// Drops nature flats based on random chance scaled by simple rules public static void LayoutNatureBillboards(DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain, DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch, float terrainScale) { const float maxSteepness = 50f; // 50 const float chanceOnDirt = 0.2f; // 0.2 const float chanceOnGrass = 0.9f; // 0.4 const float chanceOnStone = 0.05f; // 0.05 // Get terrain Terrain terrain = dfTerrain.gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>(); if (!terrain) { return; } // Get terrain data TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData; if (!terrainData) { return; } // Remove exiting billboards dfBillboardBatch.Clear(); // Seed random with terrain key UnityEngine.Random.seed = MakeTerrainKey(dfTerrain.MapPixelX, dfTerrain.MapPixelY); // Just layout some random flats spread evenly across entire map pixel area // Flats are aligned with tiles, max 127x127 in billboard batch Vector2 tilePos = Vector2.zero; float scale = terrainData.heightmapScale.x; int dim = TerrainHelper.terrainTileDim - 1; for (int y = 0; y < dim; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++) { // Reject based on steepness float steepness = terrainData.GetSteepness((float)x / dim, (float)y / dim); if (steepness > maxSteepness) { continue; } // Reject if inside location rect // Rect is expanded slightly to give extra clearance around locations tilePos.x = x; tilePos.y = y; const int natureClearance = 4; Rect rect = dfTerrain.MapData.locationRect; if (rect.x > 0 && rect.y > 0) { rect.xMin -= natureClearance; rect.xMin += natureClearance; rect.yMin -= natureClearance; rect.yMax += natureClearance; if (rect.Contains(tilePos)) { continue; } } // Chance scaled based on map pixel height // This tends to produce sparser lowlands and denser highlands // Adjust or remove clamp range to influence nature generation float elevationScale = (dfTerrain.MapData.worldHeight / 128f); elevationScale = Mathf.Clamp(elevationScale, 0.4f, 1.0f); // Chance scaled by base climate type float climateScale = 1.0f; DFLocation.ClimateSettings climate = MapsFile.GetWorldClimateSettings(dfTerrain.MapData.worldClimate); switch (climate.ClimateType) { case DFLocation.ClimateBaseType.Desert: // Just lower desert for now climateScale = 0.25f; break; } // Chance also determined by tile type WorldSample sample = TerrainHelper.GetSample(ref dfTerrain.MapData.samples, x, y); if (sample.record == 1) { // Dirt if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnDirt * elevationScale * climateScale) { continue; } } else if (sample.record == 2) { // Grass if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnGrass * elevationScale * climateScale) { continue; } } else if (sample.record == 3) { // Stone if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnStone * elevationScale * climateScale) { continue; } } else { // Anything else continue; } // Sample height and position billboard Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x * scale, 0, y * scale); float height = terrain.SampleHeight(pos + terrain.transform.position); pos.y = height; // Reject if too close to water float beachLine = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.BeachElevation * terrainScale; if (height < beachLine) { continue; } // Add to batch int record = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 32); dfBillboardBatch.AddItem(record, pos); } } // Apply new batch dfBillboardBatch.Apply(); }
// Drops nature flats based on random chance scaled by simple rules public static void LayoutNatureBillboards(DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain, DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch, float terrainScale, int terrainDist) { const float maxSteepness = 50f; // 50 const float slopeSinkRatio = 70f; // Sink flats slightly into ground as slope increases to prevent floaty trees. const float baseChanceOnDirt = 0.2f; // 0.2 const float baseChanceOnGrass = 0.9f; // 0.4 const float baseChanceOnStone = 0.05f; // 0.05 // Location Rect is expanded slightly to give extra clearance around locations const int natureClearance = 4; Rect rect = dfTerrain.MapData.locationRect; if (rect.x > 0 && rect.y > 0) { rect.xMin -= natureClearance; rect.xMax += natureClearance; rect.yMin -= natureClearance; rect.yMax += natureClearance; } // Chance scaled based on map pixel height // This tends to produce sparser lowlands and denser highlands // Adjust or remove clamp range to influence nature generation float elevationScale = (dfTerrain.MapData.worldHeight / 128f); elevationScale = Mathf.Clamp(elevationScale, 0.4f, 1.0f); // Chance scaled by base climate type float climateScale = 1.0f; DFLocation.ClimateSettings climate = MapsFile.GetWorldClimateSettings(dfTerrain.MapData.worldClimate); switch (climate.ClimateType) { case DFLocation.ClimateBaseType.Desert: // Just lower desert for now climateScale = 0.25f; break; } float chanceOnDirt = baseChanceOnDirt * elevationScale * climateScale; float chanceOnGrass = baseChanceOnGrass * elevationScale * climateScale; float chanceOnStone = baseChanceOnStone * elevationScale * climateScale; // Get terrain Terrain terrain = dfTerrain.gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>(); if (!terrain) { return; } // Get terrain data TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData; if (!terrainData) { return; } // Remove exiting billboards dfBillboardBatch.Clear(); MeshReplacement.ClearNatureGameObjects(terrain); // Seed random with terrain key Random.InitState(MakeTerrainKey(dfTerrain.MapPixelX, dfTerrain.MapPixelY)); // Just layout some random flats spread evenly across entire map pixel area // Flats are aligned with tiles, max 16129 billboards per batch Vector2 tilePos = Vector2.zero; int tDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim; int hDim = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.HeightmapDimension; float scale = terrainData.heightmapScale.x * (float)hDim / (float)tDim; float maxTerrainHeight = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.MaxTerrainHeight; float beachLine = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.BeachElevation; for (int y = 0; y < tDim; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < tDim; x++) { // Reject based on steepness float steepness = terrainData.GetSteepness((float)x / tDim, (float)y / tDim); if (steepness > maxSteepness) { continue; } // Reject if inside location rect (expanded slightly to give extra clearance around locations) tilePos.x = x; tilePos.y = y; if (rect.x > 0 && rect.y > 0 && rect.Contains(tilePos)) { continue; } // Chance also determined by tile type int tile = dfTerrain.MapData.tilemapSamples[x, y] & 0x3F; if (tile == 1) { // Dirt if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnDirt) { continue; } } else if (tile == 2) { // Grass if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnGrass) { continue; } } else if (tile == 3) { // Stone if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnStone) { continue; } } else { // Anything else continue; } int hx = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)x / (float)tDim), 0, hDim - 1); int hy = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)y / (float)tDim), 0, hDim - 1); float height = dfTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[hy, hx] * maxTerrainHeight; // x & y swapped in heightmap for TerrainData.SetHeights() // Reject if too close to water if (height < beachLine) { continue; } // Sample height and position billboard Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x * scale, 0, y * scale); float height2 = terrain.SampleHeight(pos + terrain.transform.position); pos.y = height2 - (steepness / slopeSinkRatio); // Add to batch unless a mesh replacement is found int record = Random.Range(1, 32); if (terrainDist > 1 || !MeshReplacement.ImportNatureGameObject(dfBillboardBatch.TextureArchive, record, terrain, x, y)) { dfBillboardBatch.AddItem(record, pos); } else if (!NatureMeshUsed) { NatureMeshUsed = true; // Signal that nature mesh has been used to initiate extra terrain updates } } } // Apply new batch dfBillboardBatch.Apply(); }
// Drops nature flats based on random chance scaled by simple rules public static void LayoutNatureBillboards(DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain, DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch, float terrainScale) { const float maxSteepness = 50f; // 50 const float chanceOnDirt = 0.2f; // 0.2 const float chanceOnGrass = 0.9f; // 0.4 const float chanceOnStone = 0.05f; // 0.05 // Get terrain Terrain terrain = dfTerrain.gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>(); if (!terrain) return; // Get terrain data TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData; if (!terrainData) return; // Remove exiting billboards dfBillboardBatch.Clear(); // Seed random with terrain key UnityEngine.Random.seed = MakeTerrainKey(dfTerrain.MapPixelX, dfTerrain.MapPixelY); // Just layout some random flats spread evenly across entire map pixel area // Flats are aligned with tiles, max 127x127 in billboard batch Vector2 tilePos = Vector2.zero; float scale = terrainData.heightmapScale.x; int dim = TerrainHelper.terrainTileDim - 1; for (int y = 0; y < dim; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++) { // Reject based on steepness float steepness = terrainData.GetSteepness((float)x / dim, (float)y / dim); if (steepness > maxSteepness) continue; // Reject if inside location rect // Rect is expanded slightly to give extra clearance around locations tilePos.x = x; tilePos.y = y; const int natureClearance = 4; Rect rect = dfTerrain.MapData.locationRect; if (rect.x > 0 && rect.y > 0) { rect.xMin -= natureClearance; rect.xMin += natureClearance; rect.yMin -= natureClearance; rect.yMax += natureClearance; if (rect.Contains(tilePos)) continue; } // Chance scaled based on map pixel height // This tends to produce sparser lowlands and denser highlands // Adjust or remove clamp range to influence nature generation float elevationScale = (dfTerrain.MapData.worldHeight / 128f); elevationScale = Mathf.Clamp(elevationScale, 0.4f, 1.0f); // Chance scaled by base climate type float climateScale = 1.0f; DFLocation.ClimateSettings climate = MapsFile.GetWorldClimateSettings(dfTerrain.MapData.worldClimate); switch (climate.ClimateType) { case DFLocation.ClimateBaseType.Desert: // Just lower desert for now climateScale = 0.25f; break; } // Chance also determined by tile type WorldSample sample = TerrainHelper.GetSample(ref dfTerrain.MapData.samples, x, y); if (sample.record == 1) { // Dirt if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnDirt * elevationScale * climateScale) continue; } else if (sample.record == 2) { // Grass if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnGrass * elevationScale * climateScale) continue; } else if (sample.record == 3) { // Stone if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) > chanceOnStone * elevationScale * climateScale) continue; } else { // Anything else continue; } // Sample height and position billboard Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x * scale, 0, y * scale); float height = terrain.SampleHeight(pos + terrain.transform.position); pos.y = height; // Reject if too close to water float beachLine = TerrainHelper.scaledBeachElevation * terrainScale; if (height < beachLine - beachLine * 0.1f) continue; // Add to batch int record = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 32); dfBillboardBatch.AddItem(record, pos); } } // Apply new batch dfBillboardBatch.Apply(); }