コード例 #1
        private void BuildInsertWithUDTProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spInsert{dataType}; ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"DROP TYPE IF EXISTS[dbo].[UDT{dataType}];";

            sqlCommand = "";
            string           sql   = accessDef.Select;
            string           table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);

            string[] tableAttributes = Common.GetAttributes(sql);
            tableAttributes = tableAttributes.Where(w => w != "Id").ToArray();
            CreateUserDefinedTypes(dbConn, attributeProperties, sql, dataType);
            string comma      = "";
            string attributes = "";

            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + "[" + attribute + "]";
                comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInsert{dataType}] @rules UDT{dataType} readonly " +
                         " AS BEGIN " +
                         $" INSERT INTO dbo.{table}({attributes}) " +
                         $" SELECT {attributes} FROM @rules;" +
                         " END";
コード例 #2
        private async Task InsertRule(RuleModel rule, string connectionString)
            List <RuleModel> rules    = new List <RuleModel>();
            string           userName = CommonDbUtilities.GetUsername(connectionString);

            rule.ModifiedBy   = userName;
            rule.CreatedBy    = userName;
            rule.RuleKey      = GetRuleKey(rule, connectionString);
            rule.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
            rule.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
            await _ruleData.InsertRules(rules, connectionString);
コード例 #3
        private void UpdateRule(RuleModel rule, string connectionString)
            string userName = CommonDbUtilities.GetUsername(connectionString);

            rule.ModifiedBy = userName;
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rule, Formatting.Indented);

            json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ModifiedDate");
            using (IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var p = new DynamicParameters();
                p.Add("@json", json);
                string sql             = "dbo.spUpdateRules";
                int    recordsAffected = cnn.Execute(sql, p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
コード例 #4
        private void BuildUpdateProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string comma;
            string attributes;
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spUpdate{dataType} ";


            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            string[] keys = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

            string           table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);

            string[] tableAttributes = Helpers.Common.GetAttributes(sql);

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdate{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "@json NVARCHAR(max) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "BEGIN ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"SELECT ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INTO #TempJson ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json) ";
            comma      = "";
            attributes = "    WITH (";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute    = word.Trim();
                string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                             " '$." + attribute + "'";
                comma = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" UPDATE A ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" SET ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                if (word != "Id")
                    string attribute = word.Trim();
                    attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + attribute + " = " + "B." + attribute;
                    comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" {table} AS A ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INNER JOIN #TempJson AS B ON ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (string key in keys)
                attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + key.Trim() + " = " + "B." + key.Trim();
                comma      = " AND ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";

コード例 #5
        private void BuildInsertProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string comma;
            string attributes;
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spInsert{dataType}; ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"DROP TYPE IF EXISTS[dbo].[UDT{dataType}];";

            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            string[] keys = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

            string           table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);

            string[] tableAttributes = Common.GetAttributes(sql);
            tableAttributes = tableAttributes.Where(w => w != "Id").ToArray();

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spInsert{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " @json NVARCHAR(max) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" INSERT INTO {table }";
            attributes = " (";
            comma      = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + "[" + attribute + "]";
                comma      = ",";
            attributes = attributes + ")";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"  SELECT";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json)";

            comma      = "";
            attributes = "    WITH (";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute    = word.Trim();
                string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                             " '$." + attribute + "'";
                comma = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";
コード例 #6
        private string GetHeaderInfo(string wellInfo)
            LASHeaderMappings           headMap  = new LASHeaderMappings();
            DataAccessDef               dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "WellBore");
            string                      input    = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> header   = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string[]         attributes          = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(_dbConn, dataType.Select);

            foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                header.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");
            header["ASSIGNED_FIELD"] = "UNKNOWN";
            header["OPERATOR"]       = "UNKNOWN";
            header["DEPTH_DATUM"]    = "UNKNOWN";
            header["CURRENT_STATUS"] = "UNKNOWN";
            header["ROW_CREATED_BY"] = _dbUserName;
            header["ROW_CHANGED_BY"] = _dbUserName;
            header.Add("API", "");
            StringReader   sr          = new StringReader(wellInfo);
            List <LASLine> headerMnems = new List <LASLine>();

            while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                LASLine line = DecodeLASLine(input);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Mnem))
            foreach (var line in headerMnems)
                WellMapping mapping = lasMappings.WellMappings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.LASMnem == line.Mnem);
                if (mapping != null)
                    string value = mapping.DBMnem;
                    header[value] = line.Data;
                    if (value == "NULL")
                        _nullRepresentation = line.Data;
            foreach (var alternativeKey in lasMappings.AlernativeKeys)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(header["UWI"]))
                string[] keys      = alternativeKey.Key.Split(',');
                string   seperator = "";
                foreach (var key in keys)
                    LASLine line = headerMnems.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Mnem == key.Trim());
                    if (line != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Data))
                            header["UWI"] = seperator + line.Data;
                            seperator     = "-";
            foreach (string item in attributes)
                string attribute     = item.Trim();
                string attributeType = attributeProperties[attribute];
                if (attributeType.Contains("nvarchar"))
                    int?length = Regex.Match(attributeType, @"\d+").Value.GetIntFromString();
                    if (length != null)
                        header[attribute] = header[attribute].Truncate(length.GetValueOrDefault());
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(header, Formatting.Indented);

            _uwi = header["UWI"];
コード例 #7
        public async Task LoadCSVFile(ConnectParameters source, ConnectParameters target, string fileName)
            DateTime timeStart = DateTime.Now;

            connectionString = target.ConnectionString;
            string accessJson = await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "PPDMDataAccess.json");

            _dataDef = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DataAccessDef> >(accessJson);
            string referenceJson = await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "PPDMReferenceTables.json");

            _references = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ReferenceTable> >(referenceJson);
            string csvJson = await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "CSVDataAccess.json");

            _csvDef = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <CSVAccessDef> >(csvJson);

            //Console.WriteLine("start reading csv file");
            string csvText = await fileStorageService.ReadFile(source.Catalog, fileName);

            DateTime timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan diff    = timeEnd - timeStart;
            //Console.WriteLine($"Time span, read all definitions files: {diff}");

            string dataType = source.DataType.Remove(source.DataType.Length - 1, 1);

            dataAccess = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);

            CSVAccessDef                csvAccess   = _csvDef.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            Dictionary <string, int>    attributes  = csvAccess.Mappings.ToDictionary();
            Dictionary <string, string> constants   = csvAccess.Constants.ToStringDictionary();
            Dictionary <string, string> columnTypes = dt.GetColumnTypes();

            DbUtilities dbConn = new DbUtilities();

            string dataTypeSql = dataAccess.Select;

            attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, dataTypeSql);

            //Console.WriteLine("Start parsing csv file");
            using (TextReader csvStream = new StringReader(csvText))
                var conf = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                    //BadDataFound = null
                using (var csv = new CsvReader(csvStream, conf))
                    string[] headerRow         = csv.HeaderRecord;
                    var      attributeMappings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var item in attributes)
                        int colNumber = item.Value;
                        attributeMappings.Add(headerRow[colNumber], item.Key);

                    List <dynamic> csvRecords = csv.GetRecords <dynamic>().ToList();
                    timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
                    diff    = timeEnd - timeStart;
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Time span, parsed cvs file into dynamic objects: {diff}");

                    foreach (var row in csvRecords)
                        DynamicObject newCsvRecord = new DynamicObject();
                        foreach (var item in row)
                            if (attributeMappings.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                                string dbAttribute  = attributeMappings[item.Key];
                                string value        = item.Value;
                                string dataProperty = attributeProperties[dbAttribute];
                                if (dataProperty.Contains("varchar"))
                                    string numberString  = Regex.Match(dataProperty, @"\d+").Value;
                                    int    maxCharacters = Int32.Parse(numberString);
                                    if (value.Length > maxCharacters)
                                        value = value.Substring(0, maxCharacters);
                                newCsvRecord.AddProperty(dbAttribute, value);
                    timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
                    diff    = timeEnd - timeStart;
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Time span, fixed dynamic objects: {diff}");

                    dt      = DynamicToDT(newCsvRecords);
                    timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
                    diff    = timeEnd - timeStart;
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Time span, transfer from csv to datatable: {diff}");

                    InsertTableToDatabase(attributes, dataType, target, constants);

            timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
            diff    = timeEnd - timeStart;
            //Console.WriteLine($"Time span, completion: {diff}");