コード例 #1
        public fsSerializer()
            _cachedConverterTypeInstances = new Dictionary <Type, fsBaseConverter>();
            _cachedConverters             = new Dictionary <Type, fsBaseConverter>();
            _cachedProcessors             = new Dictionary <Type, List <fsObjectProcessor> >();

            _references          = new fsCyclicReferenceManager();
            _lazyReferenceWriter = new fsLazyCycleDefinitionWriter();

            // note: The order here is important. Items at the beginning of this
            //       list will be used before converters at the end. Converters
            //       added via AddConverter() are added to the front of the list.
            _availableConverters = new List <fsConverter> {
                new fsNullableConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsGuidConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsTypeConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsDateConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsEnumConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsPrimitiveConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsArrayConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsDictionaryConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsIEnumerableConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsKeyValuePairConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsWeakReferenceConverter {
                    Serializer = this
                new fsReflectedConverter {
                    Serializer = this
            _availableDirectConverters = new Dictionary <Type, fsDirectConverter>();

            _processors = new List <fsObjectProcessor>()
                new fsSerializationCallbackProcessor()

            _processors.Add(new fsSerializationCallbackReceiverProcessor());

            _abstractTypeRemap = new Dictionary <Type, Type>();
            SetDefaultStorageType(typeof(ICollection <>), typeof(List <>));
            SetDefaultStorageType(typeof(IList <>), typeof(List <>));
            SetDefaultStorageType(typeof(IDictionary <,>), typeof(Dictionary <,>));

            Context = new fsContext();
            Config  = new fsConfig();

            // Register the converters from the registrar
            foreach (var converterType in fsConverterRegistrar.Converters)