/// <summary> /// Reads the new (.NET Framework 2.0+) DeclSecurity blob format /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> IList <SecurityAttribute> ReadBinaryFormat() { int numAttrs = (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(); var list = new List <SecurityAttribute>(numAttrs); for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { var name = ReadUTF8String(); // Use CA search rules. Some tools don't write the fully qualified name. var attrRef = TypeNameParser.ParseReflection(module, UTF8String.ToSystemStringOrEmpty(name), new CAAssemblyRefFinder(module), gpContext); /*int blobLength = (int)*/ reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(); int numNamedArgs = (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(); var namedArgs = CustomAttributeReader.ReadNamedArguments(module, ref reader, numNamedArgs, gpContext); if (namedArgs is null) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not read named arguments"); } list.Add(new SecurityAttribute(attrRef, namedArgs)); } return(list); }
MarshalType Read() { MarshalType returnValue; try { var nativeType = (NativeType)reader.ReadByte(); NativeType nt; int size; switch (nativeType) { case NativeType.FixedSysString: size = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; returnValue = new FixedSysStringMarshalType(size); break; case NativeType.SafeArray: var vt = CanRead() ? (VariantType)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : VariantType.NotInitialized; var udtName = CanRead() ? ReadUTF8String() : null; var udtRef = udtName is null ? null : TypeNameParser.ParseReflection(module, UTF8String.ToSystemStringOrEmpty(udtName), null, gpContext); returnValue = new SafeArrayMarshalType(vt, udtRef); break; case NativeType.FixedArray: size = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; nt = CanRead() ? (NativeType)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : NativeType.NotInitialized; returnValue = new FixedArrayMarshalType(size, nt); break; case NativeType.Array: nt = CanRead() ? (NativeType)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : NativeType.NotInitialized; int paramNum = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; size = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; int flags = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; returnValue = new ArrayMarshalType(nt, paramNum, size, flags); break; case NativeType.CustomMarshaler: var guid = ReadUTF8String(); var nativeTypeName = ReadUTF8String(); var custMarshalerName = ReadUTF8String(); var cmRef = custMarshalerName.DataLength == 0 ? null : TypeNameParser.ParseReflection(module, UTF8String.ToSystemStringOrEmpty(custMarshalerName), new CAAssemblyRefFinder(module), gpContext); var cookie = ReadUTF8String(); returnValue = new CustomMarshalType(guid, nativeTypeName, cmRef, cookie); break; case NativeType.IUnknown: case NativeType.IDispatch: case NativeType.IntF: int iidParamIndex = CanRead() ? (int)reader.ReadCompressedUInt32() : -1; return(new InterfaceMarshalType(nativeType, iidParamIndex)); default: returnValue = new MarshalType(nativeType); break; } } catch { returnValue = new RawMarshalType(reader.ToArray()); } return(returnValue); }