public static UInt32 Insert(Site sit) { return(HelperDal <Site> .Insert(sit, "SELECT * FROM site WHERE sit_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Supplier sup) { return(HelperDal <Supplier> .Insert(sup, "SELECT * FROM supplier WHERE sup_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Stockout som) { return(HelperDal <Stockout> .Insert(som, "SELECT * FROM stockout WHERE som_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(DeliveryDetail dld) { return(HelperDal <DeliveryDetail> .Insert(dld, "SELECT * FROM delivery_detail WHERE dlm_id=0 AND prd_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Product prd) { return(HelperDal <Product> .Insert(prd, "SELECT * FROM product WHERE prd_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Delivery dlm) { return(HelperDal <Delivery> .Insert(dlm, "SELECT * FROM delivery WHERE dlm_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(SiteSupplier ssu) { return(HelperDal <SiteSupplier> .Insert(ssu, "SELECT * FROM site_supplier WHERE sit_id=0 AND sup_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Stock stk) { return(HelperDal <Stock> .Insert(stk, "SELECT * FROM stock WHERE sit_id=0 AND prd=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(PorderDetail pod) { return(HelperDal <PorderDetail> .Insert(pod, "SELECT * FROM porder_detail WHERE pom_id=0 AND prd_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Department dep) { return(HelperDal <Department> .Insert(dep, "SELECT * FROM department WHERE dep_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Porder pom) { return(HelperDal <Porder> .Insert(pom, "SELECT * FROM porder WHERE pom_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Invoice inv) { return(HelperDal <Invoice> .Insert(inv, "SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE inv_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Log log) { return(HelperDal <Log> .Insert(log, "SELECT * FROM log WHERE log_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(StockoutDetail sod) { return(HelperDal <StockoutDetail> .Insert(sod, "SELECT * FROM stockout_detail WHERE som_id=0 AND prd_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Employee emp) { return(HelperDal <Employee> .Insert(emp, "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_id=0")); }
public static UInt32 Insert(Role rol) { return(HelperDal <Role> .Insert(rol, "SELECT * FROM role WHERE rol_id=0")); }