コード例 #1
        protected override void Setup()
            // Load native texture
            nativeTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new Exception("CreateCharReflexSelect: Could not load native texture.");

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            // Setup info panel
            Panel infoPanel = new Panel();
            DaggerfallUI.Instance.SetDaggerfallPopupStyle(DaggerfallUI.PopupStyle.Parchment, infoPanel);
            infoPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            infoPanel.Position = new Vector2(0, 15);

            // Setup info text
            MultiFormatTextLabel infoText = new MultiFormatTextLabel();
            infoText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            infoText.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
            infoPanel.Size = infoText.Size;

            // Setup button picker
            reflexPicker = new ReflexPicker();
            reflexPicker.Position = new Vector2(127, 148f);

            // Add "OK" button
            Button okButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(263, 172, 39, 22), NativePanel);
            okButton.OnMouseClick += OkButton_OnMouseClick;
コード例 #2
        protected override void Setup()
            // Save panel
            savePanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            savePanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
            savePanel.Size = new Vector2(300, 160);
            DaggerfallUI.Instance.SetDaggerfallPopupStyle(DaggerfallUI.PopupStyle.Parchment, savePanel);

            // Title
            TextLabel titleLabel = new TextLabel();
            titleLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            titleLabel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            titleLabel.Text = HardStrings.saveGame;
            titleLabel.Font = DaggerfallUI.TitleFont;

            // Child panels
            int top = 16;
            saveListPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(new Rect(0, top, 110, savePanel.Size.y - top), savePanel);
            saveListPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            saveListPanel.BackgroundColor = panelBackgroundColor;
            detailsPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(new Rect(110, top, 180, savePanel.Size.y - top), savePanel);
            detailsPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
            detailsPanel.BackgroundColor = panelBackgroundColor;

            // Outlines
            DaggerfallUI.AddOutline(new Rect(0, 0, saveListPanel.Size.x, saveListPanel.Size.y), outlineColor, saveListPanel);
            DaggerfallUI.AddOutline(new Rect(0, 0, detailsPanel.Size.x, detailsPanel.Size.y), outlineColor, detailsPanel);
コード例 #3
        public void SetDaggerfallPopupStyle(PopupStyle style, Panel panel)
            // Do nothing if DaggerfallUnity path not valid
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Instance.IsPathValidated)

            panel.BackgroundTexture = null;
            panel.BackgroundColor = Color.clear;

            if (style == PopupStyle.Parchment)

            panel.SetMargins(Margins.All, 16);
コード例 #4
        public static TextLabel AddTextLabel(PixelFont font, Vector2 position, string text, Panel panel = null, int glyphSpacing = 1)
            TextLabel textLabel = new TextLabel();
            textLabel.ScalingMode = Scaling.None;
            textLabel.Font = font;
            textLabel.Position = position;
            textLabel.Text = text;
            if (panel != null)

            return textLabel;
コード例 #5
        public static Panel AddPanel(Rect rect, Panel panel = null)
            Panel newPanel = new Panel();
            newPanel.ScalingMode = Scaling.None;
            newPanel.Position = new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y);
            newPanel.Size = new Vector2(rect.width, rect.height);
            if (panel != null)

            return newPanel;
コード例 #6
        public static Outline AddOutline(Rect rect, Color color, Panel panel = null)
            Outline outline = new Outline();
            outline.ScalingMode = Scaling.None;
            outline.Color = color;
            outline.Position = new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y);
            outline.Size = new Vector2(rect.width, rect.height);
            if (panel != null)

            return outline;
コード例 #7
        public static TextLabel AddDefaultShadowedTextLabel(Vector2 position, Panel panel = null, int glyphSpacing = 1)
            TextLabel textLabel = AddTextLabel(DefaultFont, position, string.Empty, panel, glyphSpacing);
            textLabel.TextColor = DaggerfallDefaultTextColor;
            textLabel.ShadowColor = DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            textLabel.ShadowPosition = DaggerfallDefaultShadowPos;

            return textLabel;
        // Animate region identification & location crosshair
        void AnimateRegionIdentify(Panel atPanel)

            // Check if enough time has elapsed since last flash and toggle state
            bool lastIdentifyState = identifyState;
            float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            if (time > identifyLastChangeTime + identifyFlashInterval)
                identifyState = !identifyState;
                identifyLastChangeTime = time;

            // Set panel visibility based on state
            atPanel.Enabled = identifyState;
            //identifyRegionPanel.Enabled = identifyState;

            // Turn off flash after specified number of on states
            if (!lastIdentifyState && identifyState)
                if (++identifyChanges > identifyFlashCount)
        void SetupAccessoryElements()
            // Starting layout
            Vector2 col0Pos = new Vector2(1, 11);
            Vector2 col1Pos = new Vector2(24, 11);
            Vector2 buttonSize = new Vector2(21, 20);
            int rowOffset = 31;
            bool col0 = true;

            // Follow same order as equip slots
            int minSlot = (int)EquipSlots.Amulet0;
            int maxSlot = (int)EquipSlots.Crystal1;
            for (int i = minSlot; i <= maxSlot; i++)
                // Current button rect
                Rect rect;
                if (col0)
                    rect = new Rect(col0Pos.x, col0Pos.y, buttonSize.x, buttonSize.y);
                    rect = new Rect(col1Pos.x, col1Pos.y, buttonSize.x, buttonSize.y);

                // Create item button
                Button button = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(rect, NativePanel);
                button.SetMargins(Margins.All, accessoryButtonMarginSize);
                button.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
                button.Tag = i;
                button.OnMouseClick += AccessoryItemsButton_OnMouseClick;
                accessoryButtons[i] = button;

                // Create icon panel
                Panel panel = new Panel();
                panel.AutoSize = AutoSizeModes.ScaleToFit;
                panel.MaxAutoScale = 1f;
                panel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                panel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
                accessoryIconPanels[i] = panel;

                // Move to next column, then drop down a row at end of second column
                if (col0)
                    col0 = !col0;
                    col0 = !col0;
                    col0Pos.y += rowOffset;
                    col1Pos.y += rowOffset;
コード例 #10
        public static Button AddButton(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Panel panel = null)
            Button button = new Button();
            button.Position = position;
            button.Size = size;
            if (panel != null)

            return button;
コード例 #11
        public void FadeHUDToBlack(float fadeDuration = 0.5f)
            if (dfHUD == null)

            fadeTargetPanel = dfHUD.ParentPanel;
            fadeStartColor = Color.clear;
            fadeEndColor = Color.black;
            this.fadeDuration = fadeDuration;
            fadeTargetPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.clear;
            fadeInProgress = true;
コード例 #12
        public static Panel AddPanel(Panel panel = null, AutoSizeModes scaling = AutoSizeModes.ResizeToFill)
            Panel newPanel = new Panel();
            newPanel.AutoSize = scaling;
            if (panel != null)

            return newPanel;
コード例 #13
        protected override void Setup()

            nativeTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new System.Exception("DaggerfallTravelMap: Could not load native texture.");

            ParentPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.clear;

            travelPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(nativePanelRect, NativePanel);
            travelPanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            avaliableGoldLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont, new Vector2(148, 97), "0", NativePanel);
            avaliableGoldLabel.MaxCharacters = 12;

            tripCostLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont, new Vector2(117,107), "0", NativePanel);
            tripCostLabel.MaxCharacters = 18;

            travelTimeLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont, new Vector2(129,117), "0", NativePanel);
            travelTimeLabel.MaxCharacters = 16;

            speedToggleColorPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(new Rect(cautiousPanelPos, colorPanelSize), NativePanel);
            speedToggleColorPanel.BackgroundColor = toggleColor;

            sleepToggleColorPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(new Rect(innPanelPos, colorPanelSize), NativePanel);
            sleepToggleColorPanel.BackgroundColor = toggleColor;

            transportToggleColorPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(new Rect(footPos, colorPanelSize), NativePanel);
            transportToggleColorPanel.BackgroundColor = toggleColor;

コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// initial window setup of the automap window
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Setup()
            ImgFile imgFile = null;
            DFBitmap bitmap = null;

            if (isSetup) // don't setup twice!

            initGlobalResources(); // initialize gameobjectAutomap, daggerfallAutomap and layerAutomap

            // Load native texture
            imgFile = new ImgFile(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, nativeImgName), FileUsage.UseMemory, false);
            imgFile.LoadPalette(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, imgFile.PaletteName));
            bitmap = imgFile.GetDFBitmap();
            nativeTexture = new Texture2D(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
            nativeTexture.SetPixels32(imgFile.GetColor32(bitmap, 0));
            nativeTexture.Apply(false, false); // make readable
            nativeTexture.filterMode = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GlobalFilterMode;
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new Exception("DaggerfallAutomapWindow: Could not load native texture (AMAP00I0.IMG).");

            // Load alternative Grid Icon (3D View Grid graphics)
            imgFile = new ImgFile(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, nativeImgNameGrid3D), FileUsage.UseMemory, false);
            imgFile.LoadPalette(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, imgFile.PaletteName));
            bitmap = imgFile.GetDFBitmap();
            Texture2D nativeTextureGrid3D = new Texture2D(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
            nativeTextureGrid3D.SetPixels32(imgFile.GetColor32(bitmap, 0));
            nativeTextureGrid3D.Apply(false, false); // make readable
            nativeTextureGrid3D.filterMode = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GlobalFilterMode;
            if (!nativeTextureGrid3D)
                throw new Exception("DaggerfallAutomapWindow: Could not load native texture (AMAP01I0.IMG).");
            pixelsGrid3D = nativeTextureGrid3D.GetPixels(0, 0, 27, 19);

            // Cut out 2D View Grid graphics from background image
            pixelsGrid2D = nativeTexture.GetPixels(78, nativeTexture.height - 171 - 19, 27, 19);

            // store background graphics from from background image
            backgroundOriginal = nativeTexture.GetPixels(0, 29, nativeTexture.width, nativeTexture.height - 29);

            backgroundAlternative1 = new Color[backgroundOriginal.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < backgroundOriginal.Length; ++i)
                backgroundAlternative1[i].r = 0.0f;
                backgroundAlternative1[i].g = 0.0f;
                backgroundAlternative1[i].b = 0.0f;
                backgroundAlternative1[i].a = 1.0f;

            backgroundAlternative2 = new Color[backgroundOriginal.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < backgroundOriginal.Length; ++i)
                backgroundAlternative2[i].r = 0.2f;
                backgroundAlternative2[i].g = 0.1f;
                backgroundAlternative2[i].b = 0.3f;
                backgroundAlternative2[i].a = 1.0f;

            backgroundAlternative3 = new Color[backgroundOriginal.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < backgroundOriginal.Length; ++i)
                backgroundAlternative3[i].r = 0.3f;
                backgroundAlternative3[i].g = 0.1f;
                backgroundAlternative3[i].b = 0.2f;
                backgroundAlternative3[i].a = 1.0f;

            // Always dim background
            ParentPanel.BackgroundColor = ScreenDimColor;

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            oldPositionNativePanel = NativePanel.Rectangle;

            // dummyPanelAutomap is used to get correct size for panelRenderAutomap
            Rect rectDummyPanelAutomap = new Rect();
            rectDummyPanelAutomap.position = new Vector2(1, 1);
            rectDummyPanelAutomap.size = new Vector2(318, 169);

            dummyPanelAutomap = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(rectDummyPanelAutomap, NativePanel);

            // Setup automap render panel (into this the level geometry is rendered) - use dummyPanelAutomap to get size
            Rect positionPanelRenderAutomap = dummyPanelAutomap.Rectangle;
            panelRenderAutomap = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(positionPanelRenderAutomap, ParentPanel);
            panelRenderAutomap.AutoSize = AutoSizeModes.None;

            panelRenderAutomap.OnMouseScrollUp += PanelAutomap_OnMouseScrollUp;
            panelRenderAutomap.OnMouseScrollDown += PanelAutomap_OnMouseScrollDown;
            panelRenderAutomap.OnMouseDown += PanelAutomap_OnMouseDown;
            panelRenderAutomap.OnMouseUp += PanelAutomap_OnMouseUp;
            panelRenderAutomap.OnRightMouseDown += PanelAutomap_OnRightMouseDown;
            panelRenderAutomap.OnRightMouseUp += PanelAutomap_OnRightMouseUp;

            // Grid button (toggle 2D <-> 3D view)
            gridButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(78, 171, 27, 19), NativePanel);
            gridButton.OnMouseClick += GridButton_OnMouseClick;
            gridButton.OnRightMouseClick += GridButton_OnRightMouseClick;
            gridButton.OnMouseScrollUp += GridButton_OnMouseScrollUp;
            gridButton.OnMouseScrollDown += GridButton_OnMouseScrollDown;
            gridButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            gridButton.ToolTipText = "left click: switch between 2D top view and 3D view (hotkey: space key)\rright click: reset rotation center to player position (hotkey: control+backspace)\rmouse wheel up while over this button: increase perspective (only 3D mode)\rmouse wheel down while over this button: decrease perspective (only 3D mode)";
            gridButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // forward button
            forwardButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(105, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            forwardButton.OnMouseDown += ForwardButton_OnMouseDown;
            forwardButton.OnMouseUp += ForwardButton_OnMouseUp;
            forwardButton.OnRightMouseDown += ForwardButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            forwardButton.OnRightMouseUp += ForwardButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            forwardButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            forwardButton.ToolTipText = "left click: move viewpoint forward (hotkey: up arrow)\rright click: move rotation center axis forward (hotkey: control+up arrow)";
            forwardButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // backward button
            backwardButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(126, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            backwardButton.OnMouseDown += BackwardButton_OnMouseDown;
            backwardButton.OnMouseUp += BackwardButton_OnMouseUp;
            backwardButton.OnRightMouseDown += BackwardButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            backwardButton.OnRightMouseUp += BackwardButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            backwardButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            backwardButton.ToolTipText = "left click: move viewpoint backwards (hotkey: down arrow)\rright click: move rotation center axis backwards (hotkey: control+down arrow)";
            backwardButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // left button
            leftButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(149, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            leftButton.OnMouseDown += LeftButton_OnMouseDown;
            leftButton.OnMouseUp += LeftButton_OnMouseUp;
            leftButton.OnRightMouseDown += LeftButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            leftButton.OnRightMouseUp += LeftButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            leftButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            leftButton.ToolTipText = "left click: move viewpoint to the left (hotkey: left arrow)\rright click: move rotation center axis to the left (hotkey: control+left arrow)";
            leftButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // right button
            rightButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(170, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            rightButton.OnMouseDown += RightButton_OnMouseDown;
            rightButton.OnMouseUp += RightButton_OnMouseUp;
            rightButton.OnRightMouseDown += RightButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            rightButton.OnRightMouseUp += RightButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            rightButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            rightButton.ToolTipText = "left click: move viewpoint to the right (hotkey: right arrow)\rright click: move rotation center axis to the right (hotkey: control+right arrow)";
            rightButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // rotate left button
            rotateLeftButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(193, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            rotateLeftButton.OnMouseDown += RotateLeftButton_OnMouseDown;
            rotateLeftButton.OnMouseUp += RotateLeftButton_OnMouseUp;
            rotateLeftButton.OnRightMouseDown += RotateLeftButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            rotateLeftButton.OnRightMouseUp += RotateLeftButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            rotateLeftButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            rotateLeftButton.ToolTipText = "left click: rotate dungeon model to the left (hotkey: alt+right arrow)\rright click: rotate camera view to the left (hotkey: shift+right arrow)";
            rotateLeftButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // rotate right button
            rotateRightButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(214, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            rotateRightButton.OnMouseDown += RotateRightButton_OnMouseDown;
            rotateRightButton.OnMouseUp += RotateRightButton_OnMouseUp;
            rotateRightButton.OnRightMouseDown += RotateRightButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            rotateRightButton.OnRightMouseUp += RotateRightButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            rotateRightButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            rotateRightButton.ToolTipText = "left click: rotate dungeon model to the right (hotkey: alt+right arrow)\rright click: rotate camera view to the right (hotkey: shift+right arrow)";
            rotateRightButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // upstairs button
            upstairsButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(237, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            upstairsButton.OnMouseDown += UpstairsButton_OnMouseDown;
            upstairsButton.OnMouseUp += UpstairsButton_OnMouseUp;
            upstairsButton.OnRightMouseDown += UpstairsButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            upstairsButton.OnRightMouseUp += UpstairsButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            upstairsButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            upstairsButton.ToolTipText = "left click: increase viewpoint (hotkey: page up)\rright click: increase slice level (hotkey: control+page up)\r\rhint: different render modes may show hidden geometry:\rhotkey F2: cutout mode\rhotkey F3: wireframe mode\rhotkey F4: transparent mode\rswitch between modes with return key";
            upstairsButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // downstairs button
            downstairsButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(258, 171, 21, 19), NativePanel);
            downstairsButton.OnMouseDown += DownstairsButton_OnMouseDown;
            downstairsButton.OnMouseUp += DownstairsButton_OnMouseUp;
            downstairsButton.OnRightMouseDown += DownstairsButton_OnRightMouseDown;
            downstairsButton.OnRightMouseUp += DownstairsButton_OnRightMouseUp;
            downstairsButton.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            downstairsButton.ToolTipText = "left click: decrease viewpoint (hotkey: page down)\rright click: decrease slice level (hotkey: control+page down)\r\rhint: different render modes may show hidden geometry:\rhotkey F2: cutout mode\rhotkey F3: wireframe mode\rhotkey F4: transparent mode\rswitch between modes with return key";
            downstairsButton.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // Exit button
            Button exitButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(281, 171, 28, 19), NativePanel);
            exitButton.OnMouseClick += ExitButton_OnMouseClick;

            // dummyPanelCompass is used to get correct size for compass
            Rect rectDummyPanelCompass = new Rect();
            rectDummyPanelCompass.position = new Vector2(3, 172);
            rectDummyPanelCompass.size = new Vector2(76, 17);
            dummyPanelCompass = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(rectDummyPanelCompass, NativePanel);
            dummyPanelCompass.OnMouseClick += Compass_OnMouseClick;
            dummyPanelCompass.OnRightMouseClick += Compass_OnRightMouseClick;
            dummyPanelCompass.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;
            dummyPanelCompass.ToolTipText = "left click: toggle focus (hotkey: tab)\rred beacon: player, green beacon: entrance, blue beacon: rotation center\r\rright click: reset view (hotkey: backspace)";
            dummyPanelCompass.ToolTip.ToolTipDelay = toolTipDelay;

            // compass
            compass = new HUDCompass();
            Vector2 scale = NativePanel.LocalScale;
            compass.Position = dummyPanelCompass.Rectangle.position;
            compass.Scale = scale;

            isSetup = true;
コード例 #15
        protected override void Setup()
            // Load native texture
            nativeTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new Exception("DaggerfallTravelMap: Could not load native texture.");

            // Always dim background
            ParentPanel.BackgroundColor = ScreenDimColor;

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            // Populate the offset dict

            // Don't allow automatic cancel, we will handle this locally
            AllowCancel = false;

            // Load picker colours
            regionPickerBitmap = DaggerfallUI.GetImgBitmap(regionPickerImgName);

            // Add region label
            regionLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont, new Vector2(0, 2), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            regionLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // Handle clicks
            NativePanel.OnMouseClick += ClickHandler;

            // Setup buttons for first time

            // Region overlay panel
            regionTextureOverlayPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(regionTextureOverlayPanelRect, NativePanel);
            regionTextureOverlayPanel.Enabled = false;

            // Location cluster panel
            locationClusterPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(regionTextureOverlayPanelRect, regionTextureOverlayPanel);
            locationClusterPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            locationClusterPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            // Location cluster will be updated when user opens a region
            locationClusterColors = new Color32[(int)regionTextureOverlayPanelRect.width * (int)regionTextureOverlayPanelRect.height];
            locationClusterTexture = new Texture2D((int)regionTextureOverlayPanelRect.width, (int)regionTextureOverlayPanelRect.height);
            locationClusterTexture.filterMode = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GlobalFilterMode;

            // Overlay to identify player region
            identifyRegionOverlayTexture = CreatePlayerRegionOverlayTexture();

            // Identify region panel is displayed to show user what region they are in
            identifyRegionPanel = new Panel();
            identifyRegionPanel.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
            identifyRegionPanel.Size = NativePanel.Size;
            identifyRegionPanel.BackgroundTexture = identifyRegionOverlayTexture;
            identifyRegionPanel.Enabled = false;
コード例 #16
        // Fades HUD background in from black to briefly hide world while loading
        IEnumerator FadePanelBackground(Panel target, Color startColor, Color targetColor, float fadeDuration = 0.4f, bool popWindowOnCompletion = false)
            const float fadeStep = 0.02f;

            // Must have a HUD to fade
            if (dfHUD == null)
                yield break;

            // Setup fade
            target.BackgroundColor = startColor;

            // Progress fade
            float progress = 0;
            float increment = fadeStep / fadeDuration;
            while (progress < 1)
                target.BackgroundColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, targetColor, progress);
                progress += increment;
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(fadeStep);

            // Ensure starting colour is restored
            target.BackgroundColor = targetColor;

            // Pop window if specified
            if (popWindowOnCompletion)
コード例 #17
        protected override void Setup()
            // Load all the textures used by inventory system

            // Always dim background
            ParentPanel.BackgroundColor = ScreenDimColor;

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = baseTexture;

            // Character portrait
            paperDoll.Position = new Vector2(49, 13);
            paperDoll.OnMouseMove += PaperDoll_OnMouseMove;
            paperDoll.OnMouseClick += PaperDoll_OnMouseClick;
            paperDoll.ToolTip = defaultToolTip;

            // Setup UI

            // Exit buttons
            Button exitButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(exitButtonRect, NativePanel);
            exitButton.OnMouseClick += ExitButton_OnMouseClick;

            // Setup local and remote target icon panels
            //localTargetIconPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(localTargetIconRect, NativePanel);
            remoteTargetIconPanel = DaggerfallUI.AddPanel(remoteTargetIconRect, NativePanel);

            // Setup initial state
            if (lootTarget != null)

            // Setup initial display
コード例 #18
 public static Button AddButton(Rect rect, Panel panel = null)
     return AddButton(
         new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y),
         new Vector2(rect.width, rect.height),
        protected override void Setup()
            // Main panel
            mainPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            mainPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
            mainPanel.Size = mainPanelSize;
            mainPanel.Outline.Enabled = true;
            mainPanel.BackgroundColor = mainPanelBackgroundColor;

            // Prompt
            promptLabel.ShadowPosition = Vector2.zero;
            promptLabel.Position = new Vector2(4, 4);

            // Name panel
            Panel namePanel = new Panel();
            namePanel.Position = new Vector2(4, 12);
            namePanel.Size = new Vector2(272, 9);
            namePanel.Outline.Enabled = true;
            namePanel.BackgroundColor = namePanelBackgroundColor;

            // Name input
            saveNameTextBox.Position = new Vector2(2, 2);
            saveNameTextBox.MaxCharacters = 26;
            saveNameTextBox.OnType += SaveNameTextBox_OnType;

            // Save panel
            Panel savesPanel = new Panel();
            savesPanel.Position = new Vector2(4, 25);
            savesPanel.Size = new Vector2(100, 141);
            savesPanel.Outline.Enabled = true;

            // Save list
            savesList.Position = new Vector2(2, 2);
            savesList.Size = new Vector2(91, 129);
            savesList.TextColor = savesListTextColor;
            savesList.BackgroundColor = savesListBackgroundColor;
            savesList.ShadowPosition = Vector2.zero;
            savesList.RowsDisplayed = 16;
            savesList.OnScroll += SavesList_OnScroll;
            savesList.OnSelectItem += SavesList_OnSelectItem;
            savesList.OnMouseDoubleClick += SaveLoadEventHandler;

            // Save scroller
            savesScroller.Position = new Vector2(94, 2);
            savesScroller.Size = new Vector2(5, 129);
            savesScroller.DisplayUnits = 16;
            savesScroller.OnScroll += SavesScroller_OnScroll;

            // Save/Load button
            goButton.Position = new Vector2(108, 150);
            goButton.Size = new Vector2(40, 16);
            goButton.Label.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            goButton.BackgroundColor = saveButtonBackgroundColor;
            goButton.Outline.Enabled = true;
            goButton.OnMouseClick += SaveLoadEventHandler;

            // Switch to classic save window button
            switchClassicButton.Position = new Vector2(172, 150);
            switchClassicButton.Size = new Vector2(40, 16);
            switchClassicButton.Label.Text = "Classic";
            //switchClassicButton.Label.TextColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.3f, 0.6f);
            switchClassicButton.Label.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            switchClassicButton.BackgroundColor = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0);
            switchClassicButton.Outline.Enabled = true;
            switchClassicButton.OnMouseClick += SwitchClassicButton_OnMouseClick;

            // Cancel button
            Button cancelButton = new Button();
            cancelButton.Position = new Vector2(236, 150);
            cancelButton.Size = new Vector2(40, 16);
            cancelButton.Label.Text = "Cancel";
            cancelButton.Label.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            cancelButton.BackgroundColor = cancelButtonBackgroundColor;
            cancelButton.Outline.Enabled = true;
            cancelButton.OnMouseClick += CancelButton_OnMouseClick;

            // Screenshot panel
            screenshotPanel.Position = new Vector2(108, 25);
            screenshotPanel.Size = new Vector2(168, 95);
            screenshotPanel.BackgroundTextureLayout = BackgroundLayout.ScaleToFit;
            screenshotPanel.BackgroundColor = savesListBackgroundColor;
            screenshotPanel.Outline.Enabled = true;

            // Info panel
            Panel infoPanel = new Panel();
            infoPanel.Position = new Vector2(108, 122);
            infoPanel.Size = new Vector2(168, 26);

            // Save version
            saveVersionLabel.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            saveVersionLabel.Position = new Vector2(1, 1);
            saveVersionLabel.TextColor = saveFolderColor;

            // Save folder
            saveFolderLabel.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            saveFolderLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
            saveFolderLabel.Position = new Vector2(0, 1);
            saveFolderLabel.TextColor = saveFolderColor;

            // Time labels
            saveTimeLabel.ShadowPosition = Vector2.zero;
            saveTimeLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            saveTimeLabel.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
            gameTimeLabel.ShadowPosition = Vector2.zero;
            gameTimeLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            gameTimeLabel.Position = new Vector2(0, 9);

            // Delete save button
            deleteSaveButton.Position = new Vector2(0, 132);
            deleteSaveButton.Size = new Vector2(98, 8);
            deleteSaveButton.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            deleteSaveButton.Label.Text = "Delete Save";
            deleteSaveButton.Label.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            deleteSaveButton.BackgroundColor = namePanelBackgroundColor;
            deleteSaveButton.Outline.Enabled = false;
            deleteSaveButton.OnMouseClick += DeleteSaveButton_OnMouseClick;

            // Switch character button
            switchCharButton.Position = new Vector2(216, 2);
            switchCharButton.Size = new Vector2(60, 8);
            switchCharButton.Label.Text = "Switch Char";
            switchCharButton.Label.ShadowColor = Color.black;
            switchCharButton.BackgroundColor = saveButtonBackgroundColor;
            switchCharButton.OnMouseClick += SwitchCharButton_OnMouseClick;
コード例 #20
        public static Button AddButton(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, string clickMessage, string doubleClickMessage, Panel panel = null)
            Button button = AddButton(position, size, panel);
            button.ClickMessage = clickMessage;
            button.DoubleClickMessage = doubleClickMessage;

            return button;