コード例 #1
        public static List <YearlySales> Process(IEnumerable <Sales> sales, string calculatingQuarter)
            List <YearlySales> yearlySales = new List <YearlySales>();

            //var sales = from s in sales0
            //            where s.HCOId == "97118"
            //            select s;

            //Get distinct hcoid + territoryId + product group id
            var HCO_Territorys = (from Sales s in sales
                                  select new { HCOId = s.HCOId, ProductGroupId = s.ProductGroupId }).Distinct();
            int i = 0;

            int thisYear       = Int32.Parse(calculatingQuarter.Substring(0, 4));
            int quarterNumber  = Int32.Parse(calculatingQuarter.Substring(5, 1));
            int lastYear       = thisYear - 1;
            int YTDMonthNumber = quarterNumber * 3;

            DateTime thisQuarterStartMonth    = new DateTime(thisYear, (quarterNumber - 1) * 3 + 1, 1);
            DateTime thisQuarterEndMonth      = thisQuarterStartMonth.AddMonths(2);
            DateTime lastTwoQuarterStartMonth = thisQuarterStartMonth.AddMonths(-6);
            DateTime lastTwoQuarterEndMonth   = thisQuarterStartMonth.AddMonths(-1);
            DateTime lastQuarterStartMonth    = thisQuarterStartMonth.AddMonths(-3);
            DateTime lastQuarterEndMonth      = thisQuarterStartMonth.AddMonths(-1);

            int iThisQuarterStartMonth = Int32.Parse(thisQuarterStartMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));
            int iThisQuarterEndMonth   = Int32.Parse(thisQuarterEndMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));

            int iLastTwoQuarterStartMonth = Int32.Parse(lastTwoQuarterStartMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));
            int iLastTwoQuarterEndMonth   = Int32.Parse(lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));

            int iLastQuarterStartMonth = Int32.Parse(lastQuarterStartMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));
            int iLastQuarterEndMonth   = Int32.Parse(lastQuarterEndMonth.ToString("yyyyMM"));

            int startMonthLastTwoQuarter = (quarterNumber - 1) * 3 + 1;

            foreach (var ht in HCO_Territorys)
                //             if (i == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("HCOId: {0}, ProductGroupId{1}", ht.HCOId, ht.ProductGroupId);
                    //Iterate the list and get the yearly sales info for each item
                    YearlySales salesPerYear = GetYearSales(sales, lastYear, ht.HCOId, ht.ProductGroupId);

                    //salesPerYear.ThisYearYTDCredit = (from Sales s in sales
                    //                               where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId
                    //                               && s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId
                    //                               && s.Year == thisYear
                    //                               select s.Credit).Sum();
                    //salesPerYear.ThisYearYTDMonthlyAverageCredit = salesPerYear.ThisYearYTDCredit / YTDMonthNumber;

                    salesPerYear.ThisYearSalesMonthNumber        = thisQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1;
                    salesPerYear.ThisYearYTDMonthlyAverageCredit = salesPerYear.ThisYearYTDCredit / YTDMonthNumber; //salesPerYear.ThisYearSalesMonthNumber;

                    //Get this quarter monthly average sales
                    var filterList = from Sales s in sales
                                     where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId &&
                                     s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId &&
                                     s.Month >= iThisQuarterStartMonth && s.Month <= iThisQuarterEndMonth
                                     select s.Credit;

                    if (salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth <= thisQuarterStartMonth.Month)
                        salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = filterList.Sum() / 3.0;
                        salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = filterList.Sum() / (thisQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1);
                        if (salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit < 0)
                            salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = 0;
                        if (double.IsNaN(salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit))
                            salesPerYear.NewlyDeveloped_ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = 0;

                    //Get this quarter monthly average sales
                    filterList = from Sales s in sales
                                 where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId &&
                                 s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId &&
                                 s.Month >= iThisQuarterStartMonth && s.Month <= iThisQuarterEndMonth
                                 select s.ThisQuarterCredit;

                    salesPerYear.ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = filterList.Sum() / 3.0;
                    if (salesPerYear.ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit < 0)
                        salesPerYear.ThisQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = 0;

                    //Get Last two quearter's sales
                    var filterList1 = from Sales s in sales
                                      where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId &&
                                      s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId &&
                                      s.Month >= iLastTwoQuarterStartMonth && s.Month <= iLastTwoQuarterEndMonth
                                      select s.ThisQuarterCredit;
                    int totalMonth = 6;
                    //if(lastTwoQuarterStartMonth.Year > lastYear) //last two quarters are in this year
                    //    totalMonth = (lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 6) ? 6 : lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1;
                    //else if(lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Year == lastYear)//last two quarters are in last year
                    //    totalMonth = (lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 6) ? 6 : lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth + 1;
                    //else if(lastTwoQuarterStartMonth.Year == lastYear && lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Year > lastYear)//one of last two quarters in last year and one in this year
                    //    totalMonth = ((lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 3) ? 3 : lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth + 1) +
                    //        ((lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 3) ? 3 : lastTwoQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1);
                    salesPerYear.LastTwoQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = filterList1.Sum() / totalMonth;

                    //Get this quarter's total credit for the purpose of claculating the 上季度的压货返回
                    filterList = from Sales s in sales
                                 where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId &&
                                 s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId &&
                                 s.Month >= iThisQuarterStartMonth && s.Month <= iThisQuarterEndMonth
                                 select s.LastQuarterCredit;

                    salesPerYear.ThisQuarterTotalCredit = filterList.Sum();

                    //Get Last quearter's sales
                    filterList1 = from Sales s in sales
                                  where s.HCOId == ht.HCOId &&
                                  s.ProductGroupId == ht.ProductGroupId &&
                                  s.Month >= iLastQuarterStartMonth && s.Month <= iLastQuarterEndMonth
                                  select s.LastQuarterCredit;

                    //if(lastQuarterStartMonth.Year > lastYear) //last quarter are in this year
                    //    totalMonth = (lastQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 3) ? 3 : lastQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iThisYearStartSalesMonth + 1;
                    //else // if(lastQuarterEndMonth.Year == lastYear)//last quarters are in last year
                    //    totalMonth = (lastQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth + 1 >= 3) ? 3 : lastQuarterEndMonth.Month - salesPerYear.iLastYearStartSalesMonth;
                    totalMonth = 3;
                    salesPerYear.LastQuarterMonthlyAverageCredit = filterList1.Sum() / totalMonth;



コード例 #2
        private static YearlySales GetYearSales_bySalesDate(IEnumerable <Sales> sales, int lastyear, string HCOId, string productGroupId)
            YearlySales sale = new YearlySales();

            sale.LastYear       = lastyear;
            sale.HCOId          = HCOId;
            sale.ProductGroupId = productGroupId;

            sale.LastYearTotalCredit = 0;

            //Get last year's data
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                DateTime month = new DateTime(lastyear, i, 1);

                MonthlySales monthlySales = new MonthlySales()
                    Month = month, MonthInt = Int32.Parse(month.ToString("yyyyMM"))

                var filteredList = from Sales s in sales
                                   where s.HCOId == HCOId
                                   //&& s.ProductGroupId == productGroupId && s.Month == monthlySales.MonthInt  //用bonus_in来计算起销月
                                   && s.ProductGroupId == productGroupId && DateTimeUtility.GetMonthInt(s.SalesDate) == monthlySales.MonthInt && //用sales date来计算起销月
                                   s.Year == lastyear
                                   select s.Credit;
                double credit = filteredList.Sum();
                //double credit = sales.Where(s => s.ProductGroupId == productGroupId && s.HCOId == HCOId &&
                //               s.Month == monthlySales.MonthString &&  s.TerritoryId == territoryId && s.Year == year).
                //                Select(x => x.Credit).Sum();
                monthlySales.Credit = credit;
                if (filteredList.Count() > 0)

                sale.LastYearTotalCredit += credit;

            int startSalesMonth = GetStartSalesMonth(sale.lastYearMonthlySales);

            if (startSalesMonth > 0)
                sale.LastYearStartSalesMonth      = lastyear.ToString() + startSalesMonth.ToString("0#");
                sale.LastYearSalesMonthNumber     = 12 - startSalesMonth + 1;
                sale.LastYearMonthlyAverageCredit = sale.LastYearTotalCredit / sale.LastYearSalesMonthNumber;

                sale.iLastYearStartSalesMonth = startSalesMonth;

            int thisYear = lastyear + 1;

            //Get this year's data
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                DateTime month = new DateTime(thisYear, i, 1);

                MonthlySales monthlySales = new MonthlySales()
                    Month = month, MonthInt = Int32.Parse(month.ToString("yyyyMM"))

                var filteredList = from Sales s in sales
                                   where s.HCOId == HCOId &&
                                   s.ProductGroupId == productGroupId && DateTimeUtility.GetMonthInt(s.SalesDate) == monthlySales.MonthInt &&
                                   s.Year == thisYear
                                   select s.Credit;
                double credit = filteredList.Sum();
                monthlySales.Credit = credit;
                //double credit = sales.Where(s => s.ProductGroupId == productGroupId && s.HCOId == HCOId &&
                //               s.Month == monthlySales.MonthString &&  s.TerritoryId == territoryId && s.Year == year).
                //                Select(x => x.Credit).Sum();
                if (filteredList.Count() > 0)

                sale.ThisYearYTDCredit += credit;

            startSalesMonth = GetStartSalesMonth(sale.thisYearMonthlySales);

            if (startSalesMonth > 0)
                sale.ThisYearStartSalesMonth  = lastyear.ToString() + startSalesMonth.ToString("0#");
                sale.iThisYearStartSalesMonth = startSalesMonth;
