コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main method that is called outside this class that will solve the puzzle
        /// and return the answer
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The answer to the puzzle</returns>
        public long solvePuzzle()
            // converts the puzzledata in the textfile (PuzzleData.txt) to a Terain.Map class
            Terrain.Map aMap = this.ParsePuzzleData();

            // going to need to use a long instead of an int because
            // the final answer is bigger than an int can hold
            List <long> TressFoundOnSlopes = new List <long>();

            // try differnet slopes and see how many trees we hit on each slope
            TressFoundOnSlopes.Add(findTreesOnSlope(aMap, 1, 1));
            TressFoundOnSlopes.Add(findTreesOnSlope(aMap, 1, 3));
            TressFoundOnSlopes.Add(findTreesOnSlope(aMap, 1, 5));
            TressFoundOnSlopes.Add(findTreesOnSlope(aMap, 1, 7));
            TressFoundOnSlopes.Add(findTreesOnSlope(aMap, 2, 1));

            // will hold the answer to the second part of the puzzle
            long answer = 1;

            // times all the numbers together
            foreach (int numTrees in TressFoundOnSlopes)
                answer *= numTrees;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// converts the puzzledata in the textfile (PuzzleData.txt) to a Terain.Map class
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Terrain.Map ParsePuzzleData()
            string fileData = this.LoadPuzzleDataIntoMemory();

            Terrain.Map aMap = new Terrain.Map(fileData);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// converts the puzzledata in the textfile (PuzzleData.txt) to a Terain.Map class
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Terrain.Map ParsePuzzleData()
            // load the puzzle data from disk
            string fileData = this.LoadPuzzleDataIntoMemory();

            // parase the puzzle data
            Terrain.Map aMap = new Terrain.Map(fileData);

コード例 #4
        private int findTreesOnSlope(Terrain.Map map, int row, int column)
            // indicates how many rows to move down the map on each do while loop below
            int rowCountOn = row;
            // indicates how mnay columns to move accross the map on each wo while loop below
            int columnCountOn = column;

            // will hold the total number of trees we hit on this slope
            int treeCount = 0;

            // if set to false the do while loop will exit
            bool shouldCarryOn = true;

                // check the map at the current column,row and see what is there
                switch (map[columnCountOn, rowCountOn])
                // we found a tree
                case Terrain.GridCellType.Tree:     // increment treeCount by one to say we found a tree

                // if we found nothing we have reached the end of the map (verticaly)
                case Terrain.GridCellType.nothing:
                    shouldCarryOn = false;     // setting to false will break us out of the do while loop

                // move to the next position on the slope
                rowCountOn    += row;
                columnCountOn += column;
            } while (shouldCarryOn);

            // the number of trees we hit on our way down
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The main method that is called outside this class that will solve the puzzle
        /// and return the answer
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The answer to the puzzle</returns>
        public int solvePuzzle()
            // converts the puzzledata in the textfile (PuzzleData.txt) to a Terain.Map class
            Terrain.Map aMap = this.ParsePuzzleData();

            int row    = 1;
            int column = 3;
            // Keeps track of the number of trees we hit
            int treeCount = 0;

            // if set to false the do while loop will exit
            bool shouldCarryOn = true;

                // check the map at the current column,row and see what is there
                switch (aMap[column, row])
                // we found a tree
                case Terrain.GridCellType.Tree:
                    treeCount++;     // increment treeCount by one to say we found a tree

                // if we found nothing we have reached the end of the map (verticaly)
                case Terrain.GridCellType.nothing:
                    shouldCarryOn = false;     // setting to false will break us out of the do while loop

                // move position on the map (move one row over and 3 coulumns down)
                column += 3;
            } while (shouldCarryOn);

            // the number of trees we hit on our way down