コード例 #1
        public static PromotionRule checkPromotionRule(OrderAPIViewModel order, int quantity, OrderDetailAPIViewModel od)
            #region call service
            IVoucherService         voucherService         = DependencyUtils.Resolve <IVoucherService>();
            IPromotionService       promotionService       = DependencyUtils.Resolve <IPromotionService>();
            IPromotionDetailService promotionDetailService = DependencyUtils.Resolve <IPromotionDetailService>();
            IProductService         productService         = DependencyUtils.Resolve <IProductService>();

            PromotionRule result = new PromotionRule
                rule           = 0,
                discountAmount = 0
            #region Voucher
            var voucher = voucherService.GetVoucherIsNotUsedAndCode(order.VoucherCode);
            if (voucher == null)

            //var voucher = voucherApi
            //TODO after have voucher
            int checkCountProduct = 0;//dùng check trường hợp gửi 2 đơn hàng giống nhau nhưng mỗi cái có 1 quantity

            //get date to get promotion is experied ??
            #region Promotion
            var      promotion = promotionService.GetPromotionByDateAndId(voucher.PromotionID);
            DateTime now       = DateTime.Now;

            if (promotion == null)
            else if (!(promotion.ApplyFromTime <= now.Hour && now.Hour <= promotion.ApplyToTime))

            #region PromtionDetail rule 1 min , max order???
            // loop to get total amount, final amount to get check in promotiondetail
            double finalAmount = 0;

            foreach (var item in order.OrderDetails)
                finalAmount += (productService.GetProductById(item.ProductID).Price *item.Quantity);

            var promotionDetail = promotionDetailService.GetDetailByCode(promotion.PromotionCode).FirstOrDefault();
            if (promotionDetail == null)
            //check promotion detail is have min, max order != null ???
            if (promotionDetail.MinOrderAmount != null || promotionDetail.MaxOrderAmount != null)
                if (promotionDetail.MinOrderAmount != null && finalAmount < promotionDetail.MinOrderAmount)
                    throw ApiException.Get(false, ConstantManager.MES_CREATE_ORDER_EXCEED_VOUCHER_MIN_MAX, ResultEnum.VoucherMin, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                else if (promotionDetail.MaxOrderAmount != null && finalAmount > promotionDetail.MaxOrderAmount)
                    throw  ApiException.Get(false, ConstantManager.MES_CREATE_ORDER_EXCEED_VOUCHER_MIN_MAX, ResultEnum.VoucherMax, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                        double discountAmount = 0;//amount return
                        if (promotionDetail.DiscountRate != null && promotionDetail.DiscountRate > 0)
                            //nhân với phần trăm giảm giá và trả về số tiền lun
                            discountAmount = (productService.GetProductById(od.ProductID).Price *promotionDetail.DiscountRate.Value) / 100;
                        else if (promotionDetail.DiscountAmount != null && promotionDetail.DiscountAmount > 0)
                            //nếu giảm giá theo tiền mặt
                            discountAmount = Convert.ToDouble(promotionDetail.DiscountAmount.Value);
                        result.rule           = Models.ConstantManager.PROMOTION_RULE_1;
                        result.discountAmount = discountAmount;
                        result.rule           = 0;
                        result.discountAmount = 0;

            #region rule 2 buy min, max quantity of each product
            else if (promotionDetail.BuyProductCode != null)
                double discountAmount = 0;
                //check product code is in order ????
                bool checkProductCode = false;
                //list product discount
                List <ProductDiscount> listProductDiscount = new List <ProductDiscount>();
                // var pmDetail = promotionDetailApi.GetDetailByCode(promotion.PromotionCode);
                int     pDetailId         = voucher.PromotionDetailID == null ? 0 : voucher.PromotionDetailID.Value;
                var     pmDetail          = promotionDetailService.GetDetailById(pDetailId);
                decimal tmpDiscountAmount = 0;
                double  tmpDiscountRate   = 0;
                string  mesMinBuyProduct  = "";
                bool    checkCount        = true;//check quanitty min order buy
                var     tmpProductOrder   = productService.GetProductById(od.ProductID);

                bool checkCountProductQuantity = true; //false => đơn hàng gửi lên giống nhau nhưng ko đủ quantity min order,
                                                       //true => đơn hàng gửi lên giống nhau nhưng đủ quantity
                foreach (var item in order.OrderDetails)
                    if (tmpProductOrder.Code == pmDetail.BuyProductCode)
                        checkCountProduct += item.Quantity;//cộng đồn quantity trong order
                        if (checkCountProduct < pmDetail.MinBuyQuantity)
                            checkCountProductQuantity = false;//false => đơn hàng gửi lên giống nhau nhưng ko đủ quantity min order,
                            checkCountProductQuantity = true;
                if (pmDetail != null)
                    if (tmpProductOrder.Code == pmDetail.BuyProductCode)
                        quantity         += od.Quantity;
                        tmpDiscountAmount = pmDetail.DiscountAmount == null ? 0 : pmDetail.DiscountAmount.Value * od.Quantity;
                        tmpDiscountRate   = pmDetail.DiscountRate == null ? 0 : pmDetail.DiscountRate.Value;
                        checkProductCode  = true;
                        if (quantity < pmDetail.MinBuyQuantity)
                            mesMinBuyProduct = pmDetail.MinBuyQuantity + " " + tmpProductOrder.ProductName;
                            checkCount       = false;
                        // checkCount = true;

                    //if true => get list product discount
                    if (checkProductCode)
                        //check amount discount and rate, return value
                        if (tmpDiscountAmount > 0)
                            discountAmount = System.Convert.ToDouble(tmpDiscountAmount);
                        else if (tmpDiscountRate > 0)
                            discountAmount = (tmpProductOrder.Price * tmpDiscountRate * od.Quantity) / 100;
                    checkProductCode = false;
                    //return list product with discount amount, rate
                    result.rule           = 0;
                    result.discountAmount = 0;
                    result.quantity       = 0;
                    result.countProduct   = false;

                if (!checkCount && !checkCountProductQuantity)
                    result.rule           = 0;
                    result.discountAmount = 0;
                    result.quantity       = quantity;
                    result.countProduct   = checkCountProductQuantity;
                result.rule           = ConstantManager.PROMOTION_RULE_2;
                result.discountAmount = discountAmount;
                result.quantity       = quantity;
                result.countProduct   = checkCountProductQuantity;
            result.rule           = 0;
            result.discountAmount = 0;
            result.quantity       = 0;

コード例 #2
 public static T Service <T>(this Controller controller) where T : class
     return(DependencyUtils.Resolve <T>());