public int Add(_Device value) { int index = base.Add(value); // ASM code needs to go here! FireASMc("Devices", "Add", index); return(index); }
// Searches the Devices in the collection for a Device with the specified ID. // Returns the Device if it finds it, otherwise 'null'. public _Device Find_ID(long id) { for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++) { _Device Device = (_Device)List[i]; if (Device.ID == id) { return(Device); } } return(null); // If reaches here then a Device with the specified ID was not found }
// Searches the Devices in the collection for a Device with the specified ID. // Returns 'true' if found, 'false' otherwise. public bool ContainsID(long id) { for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++) { _Device Device = (_Device)List[i]; if (Device.ID == id) { return(true); } } return(false); // If reaches here then a Device with the specified ID was not found }
// Searches the Devices in the collection for a Device with the specified GUID. // Returns the Device if it finds it, otherwise 'null'. public _Device Find_Guid(string guid) { if (guid == null) { return(null); } for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++) { _Device Device = (_Device)List[i]; if (Device.Guid == guid) { return(Device); } } return(null); // If reaches here then a Device with the specified GUID was not found }
// Returns the index position that the 'value' occupies in the collection. public int IndexOf(_Device value) { return(base.IndexOf(value)); }
public bool Contains(_Device value) { return(base.Contains(value)); }
public void Remove(_Device value) { base.Remove(value); // ASM code needs to go here! }
public void Insert(int index, _Device value) { base.Insert(index, value); // ASM code needs to go here! }