public CutsceneState(Game game, Mod mod, string path, CutsceneContext context, Playthrough playthrough = null) : base(game, path, LevelOptions.Cutscene) { m_mod = mod; m_context = context; m_playthrough = playthrough; m_initialShotPath = path; m_border = new CutsceneBorder(true); m_animatedCamera = new AnimatedCameraController(Level.TimeMachine); m_skipPrompt = new InputPrompt(UIFonts.Smaller, game.Language.Translate("menus.skip"), TextAlignment.Right); m_skipPrompt.Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight; m_skipPrompt.LocalPosition = new Vector2(-16.0f, -16.0f - m_skipPrompt.Font.Height); m_skipPrompt.GamepadButton = GamepadButton.A; m_skipPrompt.SteamControllerButton = SteamControllerButton.MenuSelect; m_skipPrompt.MouseButton = MouseButton.Left; m_skipPrompt.Key = Key.Return; m_skipPrompt.OnClick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Continue(); }; m_loopingSounds = new Dictionary <string, IStoppable>(); var termFont = UIFonts.Smaller; var screenHeight = game.Screen.Height - 2.0f * m_border.BarHeight; var numLines = (int)(screenHeight / termFont.Height); var screenWidth = game.Screen.Width - (game.Screen.Height - numLines * termFont.Height); m_terminal = new Terminal(termFont, UIColours.White, screenWidth, numLines); m_terminal.Anchor = Anchor.CentreMiddle; m_terminal.LocalPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f * m_terminal.Width, -0.5f * m_terminal.Height); }
private void ContinueGame() { // Animate the robot m_robot.StartAnimation(LuaAnimation.Get("animation/menus/startscreen/robot_move.anim.lua"), false); m_robot.PlaySoundAfterDelay("sound/new_robot/idle_loop.wav", true, 0.3f); var delay = 1.25f; if (App.Demo) { // Start the main campaign var campaign = Campaign.Get("campaigns/demo.campaign"); var playthrough = new Playthrough(Campaign.Get("campaigns/demo.campaign"), 0); var firstLevel = campaign.Levels[0]; var firstLevelData = LevelData.Get(firstLevel); if (firstLevelData.Intro != null) { WipeToState(new CutsceneState(Game, null, firstLevelData.Intro, CutsceneContext.LevelIntro, playthrough), delay); } else { WipeToState(new CampaignState(Game, null, playthrough)); } } else { // Open the campaign select WipeToState(new CampaignSelectState(Game), delay); } }
private void PlayLevel(int level) { var playthrough = new Playthrough(m_campaign, level); var introPath = LevelData.Get(m_campaign.Levels[level]).Intro; if (introPath != null) { // Go to the cutscene WipeToState(new CutsceneState(Game, m_mod, introPath, CutsceneContext.LevelIntro, playthrough)); } else { // Go to the level WipeToState(new CampaignState(Game, m_mod, playthrough)); } }
public GameOverState(Game game, Mod mod, Playthrough playthrough) : base(game, "menus.game_over.title", "levels/empty.level", MenuArrangement.FullScreen) { BackPrompt = "menus.continue"; m_mod = mod; m_playthrough = playthrough; var textItems = new List <string>(); textItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("", playthrough.Campaign.Title)); if (App.Demo) { textItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("credits.thankyou")); } var menuItems = new List <string>(); var menuActions = new List <Action>(); if (!App.Demo) { if (m_mod != null && Game.Network.SupportsWorkshop && m_mod.SteamWorkshopID.HasValue) { menuItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("menus.game_over.rate_mod", m_mod.Title)); menuActions.Add(RateMod); } menuItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("menus.game_over.tweet")); menuActions.Add(Tweet); if (Game.Network.SupportsWorkshop) { if (App.Steam) { menuItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("menus.campaign_select.open_steam_workshop")); } else { menuItems.Add(Game.Language.Translate("menus.campaign_select.open_workshop")); } menuActions.Add(BrowseWorkshop); } } float yPos = -0.5f * (float)(textItems.Count + menuItems.Count) * UIFonts.Default.Height; m_text = new Text[textItems.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < m_text.Length; ++i) { var text = new Text( UIFonts.Default, textItems[i], UIColours.Text, TextAlignment.Center ); text.Anchor = Anchor.CentreMiddle; text.LocalPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, yPos); m_text[i] = text; yPos += text.Font.Height; } m_menu = new TextMenu(UIFonts.Default, menuItems.ToArray(), TextAlignment.Center, MenuDirection.Vertical); m_menu.Anchor = Anchor.CentreMiddle; m_menu.LocalPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, yPos); m_menu.TextColour = UIColours.Link; m_menu.OnClicked += delegate(object sender, TextMenuClickedEventArgs e) { if (e.Index >= 0 && e.Index < menuActions.Count) { menuActions[e.Index].Invoke(); } }; }
public CampaignState(Game game, Mod mod, Playthrough playthrough) : base(game, playthrough.Campaign.Levels[playthrough.Level]) { m_mod = mod; m_playthrough = playthrough; m_newLevel = !game.User.Progress.IsLevelCompleted(Level.Info.ID); }