コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary <int, Point> data;

            data = Day6Data.data;
            data = Day6Data.testData;
            //data = Day6Data.testData2;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Max Value in Data = {0},{1}", data.Values.Max(p => p.X), data.Values.Max(p => p.Y)));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Min Value in Data = {0},{1}", data.Values.Min(p => p.X), data.Values.Min(p => p.Y)));

            Point minBoundary = new Point(data.Values.Min(p => p.X), data.Values.Min(p => p.Y));
            Point maxBoundary = new Point(data.Values.Max(p => p.X), data.Values.Max(p => p.Y));

            minBoundary.Offset(-1, -1);
            maxBoundary.Offset(1, 1);

            // ========================================
            Coordinate[,] matrix = new Coordinate[(maxBoundary.X - minBoundary.X) + 1, (maxBoundary.Y - minBoundary.Y) + 1];
            List <Coordinate> coordsList = new List <Coordinate>();
            // ========================================

            int col = 0;

            for (int x = minBoundary.X; x <= maxBoundary.X; x++)
                int row = 0;

                for (int y = minBoundary.Y; y <= maxBoundary.Y; y++)
                    Point origin = new Point(x, y);
                    if (data.ContainsValue(origin))
                        int originID = data.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Value.Equals(origin)).Key;
                        matrix[col, row] = new Coordinate(origin, 0, originID);
                        if (x == minBoundary.X || x == maxBoundary.X || y == minBoundary.Y || y == maxBoundary.Y)
                            matrix[col, row].ExtendsToInfinty = true;
                        coordsList.Add(matrix[col, row]);

                    int manhattanDistance = 0;
                    int destinyID         = 0;
                    foreach (Point destiny in data.Values)
                        manhattanDistance = origin.ManhattanDistance(destiny);
                        destinyID         = data.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Value.Equals(destiny)).Key;

                        Coordinate coord = matrix[col, row];
                        if (coord != null)
                            if (manhattanDistance < coord.ClosestDistance)
                                coord.ClosestDistance = manhattanDistance;
                                coord.LocationID      = destinyID;
                            else if (manhattanDistance == coord.ClosestDistance)
                                coord.LocationID = -1;
                            matrix[col, row] = new Coordinate(origin, manhattanDistance, destinyID);
                            if (x == minBoundary.X || x == maxBoundary.X || y == minBoundary.Y || y == maxBoundary.Y)
                                matrix[col, row].ExtendsToInfinty = true;
                            coordsList.Add(matrix[col, row]);

            // Get the area of locations non infinite extended
            var regions = from c1 in coordsList
                          join c2 in (from c in coordsList
                                      where c.ExtendsToInfinty
                                      group c by c.LocationID into InfinityLocations
                                      select new { LocationID = InfinityLocations.Key })
                          on new { id = c1.LocationID } equals new { id = c2.LocationID } into grp
            from cc in grp.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where cc == null
            group c1 by c1.LocationID into locationGroup
                select new { LocationID = locationGroup.Key, Area = locationGroup.Sum(x => 1) };

            int LargestRegionArea = 0;

            foreach (var c in regions)
                LargestRegionArea = c.Area > LargestRegionArea ? c.Area : LargestRegionArea;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Largest Area: {0}", LargestRegionArea));
