public void DateTimeNowAddDaysNegativeWorksBetweenTwoMonths() { MoveToEndOfMonth(); var expectedDay = new FakeDateTime(; =; =; Assert.That(expectedDay.CompareTo(, Is.EqualTo(0), "Date does not decrement properly on end of month!"); }
public void DateTimeNowAddDaysNegativeWorks() { MakeDayTo(16); var expectedDateTime = new FakeDateTime(; expectedDateTime.Day -= 1; Assert.That(expectedDateTime.CompareTo(, Is.EqualTo(0), "Dates cannot be reverted."); }
public void DateTimeNowAddDaysInMiddleOfMonthIncrementsProperly() { MakeDayTo(15); var expectedDate = new FakeDateTime(; expectedDate.Day++; Assert.That(expectedDate.CompareTo(, Is.EqualTo(0), "The DateTime does not increment days correctly!"); }
public void DateTimeNowAddDaysChangesMonthWhenAddingDayAtTheEnd() { MoveToEndOfMonth(); var expectedDate = new FakeDateTime( { Day = 1 }; expectedDate.Month = expectedDate.Month == 12 ? 1 : expectedDate.Month + 1; expectedDate.Year = expectedDate.Month == 1 ? expectedDate.Year + 1 : expectedDate.Year; Assert.That(expectedDate.CompareTo(, Is.EqualTo(0), "DateTime.Now does not increment correctly at the end of the month"); }