public void GetAggregatorsExcelInfo(string fileLocation) { //declare classes FileCorrect ga = new FileCorrect(); OpenExcelFile ga1 = new OpenExcelFile(); ExcelRowListByRowValuecs ga2 = new ExcelRowListByRowValuecs(); ExcelCleanUp ga3 = new ExcelCleanUp(); //open excel file and set xlworksheet to be used in retrievecolumnByRow ga.FileDateCorrect(fileLocation); var xlWorksheet = ga1.OpenExcel(fileLocation); // returns list of colum values based on search value. var rowList = ga2.RetrieveRowByRow(xlWorksheet, yesterday); ga3.CleanUp(fileLocation); }
public void AddCompareTheMarket(string fileLocation) { //declare classes FileCorrect cm = new FileCorrect(); OpenExcelFile cm1 = new OpenExcelFile(); ExcelColumnListByRowValue cm2 = new ExcelColumnListByRowValue(); ExcelCleanUp cm3 = new ExcelCleanUp(); CTMunprotect eu = new CTMunprotect(); cm.FileDateCorrect(fileLocation); //eu.UnprotectExcelFile(fileLocation); DailyPerformanceReportDbEntities1 db = new DailyPerformanceReportDbEntities1(); var quoteSource = "Compare the Market"; var days = db.GetEntryDates(quoteSource).FirstOrDefault().Value; var daysToGoBack = Convert.ToInt32(days); while (daysToGoBack > 0) { //var daysPast = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-i).ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy"); do { var daysPast = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-daysToGoBack).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var daysPastdb = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-daysToGoBack).Date; --daysToGoBack; AddCTMToDb(cm1, cm2, fileLocation, cm3, daysPast, daysPastdb); }while (daysToGoBack > 0); } }
public void AddCTMToDb(OpenExcelFile cm1, ExcelColumnListByRowValue cm2, string fileLocation, ExcelCleanUp cm3, string daysPast, DateTime daysPastdb) { // open excel file Application xlApp = new Application(); Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@fileLocation); Worksheet xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1]; Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.UsedRange; // returns list of colum values based on search value. var columnList = cm2.RetrieveColumnByRow(xlWorksheet, daysPast); var newlist = columnList[0]; var CTMConsumerEnquiries = newlist[7].ToString(); var CTMPricesPresented = newlist[8].ToString(); var CTMPricesPresentedP1 = newlist[9].ToString(); var CTMClickThroughPCTs = newlist[11].ToString(); var CTMTopQuotesPercentage = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(newlist[21]) * 100), 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven)); var CTMQuotesDeclinePercentage = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(newlist[15]) * 100), 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven)); //add to database DailyPerformanceReportDbEntities1 db = new DailyPerformanceReportDbEntities1(); DailyQuote newQuote = new DailyQuote(); var QuoteSource = "Compare The Market"; var Date = DateTime.Today.Date; newQuote.Date = daysPastdb; newQuote.QuoteSource = QuoteSource; newQuote.QuoteType = "Consumer Enquiries"; newQuote.Value = CTMConsumerEnquiries; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); newQuote.QuoteType = "Prices Presented"; newQuote.Value = CTMPricesPresented; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); newQuote.QuoteType = "Prices Presented @P1"; newQuote.Value = CTMPricesPresentedP1; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); newQuote.QuoteType = "Click Through (PCTs)"; newQuote.Value = CTMClickThroughPCTs; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); newQuote.QuoteType = "Top Quotes %"; newQuote.Value = CTMTopQuotesPercentage; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); newQuote.QuoteType = "Quotes Declined %"; newQuote.Value = CTMQuotesDeclinePercentage; newQuote.Comments = null; db.DailyQuotes.Add(newQuote); db.SaveChanges(); // close excel file GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //release com objects to fully kill excel process from running in the background Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlRange); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorksheet); //close and release xlWorkbook.Close(true, fileLocation, Missing.Value); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbook); //quit and release xlApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); //Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL"); //foreach (Process p in processes) //{ // p.Kill(); //} }