public ISession Deserialize(Dictionary <string, string> data) { DaiSukiSession ses = new DaiSukiSession(); ses.cookies = data; return(ses); }
public async Task <ISession> Authenticate(Dictionary <string, object> authenticationmetadata) { _authmeta = authenticationmetadata; DaiSukiSession session = new DaiSukiSession(); try { Response r = await _info.VerifyBaseAuthentication(authenticationmetadata); if (r.Status != ResponseStatus.Ok) { r.PropagateError(session); return(session); } Dictionary <string, string> form = new Dictionary <string, string>(); form.Add("emailAddress", authenticationmetadata.GetStringFromMetadata(DownloadPluginInfo.Username)); form.Add("password", authenticationmetadata.GetStringFromMetadata(DownloadPluginInfo.Password)); form.Add("keepLogin", "on"); WebStream ws = await WebStream.Post("", form, null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, null, SocketTimeout, true, "", _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws != null && ws.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (!VerifyLogin(ws.Cookies)) { session.Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidLogin; session.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Account Information"; session.cookies = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } else { session.cookies = ws.Cookies.ToDictionary(); session.Status = ResponseStatus.Ok; } } else { SetWebError(session); } ws?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { session.Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError; session.ErrorMessage = e.ToString(); } return(session); }
public async Task <Updates> Updates(ISession session) { try { Updates upds = new Updates(); upds.Items = new List <Episode>(); if (!UpdateHistory.IsLoaded) { UpdateHistory.Load(); } DaiSukiSession s = session as DaiSukiSession; if (s == null) { return new Updates { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Session", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; Shows sws = await Shows(s, false); if (sws.Status != ResponseStatus.Ok) { Updates k = new Updates(); sws.PropagateError(k); return(k); } int cnt = Convert.ToInt32(GetAuthSetting(DaiSukiPluginInfo.MaxFollowItems)); List <Show> avs = sws.Items.Take(cnt).ToList(); List <Task <Episodes> > ms = new List <Task <Episodes> >(); foreach (Show sh in avs) { ms.Add(Episodes(s, sh)); } string datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); if (ms.Count > 0) { while (ms.Count > 0) { int max = 5; if (ms.Count < 5) { max = ms.Count; } Task <Episodes>[] tsks = new Task <Episodes> [max]; for (int x = 0; x < max; x++) { tsks[x] = ms[0]; ms.Remove(ms[0]); } await Task.WhenAll(tsks); for (int x = max - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (tsks[x].Result != null) { if (tsks[x].Result.Items.Count > 0) { Episode ep = tsks[x].Result.Items.OrderByDescending(a => a.Index).First(); ep.UniqueTag = DaiSukiPluginInfo.PluginName + "|" + ep.ShowName + "|" + ep.EpisodeAlpha; if (UpdateHistory.Exists(ep.UniqueTag)) { Episode c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Episode>(UpdateHistory.Get(ep.UniqueTag)); upds.Items.Add(c); } else { ep.DateTime = datetime; UpdateHistory.Add(ep.UniqueTag, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ep)); upds.Items.Add(ep); } } } } } UpdateHistory.Save(); } return(upds); } catch (Exception e) { return(new Updates { ErrorMessage = e.ToString(), Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError }); } }
public async Task <Response> Download(ISession session, Episode episode, string template, string downloadpath, Quality quality, Format formats, CancellationToken token, IProgress <DownloadInfo> progress) { try { string deflangcode = "jpn"; string deflang = "日本語"; Response ret = new Response(); DaiSukiSession s = session as DaiSukiSession; if (s == null) { return new Response { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Session", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; if (!episode.PluginMetadata.ContainsKey("Url")) { return new Response { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Episode", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; DownloadInfo dp = new DownloadInfo { FileName = TemplateParser.FilenameFromEpisode(episode, quality, template), Format = formats, Percent = 0, Quality = quality }; token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); dp.Languages = new List <string>(); dp.Percent = 1; dp.Status = "Getting Metadata"; progress.Report(dp); List <string> todeleteFiles = new List <string>(); WebStream ws = await WebStream.Get(episode.PluginMetadata["Url"], null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, null, _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws != null && ws.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (!VerifyLogin(ws.Cookies)) { SetLoginError(ret); } else { StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(ws); string dta = rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Dispose(); ws.Dispose(); Match bgn = bgnWrapper.Match(dta); if (!bgn.Success) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find Daisuki public key"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } Match flash = flashVars.Match(dta); if (!flash.Success) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Seems this Episode is a YouTube video, unable to download"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } MatchCollection col = flash2Vars.Matches(flash.Groups["vars"].Value); Dictionary <string, string> vars = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (Match m in col) { if (m.Success) { vars.Add(m.Groups["name"].Value, m.Groups["value"].Value); } } if (!vars.ContainsKey("s") || !vars.ContainsKey("country") || !vars.ContainsKey("init")) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Some of Daisuki startup variables are missing"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ws = await WebStream.Get(LibSet[BaseHostS] + bgn.Groups["wrapper"].Value, null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, null, _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws == null || ws.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find Daisuki public key"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } rd = new StreamReader(ws); dta = rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Dispose(); ws.Dispose(); Match mm = publicKey.Match(dta); if (!mm.Success) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find Daisuki public key"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } string bld = mm.Groups["key"].Value.Replace("\\n", ""); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); dp.Percent = 2; progress.Report(dp); ws = await WebStream.Get(LibSet[BaseHostS] + vars["country"] + "?cashPath=" + (long)((DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds), null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, episode.PluginMetadata["Url"], _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); Country c; if (ws == null || ws.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find Daisuki Country Code"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } try { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Country)); c = (Country)ser.Deserialize(ws); ws.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find Daisuki Country Code"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws.Dispose(); return(ret); } Dictionary <string, string> form = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Api api = new Api(); if (vars.ContainsKey("ss_id")) { api.SS_Id = vars["ss_id"]; } if (vars.ContainsKey("mv_id")) { api.MV_Id = vars["mv_id"]; } if (vars.ContainsKey("device_cd")) { api.Device_CD = vars["device_cd"]; } if (vars.ContainsKey("ss1_prm")) { api.SS1_PRM = vars["ss1_prm"]; } if (vars.ContainsKey("ss2_prm")) { api.SS2_PRM = vars["ss2_prm"]; } if (vars.ContainsKey("ss3_prm")) { api.SS3_PRM = vars["ss3_prm"]; } RSACryptoServiceProvider prov = ProviderFromPEM(bld); AesManaged aes = new AesManaged(); aes.GenerateKey(); aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; int blocksize = aes.BlockSize / 8; aes.IV = new byte[blocksize]; aes.KeySize = 256; aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; aes.GenerateKey(); byte[] apidata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(api)); int nsize = ((apidata.Length + (blocksize - 1)) / blocksize) * blocksize; if (nsize != apidata.Length) { Array.Resize(ref apidata, nsize); } ICryptoTransform t = aes.CreateEncryptor(); byte[] enc = t.TransformFinalBlock(apidata, 0, nsize); byte[] key = prov.Encrypt(aes.Key, false); form.Add("s", vars["s"]); form.Add("c", c.CountryCode); form.Add("e", episode.PluginMetadata["Url"]); form.Add("d", Convert.ToBase64String(enc)); form.Add("a", Convert.ToBase64String(key)); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); string n = form.PostFromDictionary(); ws = await WebStream.Get(LibSet[BaseHostS] + vars["init"] + "?" + n, null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, episode.PluginMetadata["Url"], _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws == null || ws.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve metadata"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } rd = new StreamReader(ws); dta = rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Dispose(); ws.Dispose(); MetaEncrypt menc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetaEncrypt>(dta); if (menc == null || menc.Status != "00") { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve metadata"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } t = aes.CreateDecryptor(); byte[] indata = Convert.FromBase64String(menc.EncryptedData); nsize = ((indata.Length + (blocksize - 1)) / blocksize) * blocksize; if (nsize != indata.Length) { Array.Resize(ref indata, nsize); } byte[] outdata = t.TransformFinalBlock(indata, 0, indata.Length); int start = outdata.Length; while (outdata[start - 1] == 0) { start--; } if (start != outdata.Length) { Array.Resize(ref outdata, start); } string final = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outdata); Data ldta = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Data>(final); NameValueCollection headers = new NameValueCollection(); headers.Add("Accept", "*/*"); headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US"); headers.Add("x-flash-version", "18,0,0,232"); string guid = GenGUID(12); string playurl = ldta.play_url + "&g=" + guid + "&hdcore=3.2.0"; token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); dp.Percent = 3; dp.Status = "Gettings subtitles"; progress.Report(dp); dp.Languages = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, string> subtitles = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldta.caption_url)) { dp.Languages.Add("Hardcoded"); } else { ws = await WebStream.Get(ldta.caption_url + "?cashPath=" + (long)((DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds), null, LibSet[UserAgentS], headers, null, SocketTimeout, true, "", _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws == null || ws.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve subtitles"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } TTML subs = new TTML(ws); subtitles = subs.ToAss(); ws.Dispose(); } dp.Percent = 4; dp.Status = "Downloading video"; progress.Report(dp); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ws = await WebStream.Get(playurl, null, LibSet[UserAgentS], headers, null, SocketTimeout, true, "", _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); int idx = playurl.LastIndexOf(".smil/", StringComparison.InvariantCulture); string baseurl = string.Empty; if (idx > 0) { baseurl = playurl.Substring(0, idx + 6); } if (ws == null || ws.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve metadata"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } XmlSerializer serm = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest)); //Stream ms = File.OpenRead(@"C:\users\mpiva\Downloads\s.manifest"); //Manifest manifest = (Manifest)serm.Deserialize(ms); Manifest manifest = (Manifest)serm.Deserialize(ws); rd.Dispose(); ws.Dispose(); manifest.Init(); KeyValuePair <Media, Quality>?kv = BestMediaFromManifest(manifest, quality); if (kv == null) { ret.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find the best media"; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } dp.Quality = kv.Value.Value; Media media = kv.Value.Key; string inputs = string.Empty; string maps = String.Empty; int pp = 0; foreach (string k in subtitles.Keys) { string pth = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".ass"; todeleteFiles.Add(pth); File.WriteAllText(pth, subtitles[k]); inputs += "-i \"" + pth + "\" "; dp.Languages.Add(Languages.TranslateToOriginalLanguage(k)); maps += GetFFMPEGSubtitleArguments(pp + 1, pp, Languages.CodeFromLanguage(k), Languages.TranslateToOriginalLanguage(k)); pp++; } dp.Percent = 4; dp.FileName = TemplateParser.FilenameFromEpisode(episode, dp.Quality, template); dp.FullPath = Path.Combine(downloadpath, dp.FileName); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); progress.Report(dp); string intermediatefile = dp.FullPath + ".tm1"; /**/ headers["X-Requested-With"] = "ShockwaveFlash/"; FragmentProcessor frag = new FragmentProcessor(ws.Cookies, headers, LibSet[UserAgentS], SocketTimeout, episode.PluginMetadata["Url"], _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global), 2, 5, intermediatefile); double dbl = 91; IProgress <double> d = new Progress <double>((val) => { dp.Percent = (val * dbl / 100) + 4; progress.Report(dp); }); todeleteFiles.Add(intermediatefile); await frag.Start(baseurl, guid, manifest, media, token, d); dp.Size = await ReMux(intermediatefile, inputs, maps, formats, deflangcode, deflang, 96, 4, dp, progress, token); dp.Percent = 100; dp.Status = "Finished"; progress.Report(dp); foreach (string del in todeleteFiles) { try { File.Delete(del); } catch (Exception) { } } ret.Status = ResponseStatus.Ok; } } else { SetWebError(ret); } ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is OperationCanceledException) { return new Response { ErrorMessage = "Canceled", Status = ResponseStatus.Canceled } } ; return(new Shows { ErrorMessage = e.ToString(), Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError }); } }
public async Task <Episodes> Episodes(ISession session, Show show) { try { DaiSukiSession s = session as DaiSukiSession; if (s == null) { return new Episodes { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Session", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; if (!show.PluginMetadata.ContainsKey("Url")) { return new Episodes { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Show", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; Episodes ret = new Episodes(); ret.Items = new List <Episode>(); WebStream ws = await WebStream.Get(show.PluginMetadata["Url"], null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, null, _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws != null && ws.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (!VerifyLogin(ws.Cookies)) { SetLoginError(ret); } else { StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(ws); string dta = rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Dispose(); ret.Status = ResponseStatus.Ok; ret.Items = new List <Episode>(); ret.ImageUri = new Uri(LibSet[ImageServerS] + "/img/series/" + show.Id + "/340_506.jpg"); Match sm = showregex.Match(dta); if (sm.Success) { ret.Items.Add(GetEpisode(show, sm)); } MatchCollection scol = show2regex.Matches(dta); foreach (Match sma in scol) { if (sma.Success) { ret.Items.Add(GetEpisode(show, sma)); } } ret.Items = ret.Items.OrderBy(a => a.EpisodeNumeric).ToList(); for (int x = 0; x < ret.Items.Count; x++) { ret.Items[x].Index = x + 1; } } } else { SetWebError(ret); } ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } catch (Exception e) { return(new Episodes { ErrorMessage = e.ToString(), Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError }); } }
private async Task <Shows> Shows(ISession session, bool order) { try { DaiSukiSession s = session as DaiSukiSession; if (s == null) { return new Shows { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Session", Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidArgument } } ; Shows ret = new Shows(); ret.Items = new List <Show>(); WebStream ws = await WebStream.Get("¤tPath=%2Fcontent%2Fdaisuki%2Fus%2Fen", null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, s.cookies.ToCookieCollection(), SocketTimeout, true, null, _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws != null && ws.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (!VerifyLogin(ws.Cookies)) { SetLoginError(ret); } else { StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(ws); string dta = rd.ReadToEnd(); BaseResponse <Anime> animes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BaseResponse <Anime> >(dta); rd.Dispose(); if (animes.Response == null || animes.Response.Count == 0) { if (animes.Error != null) { ret.ErrorMessage = animes.Error; ret.Status = ResponseStatus.WebError; return(ret); } SetWebError(ret); ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } foreach (Anime a in animes.Response) { Show cs = new Show(); cs.PluginName = DaiSukiPluginInfo.PluginName; cs.Id = a.Id.ToString(); cs.Type = ShowType.Anime; cs.Description = a.Synopsis; cs.Name = a.Title; cs.PluginMetadata.Add("Url", new Uri("" + a.AdId).ToString()); ret.Items.Add(cs); } if (order) { ret.Items = ret.Items.OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList(); } ret.Status = ResponseStatus.Ok; } } else { SetWebError(ret); } ws?.Dispose(); return(ret); } catch (Exception e) { return(new Shows { ErrorMessage = e.ToString(), Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError }); } }
public ISession Deserialize(Dictionary<string, string> data) { DaiSukiSession ses = new DaiSukiSession(); ses.cookies = data; return ses; }
public async Task<ISession> Authenticate(Dictionary<string, object> authenticationmetadata) { _authmeta = authenticationmetadata; DaiSukiSession session = new DaiSukiSession(); try { Response r = await _info.VerifyBaseAuthentication(authenticationmetadata); if (r.Status != ResponseStatus.Ok) { r.PropagateError(session); return session; } Dictionary<string, string> form = new Dictionary<string, string>(); form.Add("emailAddress", authenticationmetadata.GetStringFromMetadata(DownloadPluginInfo.Username)); form.Add("password", authenticationmetadata.GetStringFromMetadata(DownloadPluginInfo.Password)); form.Add("keepLogin", "on"); WebStream ws = await WebStream.Post("", form, null, LibSet[UserAgentS], null, null, SocketTimeout, true, "", _info.ProxyFromGlobalRequirements(_global)); if (ws != null && ws.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (!VerifyLogin(ws.Cookies)) { session.Status = ResponseStatus.InvalidLogin; session.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Account Information"; session.cookies = new Dictionary<string, string>(); } else { session.cookies = ws.Cookies.ToDictionary(); session.Status = ResponseStatus.Ok; } } else { SetWebError(session); } ws?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { session.Status = ResponseStatus.SystemError; session.ErrorMessage = e.ToString(); } return session; }