public ContactPerson MapContactPerson(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_TITLE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_F_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_L_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_EMAIL) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_POST) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SE_DIRLINE)) return null; return new ContactPerson { Title = row.SE_TITLE, Firstname = row.SE_F_NAME, Lastname = row.SE_L_NAME, Email = row.SE_EMAIL, Position = row.SE_POST, DirectLine = row.SE_DIRLINE, CreateDate = DateTime.Today, Contacts = new Collection<Contact>(), Histories = new Collection<ContactPersonHistory>() //did not find a field for secruity fax //Fax = }; }
public object Map(COMPTEMP row) { var site = new Site { Key = row.KEY, Unit = row.UNIT, Number = row.NUMBER, Street = row.STREET, Suburb = row.SUBURB, State = row.STATE, Postcode = row.P_CODE, Name = row.COMPANY, BuildingName = row.BUILD_ID, //PropertyManagerName = row.AGENT_COMP, PropertyManaged = row.MANBYAGENT, PMSite = row.PM_SITE, Phone = row.PHONE, InHouse = row.IN_HOUSE, Size = Configuration.MigrationSizeConverter.Convert(row.SALES_REP), TsToCall = row.TSTOCALL, Qualification = row.QUALI_NO, CleaningContract = MapCleaningContract(row), SecurityContract = MapSecurityContract(row), Contacts = new Collection<Contact>(), ContactPersons = new Collection<ContactPerson>(), Groups = new Collection<SiteGroup>() }; return site; }
private ContactPerson MapContactPerson(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.TITLE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.FIRST_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.LAST_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.EMAIL) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.POSITION) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.MOBILE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.FAX_CLEAN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.DIR_LINE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.POBOX) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.POB_SUBURB) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.POB_STATE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.POB_PCODE)) return null; return new ContactPerson { Title = row.TITLE, Firstname = row.FIRST_NAME, Lastname = row.LAST_NAME, Email = row.EMAIL, Position = row.POSITION, Mobile = row.MOBILE, Fax = row.FAX_CLEAN, DirectLine = row.DIR_LINE, PoStreet = row.POBOX, PoSuburb = row.POB_SUBURB, PoState = row.POB_STATE, PoPostcode = row.POB_PCODE, CreateDate = DateTime.Today, Contacts = new Collection<Contact>(), Histories = new Collection<ContactPersonHistory>(), }; }
/// <summary> /// map the row into a list of contacts /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual object Map(COMPTEMP row) { return new Contact { NewManagerDate = row.NEWMANDATE, DaToCheck = row.DATA_UPDAT, DaToCheckInfo = row.INFO_UPDAT, ExtManagement = row.NEED_INFO, ReceptionName = row.RECP_NAME, Code = Configuration.MigrationCodeConverter.Convert(row.SALES_REP), Leads = new Collection<Lead>(), CallLines = new Collection<CallLine>() }; }
private Site MapTenant(COMPTEMP row) { return new Site { Key = Configuration.TenantKey, Number = row.NUMBER, Street = row.STREET, Suburb = row.SUBURB, State = row.STATE, Postcode = row.P_CODE, BuildingName = row.BUILD_ID, PropertyManaged = true, Contacts = new Collection<Contact>(), ContactPersons = new Collection<ContactPerson>(), Groups = new Collection<SiteGroup>() }; }
private Contact MapCleaningContact(COMPTEMP row, bool mapContactPerson) { var contact = base.Map(row) as Contact; if (contact == null) return null; contact.CallFrequency = row.CALL_ON_PM; contact.Note = row.NOTE_PAD; contact.NextCall = row.NEXT_CALL; contact.LastCall = row.LASTCONTAC; contact.BusinessTypeId = (int)BusinessTypes.Cleaning; if (mapContactPerson) contact.ContactPerson = MapContactPerson(row); return contact; }
private SecurityContract MapSecurityContract(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.CUR_SC) && row.SE_TENDER == null) return null; return new SecurityContract { Contarctor = row.CUR_SC, ReviewDate = row.SE_TENDER, GuardingPersonnel = row.SC_GUAD, MobilePatrol = row.SC_MOB_PAT, Conceirge = row.CONCIERGE, ElectronicInstallation = row.SC_CCTV, BackToBaseMonitoring = row.SC_B2BMON, SecurityMaintenance = row.SC_MAINTEN }; }
public object Map(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.GRP_NAME) || string.Compare(row.SALES_REP, "PMS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 || string.Compare(row.SALES_REP, "BMS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return null; } return new SiteGroup { GroupName = row.GRP_NAME, AgentComp = row.AGENT_COMP, Type = "Group", ExternalManagers = new Collection<ExternalManager>(), Sites = new Collection<Site>() }; }
public override object Map(COMPTEMP row) { if (!row.SECU_CONT) return null; var contact = base.Map(row) as Contact; if (contact == null) return null; contact.CallFrequency = row.SE_CALLCYC; contact.Note = row.SE_CT_MEMO; contact.NextCall = row.SENEXTCALL; contact.LastCall = row.SELASTCALL; contact.BusinessTypeId = (int) BusinessTypes.Security; contact.ContactPerson = MapContactPerson(row); return contact; }
public override object Map(COMPTEMP row) { if (row.CLEAN_CONT) return MapCleaningContact(row, true); if (row.SECU_CONT || row.MAINT_CONT) return null; //in the case of all three indicators are false //we still create a cleaning only if we can find a valid contact person var contactPerson = MapContactPerson(row); if (contactPerson == null) return null; var contact = MapCleaningContact(row, false); if (contact != null) contact.ContactPerson = contactPerson; return contact; }
private CleaningContract MapCleaningContract(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.CUR_CLN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.CONT_QUOTE) && row.PRICE_PA == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.UNSU_OPTIO) && row.TENDER_NEX == null && row.DATEQUOTED == null && row.CLEAN_FREQ == null && row.QUALI_NO == null) return null; return new CleaningContract { Contractor = row.CUR_CLN, ContactDuringQuote = row.CONT_QUOTE, PricePa = Convert.ToDecimal(row.PRICE_PA), UnsuccessReason = row.UNSU_OPTIO, ReviewDate = row.TENDER_NEX, DateQuoted = row.DATEQUOTED, CleaningFreq = row.CLEAN_FREQ, QualifyingQuantity = row.QUALI_NO }; }
public object Map(COMPTEMP row) { if (string.Compare(row.SALES_REP, "PMS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) return null; //tenants are saved as sites var tenants = new List<Site>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.M_TENANT1)) { var tenant = MapTenant(row); MatchTenantInfo(tenant, row.M_TENANT1, row.STATE); tenants.Add(tenant); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.M_TENANT2)) { var tenant = MapTenant(row); MatchTenantInfo(tenant, row.M_TENANT2, row.STATE); tenants.Add(tenant); } return tenants; }
private static SiteGroup CopySiteGroup(COMPTEMP origin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.GRP_NAME) || origin.SALES_REP == "PMS" || origin.SALES_REP == "BMS") return null; var group = new SiteGroup { GroupName = origin.GRP_NAME, AgentComp = origin.AGENT_COMP }; group.Type = "Group"; return group; }
private static Site CopySite(COMPTEMP origin) { return new Site { Key = origin.KEY, Unit = origin.UNIT, Number = origin.NUMBER, Street = origin.STREET, Suburb = origin.SUBURB, State = origin.STATE, Postcode = origin.P_CODE, Name = origin.COMPANY, BuildingName = origin.BUILD_ID, //PropertyManagerName = origin.AGENT_COMP, PropertyManaged = origin.MANBYAGENT, PMSite = origin.PM_SITE, Phone = origin.PHONE, InHouse = origin.IN_HOUSE, Size = Migration.GetSize(origin.SALES_REP), TsToCall = origin.TSTOCALL, Qualification = origin.QUALI_NO }; }
private static Contact CopySecurityContact(COMPTEMP origin) { return new Contact { CallFrequency = origin.SE_CALLCYC, Note = origin.SE_CT_MEMO, NextCall = origin.SENEXTCALL, LastCall = origin.SELASTCALL, Code = Migration.GetCode(origin.SE_SAL_REP), ContactPerson = CopySeContactPerson(origin), BusinessTypeId = (int)BusinessTypes.Security }; }
private static ContactPerson CopySeContactPerson(COMPTEMP origin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_TITLE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_F_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_L_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_EMAIL) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_POST) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.SE_DIRLINE)) return null; return new ContactPerson { Title = origin.SE_TITLE, Firstname = origin.SE_F_NAME, Lastname = origin.SE_L_NAME, Email = origin.SE_EMAIL, Position = origin.SE_POST, DirectLine = origin.SE_DIRLINE, CreateDate = DateTime.Today //did not find a field for secruity fax //Fax = }; }
private static Contact CopyMaintContact(COMPTEMP origin) { return new Contact { NextCall = null, LastCall = null, Code = null, BusinessTypeId = (int)BusinessTypes.Maintenance }; }
private static IList<Contact> CopyContacts(COMPTEMP origin) { var contacts = new List<Contact>(); if (!origin.CLEAN_CONT /*&& !origin.MAINT_CONT*/ && !origin.SECU_CONT) return null; if (origin.CLEAN_CONT) { var contact = CopyCleaningContact(origin); CopyContact(origin, ref contact); contacts.Add(contact); } if (origin.SECU_CONT) { var contact = CopySecurityContact(origin); CopyContact(origin, ref contact); contacts.Add(contact); } //we dont generate maitenance record for now /*if (origin.MAINT_CONT) { var contact = CopyMaintContact(origin); CopyContact(origin, ref contact); contacts.Add(contact); }*/ return contacts; }
private static void CopyContact(COMPTEMP origin, ref Contact contact) { contact.NewManagerDate = origin.NEWMANDATE; contact.DaToCheck = origin.DATA_UPDAT; contact.DaToCheckInfo = origin.INFO_UPDAT; contact.ExtManagement = origin.NEED_INFO; contact.ReceptionName = origin.RECP_NAME; }
private static CleaningContract CopyCleaningContract(COMPTEMP origin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.CUR_CLN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.CONT_QUOTE) && origin.PRICE_PA == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.UNSU_OPTIO) && origin.TENDER_NEX == null && origin.DATEQUOTED == null && origin.CLEAN_FREQ == null && origin.QUALI_NO == null) return null; return new CleaningContract { Contractor = origin.CUR_CLN, ContactDuringQuote = origin.CONT_QUOTE, PricePa = Convert.ToDecimal(origin.PRICE_PA), UnsuccessReason = origin.UNSU_OPTIO, ReviewDate = origin.TENDER_NEX, DateQuoted = origin.DATEQUOTED, CleaningFreq = origin.CLEAN_FREQ, QualifyingQuantity = origin.QUALI_NO }; }
private static Contact CopyCleaningContact(COMPTEMP origin) { return new Contact { CallFrequency = origin.CALL_ON_PM, Note = origin.NOTE_PAD, NextCall = origin.NEXT_CALL, LastCall = origin.LASTCONTAC, Code = Migration.GetCode(origin.SALES_REP), ContactPerson = CopyClContactPerson(origin), BusinessTypeId = (int)BusinessTypes.Cleaning }; }
private static IList<Site> CopyTenant(COMPTEMP origin) { var list = new List<Site>(); var phoneCode = Migration.PhoneCodes[origin.STATE]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.M_TENANT1)) { list.Add(CopyTenantInfo(origin, origin.M_TENANT1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.M_TENANT2)) { list.Add(CopyTenantInfo(origin, origin.M_TENANT2)); } return list; }
private static Site CopyTenantInfo(COMPTEMP origin, string tenant) { var phoneCode = Migration.PhoneCodes[origin.STATE]; var site = new Site { Key = Migration.NextTenantKey(), Number = origin.NUMBER, Street = origin.STREET, Suburb = origin.SUBURB, State = origin.STATE, Postcode = origin.P_CODE, BuildingName = origin.BUILD_ID, PropertyManaged = true, }; var regex = string.Format(@"\(?{0}\)?\s*\d{{4,8}}?\s*\d{{4,8}}?", phoneCode); if (!MatchTenantWithRegex(site, tenant, regex)) { regex = string.Format(@"{0}\d{{2,2}}\s?\d{{3,3}}\s?\d{{3,3}}", Migration.PhoneCodes["Mobile"]); MatchTenantWithRegex(site, tenant, regex); } return site; }
private static ContactPerson CopyClContactPerson(COMPTEMP origin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.TITLE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.FIRST_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.LAST_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.EMAIL) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.POSITION) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.MOBILE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.FAX_CLEAN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.DIR_LINE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.POBOX) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.POB_SUBURB) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.POB_STATE) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.POB_PCODE)) return null; return new ContactPerson { Title = origin.TITLE, Firstname = origin.FIRST_NAME, Lastname = origin.LAST_NAME, Email = origin.EMAIL, Position = origin.POSITION, Mobile = origin.MOBILE, Fax = origin.FAX_CLEAN, DirectLine = origin.DIR_LINE, PoStreet = origin.POBOX, PoSuburb = origin.POB_SUBURB, PoState = origin.POB_STATE, PoPostcode = origin.POB_PCODE, CreateDate = DateTime.Today }; }