute annotation = property.GetAnnotation <XmlElementAttribute>(); if (annotation != null) { XMLName = annotation.ElementName; } if (XMLName == null || XMLName.Length == 0) { XMLName = Name; } xmlIgnore = false; #if !SILVERLIGHT if (property.GetAnnotation <NonSerializedAttribute>() != null) { xmlIgnore = true; } #endif if (property.GetAnnotation <IgnoreDataMemberAttribute>() != null) { xmlIgnore = true; } if (property.GetAnnotation <XmlIgnoreAttribute>() != null) { xmlIgnore = true; } if (!CanRead || !CanWrite) { xmlIgnore = true; } }
protected override void Init() { if (EntityType == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No class given"); } if (Getter == null && Setter == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No property methods (class is '" + EntityType + "')"); } else if (Getter != null) { Type declaringClass = Getter.DeclaringType; PropertyType = Getter.ReturnType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(PropertyType, null); String nameLower = Name.ToLowerInvariant(); FieldInfo[] fields = ReflectUtil.GetDeclaredFieldsInHierarchy(declaringClass); FieldInfo backingField = null; FieldInfo weakBackingField = null; String backingFieldName = "<" + Name + ">k__BackingField"; for (int a = fields.Length; a-- > 0;) { FieldInfo field = fields[a]; if (field.IsStatic) { continue; } String fieldName = field.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); if (fieldName.Equals(nameLower) || field.Name.Equals(backingFieldName)) { backingField = field; break; } else if (fieldName.EndsWith(nameLower)) { if (weakBackingField != null) { weakBackingField = null; break; } weakBackingField = field; } } if (backingField == null) { backingField = weakBackingField; } BackingField = backingField; if (backingField != null) { AddModifiers(backingField); PutAnnotations(backingField); } PutAnnotations(Getter); if (Setter != null) { if (Setter.GetParameters().Length != 1 || !PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(Setter.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType)) { throw new Exception("Misfitting property methods for property '" + Name + "' on class '" + EntityType.Name + "'"); } PutAnnotations(Setter); } } else { Type declaringClass = Setter.DeclaringType; FieldInfo[] fields = ReflectUtil.GetDeclaredFieldsInHierarchy(declaringClass); for (int a = fields.Length; a-- > 0;) { FieldInfo field = fields[a]; if (field.IsInitOnly || field.IsStatic) { continue; } String fieldName = field.Name; if (fieldName.EndsWith(Name)) { if (BackingField != null) { BackingField = null; break; } BackingField = field; } } if (BackingField != null) { AddModifiers(BackingField); } PropertyType = Setter.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType; ElementType = TypeInfoItemUtil.GetElementTypeUsingReflection(PropertyType, null); PutAnnotations(Setter); } //if (Getter != null && Modifier.isNative(Getter.getModifiers())) //{ // modifiers |= Modifier.NATIVE; //} //if (Setter != null && Modifier.isNative(Setter.getModifiers())) //{ // modifiers |= Modifier.NATIVE; //} if (Setter != null) { UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.FINAL); } bool?getterIsPublic = Getter != null ? (bool?)(Getter.IsPublic) : null; bool?setterIsPublic = Setter != null ? (bool?)(Setter.IsPublic) : null; if (getterIsPublic == true || setterIsPublic == true) { UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PRIVATE); UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PROTECTED); UpdateModifiers(true, (int)Modifier.PUBLIC); } else { bool?GetterIsProtected = Getter != null ? (bool?)(Getter.IsFamily || Getter.IsFamilyOrAssembly) : null; bool?SetterIsProtected = Setter != null ? (bool?)(Setter.IsFamily || Setter.IsFamilyOrAssembly) : null; if (GetterIsProtected == true || SetterIsProtected == true) { UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PRIVATE); UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PUBLIC); UpdateModifiers(true, (int)Modifier.PROTECTED); } else { UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PROTECTED); UpdateModifiers(false, (int)Modifier.PUBLIC); UpdateModifiers(true, (int)Modifier.PRIVATE); } } RefreshDeclaringType(); base.Init(); }