コード例 #1
ファイル: Y_010.cs プロジェクト: AakanxuShah/SecureBankSystem
 public Y_010(String connectionString, String txid)
     dberr = new Dber();
     this.TXID = txid;
     tx = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, TXID, dberr);
     // Check if TXNM fetch for transaction type "010" is successful. Return if error encountered
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         errorBoolP = true;
         resultSetP = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Y_000.cs プロジェクト: AakanxuShah/SecureBankSystem
 private int processTransaction(String connectionString, String usr, String pwd)
      * initiate select query on CSTM, to fetch cus_no for the usr and pwd combination
      * "select cus_no from CSTM where user = usr and pwd = pwd"
      * Using the retrieved cus_no, fetch all account numbers from cstm, and store the retrieved acc nos. 
      * as "|" delimited string in result. For errors, update error with "true"
     /*Entity.Cstm cs = Data.CstmD.Read(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         Cp_Empm empm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         Cp_Actm ac = new Cp_Actm();
         this.resultSet = ac.fetchAccountsFromCusNo(connectionString, cs.cs_no, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if(this.resultSet == null)
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
     return 0;*/
     txnm = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, this.TXID, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     cstm = new Cp_Cstm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         dberr = new Dber();
         Cp_Empm empm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if (txnm.txnmP.tran_fin_type.Equals("Y"))
             // Write to FINHIST table
             Entity.Finhist fhist = new Entity.Finhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc,
                 0, 0, "0", empm.empmP.emp_no, "0", "0");
             Data.FinhistD.Create(connectionString, fhist, dberr);
             // Write to NFINHIST table
             Entity.Nfinhist nFhist = new Entity.Nfinhist("0", "0", 
                 this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc, empm.empmP.emp_no, "0", "0");
             Data.NfinhistD.Create(connectionString, nFhist, dberr);
         String empNo = empm.empmP.emp_no;
         String pvgLevel = Convert.ToString(empm.empmP.emp_pvg);
         String empFname = empm.empmP.emp_fname;
         String empLname = empm.empmP.emp_lname;
         resultP = empNo + "|" + empFname + "|" + empLname + "|" + pvgLevel + "|" + empm.empmP.emp_email;
         return 0;
     if (cstm.cstmP.cs_type.Equals("0"))
         resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if (txnm.txnmP.tran_fin_type.Equals("Y"))
         // Write to FINHIST table
         Entity.Finhist fhist = new Entity.Finhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc,
             0, 0, "0", "0", "0", this.cstm.cstmP.cs_no);
         Data.FinhistD.Create(connectionString, fhist, dberr);
         // Write to NFINHIST table
         Entity.Nfinhist nFhist = new Entity.Nfinhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc, "0", "0", this.cstm.cstmP.cs_no);
         Data.NfinhistD.Create(connectionString, nFhist, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     String cusNo = cstm.cstmP.cs_no;
     String csPvgLevel = cstm.cstmP.cs_type;
     String csFname = cstm.cstmP.cs_fname;
     String csLname = cstm.cstmP.cs_lname;
     resultP = cusNo + "|" + csFname + "|" + csLname + "|" + csPvgLevel + "|" + cstm.cstmP.cs_email;
     return 0;