コード例 #1
        void DrawLabel()
            // Exit if label layout not defined
            if (labelLayout.glyphLayout == null || labelLayout.glyphLayout.Length == 0)

            // Set render area
            Material material    = font.GetMaterial();
            Vector4  scissorRect = (useRestrictedRenderArea) ? GetRestrictedRenderScissorRect() : new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);

            material.SetVector("_ScissorRect", scissorRect);

            // Draw glyphs with classic layout
            Rect totalRect = Rectangle;

            for (int i = 0; i < labelLayout.glyphLayout.Length; i++)
                GlyphLayoutData glyphLayout = labelLayout.glyphLayout[i];

                Rect targetRect = new Rect(
                    totalRect.x + glyphLayout.x * LocalScale.x * textScale + HorzPixelScrollOffset * LocalScale.x * textScale,
                    totalRect.y + glyphLayout.y * LocalScale.y * textScale,
                    glyphLayout.glyphWidth * LocalScale.x * textScale,
                    font.GlyphHeight * LocalScale.y * textScale);

                font.DrawClassicGlyph(glyphLayout.glyphRawAscii, targetRect, textColor, shadowPosition * LocalScale, shadowColor);
コード例 #2
        void DrawLabel()
            // Exit if no layout
            if (glyphLayout.Count == 0)

            // Set render area
            Material material    = font.GetMaterial();
            Vector4  scissorRect = (UseRestrictedRenderArea) ? GetRestrictedRenderScissorRect() : new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);

            material.SetVector("_ScissorRect", scissorRect);

            // Draw glyphs with classic layout
            if (!font.IsSDFCapable)
                Rect totalRect = Rectangle;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphLayout.Count; i++)
                    GlyphLayoutData glyph = glyphLayout[i];

                    Rect targetRect = new Rect(
                        totalRect.x + glyph.x * LocalScale.x * textScale + HorzPixelScrollOffset * LocalScale.x * textScale,
                        totalRect.y + glyph.y * LocalScale.y * textScale,
                        glyph.width * LocalScale.x * textScale,
                        font.GlyphHeight * LocalScale.y * textScale);

                    font.DrawClassicGlyph((byte)glyph.code, targetRect, textColor, shadowPosition * LocalScale, shadowColor);
                Rect totalRect = Rectangle;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphLayout.Count; i++)
                    GlyphLayoutData glyph = glyphLayout[i];

                    Vector2 position = new Vector2(
                        totalRect.x + glyph.x * LocalScale.x * textScale + HorzPixelScrollOffset * LocalScale.x * textScale,
                        totalRect.y + glyph.y * LocalScale.y * textScale);

                    font.DrawSDFGlyph(glyph.code, position, LocalScale * textScale, textColor, shadowPosition * LocalScale, shadowColor);