コード例 #1
 public void ReportImpressionInfo(string provider, string appId, string adUnitId)
     // Reason to put this part of the code in a worker thread:
     // 1) CPU optimization
     // 2) WaitOne cannot happen in UI thread or else the whole app will be hual
         state =>
             var newAppUsage = new AppUsage(_applicationId, _anid, _deviceId, _appTitle) {
                 AdControlDeviceId = _adControlDeviceId,
                 AdUnitId = adUnitId,
                 AssemblyFileVersion = _assemblyVersion,
                 IpAddress = _ipAddress,
                 Country = _country,
                 Region = _region,
                 City = _city,
                 Isp = _isp,
                 AppId = appId,
                 Provider = provider,
                 Action = "Impress"
             var table = _tableClient.GetTableReference(AppUsageTableName);
             table.BeginExecute(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(newAppUsage), SaveChangesCallback, null);
コード例 #2
 public void ReportErrorInfo(string provider, string appId, string adUnitId, string errorMessage)
         state =>
             var newAppUsage = new AppUsage(_applicationId, _anid, _deviceId, _appTitle) {
                 AdControlDeviceId = _adControlDeviceId,
                 AdUnitId = adUnitId,
                 AssemblyFileVersion = _assemblyVersion,
                 IpAddress = _ipAddress,
                 Country = _country,
                 Region = _region,
                 City = _city,
                 Isp = _isp,
                 AppId = appId,
                 Provider = provider,
                 Action = "Error",
                 Message = errorMessage
             var table = _tableClient.GetTableReference(AppUsageTableName);
             table.BeginExecute(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(newAppUsage), SaveChangesCallback, null);
コード例 #3
 public void ReportErrorInfo(string pubId, string adUnitId, string errorMessage)
         state =>
                 var newAppUsage = new AppUsage(_applicationId, _anid, _deviceId, _appTitle)
                                           AdControlDeviceId = _adControlDeviceId,
                                           AdUnitId = adUnitId,
                                           AssemblyFileVersion = _assemblyVersion,
                                           IpAddress = _ipAddress,
                                           Country = _country,
                                           Region = _region,
                                           City = _city,
                                           Isp = _isp,
                                           PubId = pubId,
                                           Action = "Error",
                                           Message = errorMessage
                 _tableContext = new TableServiceContext(TableServiceUri, _credentials);
                 _tableContext.AddObject(AppUsageTableName, newAppUsage);
                 _tableContext.BeginSaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions.ContinueOnError, SaveChangesCallback, null);
コード例 #4
 public void ReportImpressionInfo(string pubId, string adUnitId)
     // Reason to put this part of the code in a worker thread:
     // 1) CPU optimization
     // 2) WaitOne cannot happen in UI thread or else the whole app will be hual
         state =>
                 var newAppUsage = new AppUsage(_applicationId, _anid, _deviceId, _appTitle)
                                           AdControlDeviceId = _adControlDeviceId,
                                           AdUnitId = adUnitId,
                                           AssemblyFileVersion = _assemblyVersion,
                                           IpAddress = _ipAddress,
                                           Country = _country,
                                           Region = _region,
                                           City = _city,
                                           Isp = _isp,
                                           PubId = pubId,
                                           Action = "Impress"
                 _tableContext = new TableServiceContext(TableServiceUri, _credentials);
                 _tableContext.AddObject(AppUsageTableName, newAppUsage);
                 _tableContext.BeginSaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions.ContinueOnError, SaveChangesCallback, null);
コード例 #5
 public void ReportEngagedInfo(string pubId, string adUnitId)
         state =>
             var newPartitionKey = (DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks).ToString("d19");
             var newAppUsage = new AppUsage(newPartitionKey, _anid, _deviceId, _appTitle)
                 AdControlDeviceId = _adControlDeviceId,
                 AdUnitId = adUnitId,
                 AssemblyFileVersion = _assemblyVersion,
                 IpAddress = _ipAddress,
                 Country = _country,
                 Region = _region,
                 City = _city,
                 Isp = _isp,
                 PubId = pubId,
                 Action = "Engaged"
             _tableContext = new TableServiceContext(TableServiceUri, _credentials);
             _tableContext.AddObject(AppUsageTableName, newAppUsage);
             _tableContext.BeginSaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions.ContinueOnError, SaveChangesCallback, null);