/* * Validate user supplied value against a regular expression. * * Only validate if regex is supplied and user supplies a value. * * Return false if validation fails for any field. * */ protected bool ValidateRegEx2(DataFieldControl dfc, ArrayList notifications) { if ((dfc.RegEx != string.Empty) && dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim() != string.Empty) { if (Regex.IsMatch(dfc.FieldTextBoxText, dfc.RegEx) == false) { string err = dfc.RegExDescription; // set a default value for error text if none specified if (err == string.Empty) { err = "Invalid value."; } dfc.AddError(err); notifications.Add(string.Format("Error in field {0}. ", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText)) + err); return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { return(true); } }
protected bool ValidateInsertRequired2(DataFieldControl dfc, ArrayList notifications) { if (dfc.IsInsertValueRequired && (dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim() == string.Empty)) { dfc.AddError(string.Format("{0} is required.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText))); notifications.Add(string.Format("{0} is required.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText))); return(false); } else { return(true); } }
/* * Verify that any user supplied value in dataEntryFields matches its * specified fielddatatype. All fields must specify a fieldDataType. * * Only validate if user supplies a value. * * Put any errors in notifications. * * Return FALSE if any validation errors occur. * */ protected bool ValidateFieldType2(DataFieldControl dfc, ArrayList notifications) { if (dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim() != string.Empty && FieldTypeUtil.CheckType(dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim(), dfc.FieldDataType) == false) { dfc.AddError(string.Format("{0} is not a valid {1} value.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.FieldDataType)); notifications.Add(string.Format("{0} is not a valid {1} value.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.FieldDataType)); return(false); } else { return(true); } }
/* * Verify that the user supplied value in dataEntryFields matches its * specified validList. validLIst is a comma delimited string of values of * type fieldDataType. Items in list might be in form x thru y. See RangeList class * for details. * * Only validate fields that supply a value for validList * AND where the user has supplied a value. * * Validate user entered values against fielddatatype before calling this function. * * Put any errors in notifications. * * Return FALSE if any validation errors occur. * */ protected bool ValidateValidList2(DataFieldControl dfc, ArrayList notifications) { if (dfc.ValidList != string.Empty && dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim() != string.Empty) { if (dfc.ValidListRangeList.InList(dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim()) == false) { dfc.AddError(string.Format("{0} must be in {1}.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.ValidList)); notifications.Add(string.Format("{0} must be in {1}.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.ValidList)); return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { return(true); } }
/* * Verify that user supplied value is within the range specified by minVal and maxVal. * * Only validate fields that have a user supplied value AND have a specified min or max val. * * Validate the user supplied value against the fieldtype before calling. * * Return FALSE if errors occur. * */ protected bool ValidateMinMaxBetween2(DataFieldControl dfc, ArrayList notifications) { // only check if minval or maxval exist AND user supplied a value if ((dfc.MaxVal != string.Empty || dfc.MinVal != string.Empty) && dfc.FieldTextBoxText.Trim() != string.Empty) { if (CheckMinMaxBetween(dfc) == false) { // construct the appropriate message string msg; if (dfc.MaxVal != string.Empty && dfc.MinVal != string.Empty) { msg = string.Format("{0} value must between {1} and {2}.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.MinVal, dfc.MaxVal); } else if (dfc.MinVal != string.Empty) { msg = string.Format("{0} value must be greater than or equal to {1}.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.MinVal); } else { msg = string.Format("{0} value must be less than or equal to {1}.", Shorten(dfc.FieldLabelText), dfc.MaxVal); } dfc.AddError(msg); notifications.Add(msg); return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { return(true); } }