コード例 #1
        private double computeFitness(Ind individual)
            // -(Pow(x)) + 7x
            var fitness = -(Math.Pow(individual.value(), 2)) + (7 * individual.value());

コード例 #2
        // Create 2 childs from the parents
        private Tuple <Ind, Ind> crossover(Tuple <Ind, Ind> parents)
            int cutoff = parents.Item1.binary.Length / 2;
            Ind child1 = new Ind();
            Ind child2 = new Ind();

            child1.binary = parents.Item1.binary.Substring(0, cutoff) + parents.Item2.binary.Substring(cutoff);
            child2.binary = parents.Item2.binary.Substring(0, cutoff) + parents.Item1.binary.Substring(cutoff);

            return(new Tuple <Ind, Ind>(child1, child2));
コード例 #3
        /* Roulette selection */
        private Func <Tuple <Ind, Ind> > selectTwoParents(Ind[] population, double[] fitnesses)
            // Normalize the values
            var lowestFitness  = fitnesses.OrderBy(x => x).First();
            var highestFitness = fitnesses.OrderBy(x => x).Last();

            double[] normalizedFitnesses = new double[fitnesses.Length];

            // All values are between 0-1
            for (var i = 0; i < fitnesses.Length; i++)
                normalizedFitnesses[i] = (fitnesses[i] - lowestFitness) / (highestFitness - lowestFitness);

            var cumProbability   = 0.0;
            var totalProbability = normalizedFitnesses.Sum();

            var avgNormalizedFitnesses = Enumerable.Range(0, populationSize).Select(i => normalizedFitnesses[i] / totalProbability).ToArray();

            Ind parent1 = new Ind();
            Ind parent2 = new Ind();

            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                cumProbability += normalizedFitnesses[i];
                if (cumProbability >= r.NextDouble())
                    if (parent1.value() == 0)
                        parent1 = population[i];
                        parent2 = population[i];

            return(() => { return new Tuple <Ind, Ind>(parent1, parent2); });
コード例 #4
        private Ind mutation(Ind individual, double mutationRate)
            StringBuilder mutation = new StringBuilder(individual.binary);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (r.NextDouble() < mutationRate)
                    if (individual.binary[i] == '0')
                        mutation[i] = '1';
                        mutation[i] = '0';

            individual.binary = mutation.ToString();
コード例 #5
        public Ind Run()
            // initialize the first population
            var initialPopulation = Enumerable.Range(0, populationSize).Select(i => createIndividual()).ToArray();

            var currentPopulation = initialPopulation;

            for (int generation = 0; generation < numIterations; generation++)
                // compute fitness of each individual in the population
                var fitnesses = Enumerable.Range(0, populationSize).Select(i => computeFitness(currentPopulation[i])).ToArray();

                var nextPopulation = new Ind[populationSize];

                // apply elitism
                int startIndex;
                if (elitism)
                    startIndex = 1;
                    var populationWithFitness = currentPopulation.Select((individual, index) => new Tuple <Ind, double>(individual, fitnesses[index]));
                    var populationSorted      = populationWithFitness.OrderByDescending(tuple => tuple.Item2); // item2 is the fitness
                    var bestIndividual        = populationSorted.First();
                    nextPopulation[0] = bestIndividual.Item1;
                    startIndex = 0;

                // initialize the selection function given the current individuals and their fitnesses
                var getTwoParents = selectTwoParents(currentPopulation, fitnesses);

                // create the individuals of the next generation
                for (int newInd = startIndex; newInd < populationSize; newInd++)
                    // select two parents
                    var parents = getTwoParents();

                    // do a crossover between the selected parents to generate two children (with a certain probability, crossover does not happen and the two parents are kept unchanged)
                    Tuple <Ind, Ind> offspring;
                    if (r.NextDouble() < crossoverRate)
                        offspring = crossover(parents);
                        offspring = parents;

                    // save the two children in the next population (after mutation)
                    nextPopulation[newInd++] = mutation(offspring.Item1, mutationRate);
                    if (newInd < populationSize) //there is still space for the second children inside the population
                        nextPopulation[newInd] = mutation(offspring.Item2, mutationRate);

                // the new population becomes the current one
                currentPopulation = nextPopulation;

                // in case it's needed, check here some convergence condition to terminate the generations loop earlier

            // recompute the fitnesses on the final population and return the best individual
            var finalFitnesses = Enumerable.Range(0, populationSize).Select(i => computeFitness(currentPopulation[i])).ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("// After running the Genetic Algorithm \\");
            Console.WriteLine("Average Fitness of last population " + finalFitnesses.Average());
            Console.WriteLine("Best Fitness of last population " + finalFitnesses.OrderBy(x => x).Last());
            return(currentPopulation.Select((individual, index) => new Tuple <Ind, double>(individual, finalFitnesses[index])).OrderByDescending(tuple => tuple.Item2).First().Item1);