public void InsertData(string sup_tbox_fname, string sup_tbox_lname, string sup_tbox_duname, string sup_tbox_add, int malefemale, string dob, string sup_pbox_pswd, string sup_tblox_pemail, string sup_tbox_aemail) { DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext(); //create a new row object table_signup1 row = new table_signup1 { user_id = Guid.NewGuid(), first_name = sup_tbox_fname, last_name = sup_tbox_lname, user_name = sup_tbox_duname, address = sup_tbox_add, date_of_birth = dob, gender = malefemale, password = sup_pbox_pswd, primary_email = sup_tblox_pemail, alternate_email = sup_tbox_aemail }; //add the new item to the collection db.table_signup1s.InsertOnSubmit(row); //submit this change to the database db.SubmitChanges(); }
partial void Deletetable_signup1(table_signup1 instance);
partial void Updatetable_signup1(table_signup1 instance);
partial void Inserttable_signup1(table_signup1 instance);