public List<CWNivel> Pesquisar(CWNivel _CWNivel, string _Order) { sSqlCondicao = string.Empty; sSql = @" Select * from Nivel "; if (_CWNivel.Codigo > 0) { sSqlCondicao += " and Codigo = " + _CWNivel.Codigo; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_CWNivel.Nivel)) { sSqlCondicao += " and Nivel like '%" + _CWNivel.Nivel + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_CWNivel.Descricao)) { sSqlCondicao += " and Descricao like '%" + _CWNivel.Descricao + "%'"; } if (sSqlCondicao.Length > 0) sSql += " where " + sSqlCondicao.Substring(4); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Order)) sSql += " order by " + _Order; List<CWNivel> dtPesquisa = ExecutarQuery<CWNivel>(sSql); return dtPesquisa; }
public void Salvar(CWNivel _CWNivel) { if (_CWNivel.Codigo > 0) { sSql = @" update Nivel set Nivel = '" + _CWNivel.Nivel + @"' , Descricao = '" + _CWNivel.Descricao + @"' where Codigo = " + _CWNivel.Codigo; } else { sSql = @" INSERT INTO Nivel (Nivel , Descricao) VALUES ('" + _CWNivel.Nivel + @"' , '" + _CWNivel.Descricao + @"')"; } Executar(sSql); }
public List<CWNivel> Pesquisar(CWNivel _CWNivel) { return Pesquisar(_CWNivel, ""); }