コード例 #1
		bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p, IdentifierDeclaration id, ISemantic r)
			// Bottom-level reached
			if (id.InnerDeclaration == null && Contains(id.IdHash) && !id.ModuleScoped)
				// Associate template param with r
				return Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, r, id.IdHash);

			var deducee = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(r)) as DSymbol;
			if (id.InnerDeclaration != null && deducee != null && deducee.Definition.NameHash == id.IdHash)
				var physicalParentType = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatch(deducee.Definition.Parent, ctxt, null, id.InnerDeclaration);
				if (HandleDecl(p, id.InnerDeclaration, physicalParentType))
					if (Contains(id.IdHash))
						Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, deducee, id.IdHash);
					return true;

			 * If not stand-alone identifier or is not required as template param, resolve the id and compare it against r
			var _r = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(id, ctxt);

			return _r != null && (EnforceTypeEqualityWhenDeducing ?
				ResultComparer.IsEqual(r,_r) :
コード例 #2
ファイル: Demangler.cs プロジェクト: default0/D_Parser
        public static AbstractType Demangle(string mangledString, ResolutionContext ctxt, out ITypeDeclaration qualifier, out bool isCFunction)
                throw new ArgumentException("input string must not be null or empty!");

            if (!mangledString.StartsWith("_D"))
                isCFunction = true;

                if (mangledString.StartsWith ("__D"))
                    mangledString = mangledString.Substring (1);
                // C Functions
                else if (mangledString.StartsWith ("_")) {
                    qualifier = new IdentifierDeclaration (mangledString.Substring (1));
                    return null;

            //TODO: What about C functions that start with 'D'?
            isCFunction = false;

            var dmng = new Demangler(mangledString) { ctxt = ctxt };

            return dmng.MangledName(out qualifier);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BotanProfil.cs プロジェクト: DinrusGroup/D_Parser
		public static void Run()
			Parse ();

			var pcw = new LegacyParseCacheView (new[]{ srcDir });
			var ctxt = new ResolutionContext (pcw, new ConditionalCompilationFlags(versions,0, true));

			var mod = pcw.LookupModuleName (null, "botan.pubkey.algo.dsa").First();
			var scope = ResolutionTests.N<DMethod> (mod, "DSAVerificationOperation.verify");
			var scopedStmt = ResolutionTests.S (scope, 9);

			ctxt.Push (scope, scopedStmt.Location);

			ITypeDeclaration td = new IdentifierDeclaration ("q"){ Location = scopedStmt.Location };
			AbstractType t;

			var sw = new Stopwatch ();
			Console.WriteLine ("Begin resolving...");
			sw.Restart ();
			t = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(td, ctxt);

			sw.Stop ();

			Console.WriteLine ("Finished resolution. {0} ms.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

			sw.Restart ();
			t = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(td, ctxt);

			sw.Stop ();

			Console.WriteLine ("Finished resolution. {0} ms.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
コード例 #4
        public static AbstractType getStringType(ResolverContextStack ctxt)
            var str = new IdentifierDeclaration("string");
            var sType = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(str, ctxt);
            ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(sType, str);

            return sType != null && sType.Length != 0 ? sType[0] : null;
コード例 #5
        public ImportSymbolAlias(ImportStatement impStmt, ImportStatement.ImportBinding imp, IBlockNode parentNode)
            : base(impStmt, parentNode)
            ImportBinding = imp;
            var sym = imp.Symbol;

            Name         = (imp.Alias ?? sym).Id;
            NameLocation = (imp.Alias ?? sym).Location;
            Location     = imp.Symbol.Location;

            Type = new IdentifierDeclaration(sym.Id)
                Location         = sym.Location,
                EndLocation      = sym.EndLocation,
                InnerDeclaration = impStmt.ImportBindList.Module.ModuleIdentifier
コード例 #6
ファイル: CodeScanner.cs プロジェクト: nazriel/Mono-D
        static ResolveResult[] HandleIdDeclaration(IdentifierDeclaration typeId,
			ResolverContext lastResCtxt,
			IAbstractSyntaxTree SyntaxTree,
			CodeScanResult csr, 
			Dictionary<string, ResolveResult> compDict)
            var typeString = typeId.ToString();

            bool WasAlreadyResolved = false;
            ResolveResult[] allCurrentResults = null;
            ResolveResult rr = null;

             * string,wstring,dstring are highlighted by the editor's syntax definition automatically..
             * Anyway, allow to resolve e.g. "object.string"
            if (typeString == "" || typeString == "string" || typeString == "wstring" || typeString == "dstring")
                return null;

            lastResCtxt.ScopedBlock = DResolver.SearchBlockAt(SyntaxTree, typeId.Location, out lastResCtxt.ScopedStatement);
            if (typeString == "th" && typeId.Location.Line == 114)

            if (!(WasAlreadyResolved = compDict.TryGetValue(typeString, out rr)))
                allCurrentResults = DResolver.ResolveType(typeId, lastResCtxt);

                if (allCurrentResults != null && allCurrentResults.Length > 0)
                    rr = allCurrentResults[0];

            if (rr == null)
                if (typeId is IdentifierDeclaration)
                    csr.UnresolvedIdentifiers.Add(typeId as IdentifierDeclaration);
                 * Note: It is of course possible to highlight more than one type in one type declaration!
                 * So, we scan down the result hierarchy for TypeResults and highlight all of them later.
                var curRes = rr;

                 * Note: Since we want to use results multiple times,
                 * we at least have to 'update' their type declarations
                 * to ensure that the second, third, fourth etc. occurence of this result
                 * are also highlit (and won't(!) cause an Already-Added-Exception of our finalDict-Array)
                var curTypeDeclBase = typeId as ITypeDeclaration;

                while (curRes != null)
                    if (curRes is MemberResult)
                        var mr = curRes as MemberResult;

                        // If curRes is an alias or a template parameter, highlight it
                        if (mr.ResolvedMember is TemplateParameterNode ||
                            (mr.ResolvedMember is DVariable &&
                            (mr.ResolvedMember as DVariable).IsAlias))
                                csr.ResolvedIdentifiers.Add(curTypeDeclBase as IdentifierDeclaration, curRes);
                            catch { }

                            // See performance reasons
                            //if (curRes != rr && !WasAlreadyResolved && !) compDict.Add(curTypeDeclBase.ToString(), curRes);

                    else if (curRes is TypeResult)
                        // Yeah, in quite all cases we do identify a class via its name ;-)
                        if (curTypeDeclBase is IdentifierDeclaration &&
                            !(curTypeDeclBase is DTokenDeclaration) &&
                            !csr.ResolvedIdentifiers.ContainsKey(curTypeDeclBase as IdentifierDeclaration))
                            csr.ResolvedIdentifiers.Add(curTypeDeclBase as IdentifierDeclaration, curRes);

                            // See performance reasons
                            //if (curRes != rr && !WasAlreadyResolved) compDict.Add(curTypeDeclBase.ToString(), curRes);

                    else if (curRes is ModuleResult)
                        if (curTypeDeclBase is IdentifierDeclaration &&
                            !csr.ResolvedIdentifiers.ContainsKey(curTypeDeclBase as IdentifierDeclaration))
                            csr.ResolvedIdentifiers.Add(curTypeDeclBase as IdentifierDeclaration, curRes);

                    curRes = curRes.ResultBase;
                    curTypeDeclBase = curTypeDeclBase.InnerDeclaration;
            return allCurrentResults;
コード例 #7
        ISemantic E(UnaryExpression_Type x)
            var uat = x as UnaryExpression_Type;

            if (uat.Type == null)
                return null;

            var types = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(uat.Type, ctxt);
            ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(types, uat.Type);

            if (types != null && types.Length != 0)
                var id = new IdentifierDeclaration(uat.AccessIdentifier) { EndLocation = uat.EndLocation };

                // First off, try to resolve static properties
                var statProp = StaticPropertyResolver.TryResolveStaticProperties(types[0], uat.AccessIdentifier, ctxt, eval, id);

                if (statProp != null)
                    return statProp;

                // If it's not the case, try the conservative way
                var res = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(id, ctxt, types);

                ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(res, x);

                if (res != null && res.Length != 0)
                    return res[0];

            return null;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Resolver.cs プロジェクト: nazriel/Mono-D
        public static ArgumentsResolutionResult ResolveArgumentContext(
			string code,
			int caretOffset,
			CodeLocation caretLocation,
			DMethod MethodScope,
			IEnumerable<IAbstractSyntaxTree> parseCache, IEnumerable<IAbstractSyntaxTree> ImportCache)
            var ctxt = new ResolverContext { ScopedBlock = MethodScope, ParseCache = parseCache, ImportCache=ImportCache };

            #region Parse the code between the last block opener and the caret

            var curMethodBody = MethodScope.GetSubBlockAt(caretLocation);

            if (curMethodBody == null && MethodScope.Parent is DMethod)
                MethodScope = MethodScope.Parent as DMethod;
                curMethodBody = MethodScope.GetSubBlockAt(caretLocation);

            if (curMethodBody == null)
                return null;

            var blockOpenerLocation = curMethodBody.StartLocation;
            var blockOpenerOffset = blockOpenerLocation.Line <= 0 ? blockOpenerLocation.Column :
                DocumentHelper.LocationToOffset(code, blockOpenerLocation);

            if (blockOpenerOffset >= 0 && caretOffset - blockOpenerOffset > 0)
                var codeToParse = code.Substring(blockOpenerOffset, caretOffset - blockOpenerOffset);

                curMethodBody = DParser.ParseBlockStatement(codeToParse, blockOpenerLocation, MethodScope);

                if (curMethodBody != null)
                    ctxt.ScopedStatement = curMethodBody.SearchStatementDeeply(caretLocation);

            if (curMethodBody == null || ctxt.ScopedStatement == null)
                return null;

            // Scan statement for method calls or template instantiations
            var e = DResolver.SearchForMethodCallsOrTemplateInstances(ctxt.ScopedStatement, caretLocation);

             * 1) foo(			-- normal arguments only
             * 2) foo!(...)(	-- normal arguments + template args
             * 3) foo!(		-- template args only
             * 4) new myclass(  -- ctor call
             * 5) new myclass!( -- ditto
             * 6) new myclass!(...)(
             * 7) mystruct(		-- opCall call
            var res = new ArgumentsResolutionResult() { ParsedExpression = e };

            ITypeDeclaration methodIdentifier = null;

            // 1), 2)
            if (e is PostfixExpression_MethodCall)
                res.IsMethodArguments = true;
                var call = e as PostfixExpression_MethodCall;

                if (call.Arguments != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var arg in call.Arguments)
                        if (caretLocation >= arg.Location && caretLocation <= arg.EndLocation)
                            res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = i;

                methodIdentifier = call.PostfixForeExpression.ExpressionTypeRepresentation;

            // 3)
            else if (e is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                var templ = e as TemplateInstanceExpression;

                res.IsTemplateInstanceArguments = true;

                if (templ.Arguments != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var arg in templ.Arguments)
                        if (caretLocation >= arg.Location && caretLocation <= arg.EndLocation)
                            res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = i;

                methodIdentifier = new IdentifierDeclaration(templ.TemplateIdentifier.Value) { InnerDeclaration=templ.InnerDeclaration };
            else if (e is NewExpression)
                var ne = e as NewExpression;

                if (ne.Arguments != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var arg in ne.Arguments)
                        if (caretLocation >= arg.Location && caretLocation <= arg.EndLocation)
                            res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = i;

                methodIdentifier = ne.ExpressionTypeRepresentation;

            if (methodIdentifier == null)
                return null;

            // Resolve all types, methods etc. which belong to the methodIdentifier
            res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = ResolveType(methodIdentifier, ctxt);

            if (res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods == null)
                return res;

            // 4),5),6)
            if (e is NewExpression)
                var substitutionList = new List<ResolveResult>();
                foreach (var rr in res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods)
                    if (rr is TypeResult)
                        var classDef = (rr as TypeResult).ResolvedTypeDefinition as DClassLike;

                        if (classDef == null)

                        //TODO: Regard protection attributes for ctor members
                        foreach (var i in classDef)
                            if (i is DMethod && (i as DMethod).SpecialType == DMethod.MethodType.Constructor)
                                substitutionList.Add(HandleNodeMatch(i, ctxt, resultBase: rr));

                if (substitutionList.Count > 0)
                    res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = substitutionList.ToArray();

            // 7)
            else if (e is PostfixExpression_MethodCall)
                var substitutionList = new List<ResolveResult>();

                var nonAliases=TryRemoveAliasesFromResult(res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods);

                foreach (var rr in nonAliases)
                    if (rr is TypeResult)
                        var classDef = (rr as TypeResult).ResolvedTypeDefinition as DClassLike;

                        if (classDef == null)

                        //TODO: Regard protection attributes for opCall members
                        foreach (var i in classDef)
                            if (i is DMethod && i.Name == "opCall")
                                substitutionList.Add(HandleNodeMatch(i, ctxt, resultBase: rr));

                if (substitutionList.Count > 0)
                    nonAliases = substitutionList.ToArray();

                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = nonAliases;

            return res;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: rainers/D_Parser
        public TemplateInstanceExpression TemplateInstance(IBlockNode Scope)
            var loc = la.Location;

            var mod = INVALID;

            if (DTokens.IsStorageClass(laKind)) {
                mod = laKind;
                Step ();

            if (!Expect (Identifier))
                return null;

            ITypeDeclaration td = new IdentifierDeclaration (t.Value) {
                Location = t.Location,
                EndLocation = t.EndLocation

            td = new TemplateInstanceExpression(mod != DTokens.INVALID ? new MemberFunctionAttributeDecl(mod) { InnerType = td } : td) {
                Location = loc

            var args = new List<IExpression>();

            if (!Expect(Not))
                return td as TemplateInstanceExpression;

            if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis))

                if (laKind != CloseParenthesis)
                    bool init = true;
                    while (laKind == Comma || init)
                        if (!init) Step();
                        init = false;

                        if (laKind == CloseParenthesis)


                        bool wp = AllowWeakTypeParsing;
                        AllowWeakTypeParsing = true;

                        var typeArg = Type();

                        AllowWeakTypeParsing = wp;

                        if (typeArg != null && (laKind == CloseParenthesis || laKind==Comma)){
                            args.Add(new TypeDeclarationExpression(typeArg));
                 * TemplateSingleArgument:
                 *		Identifier
                 *		BasicTypeX
                 *		CharacterLiteral
                 *		StringLiteral
                 *		IntegerLiteral
                 *		FloatLiteral
                 *		true
                 *		false
                 *		null
                 *		this
                *		__FILE__
                *		__MODULE__
                *		__LINE__
                *		__FUNCTION__
                *		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__

                switch (laKind)
                    case Literal:
                    case True:
                    case False:
                    case Null:
                    case This:
                    case __FILE__:
                    case __MODULE__:
                    case __LINE__:
                    case __FUNCTION__:
                    case __PRETTY_FUNCTION__:
                    case Identifier:
                        args.Add(new IdentifierExpression(t.Value) {
                            Location = t.Location,
                            EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                        if (IsBasicType(laKind))
                            Step ();
                            args.Add (new TypeDeclarationExpression (new DTokenDeclaration (t.Kind) {
                                Location = t.Location,
                                EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                        else if (IsEOF)
                            goto case Literal;
                        SynErr(laKind, "Illegal token found on template instance expression argument");

                if (laKind == Not && Peek(1).Kind != Is && Peek(1).Kind != In)
                    SynErr(laKind, "multiple ! arguments are not allowed");
            (td as TemplateInstanceExpression).Arguments = args.ToArray();
            td.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
            return td as TemplateInstanceExpression;
コード例 #10
        public override void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration id)
            var resolvedSymbol = TryPopPFAStack ();
            if (id.IdHash == searchHash) {
                if(resolvedSymbol == null)
                    resolvedSymbol = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle (id, ctxt) as DSymbol;

                if (resolvedSymbol != null && resolvedSymbol.Definition == symbol) {
                    l.Add (id);
            base.Visit (id);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: EnergonV/D_Parser
        ImportStatement.ImportBindings ImportBindings(ImportStatement.Import imp)
            var importBindings = new ImportStatement.ImportBindings { Module=imp };
            LastParsedObject = importBindings;

            bool init = true;
            while (laKind == Comma || init)
                if (init)
                    init = false;

                if (Expect(Identifier))
                    var symbolAlias = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value){ Location = t.Location, EndLocation = t.EndLocation };

                    if (laKind == Assign)
                        if (Expect (Identifier))
                            importBindings.SelectedSymbols.Add (new ImportStatement.ImportBinding (new IdentifierDeclaration (t.Value) {
                                Location = t.Location,
                                EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                            }, symbolAlias));
                        importBindings.SelectedSymbols.Add(new ImportStatement.ImportBinding(symbolAlias));

            if (!IsEOF)
                LastParsedObject = null;

            return importBindings;
コード例 #12
 public virtual void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
コード例 #13
        public static AbstractType ResolveKey(ArrayDecl ad, out int fixedArrayLength, out ISymbolValue keyVal, ResolutionContext ctxt)
            keyVal = null;
            fixedArrayLength = -1;
            AbstractType keyType = null;

            if (ad.KeyExpression != null)
                //TODO: Template instance expressions?
                var id_x = ad.KeyExpression as IdentifierExpression;
                if (id_x != null && id_x.IsIdentifier)
                    var id = new IdentifierDeclaration((string)id_x.Value)
                        Location = id_x.Location,
                        EndLocation = id_x.EndLocation

                    keyType = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(id, ctxt);

                    if (keyType != null)
                        var tt = DResolver.StripAliasSymbol(keyType) as MemberSymbol;

                        if (tt == null ||
                            !(tt.Definition is DVariable) ||
                            ((DVariable)tt.Definition).Initializer == null)
                            return keyType;

                    keyVal = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(ad.KeyExpression, ctxt);

                    if (keyVal != null)
                        // Take the value's type as array key type
                        keyType = keyVal.RepresentedType;

                        // It should be mostly a number only that points out how large the final array should be
                        var pv = Evaluation.GetVariableContents(keyVal, new StandardValueProvider(ctxt)) as PrimitiveValue;
                        if (pv != null)
                            fixedArrayLength = System.Convert.ToInt32(pv.Value);

                            if (fixedArrayLength < 0)
                                ctxt.LogError(ad, "Invalid array size: Length value must be greater than 0");
                        //TODO Is there any other type of value allowed?
                catch { }
                var t = Resolve(ad.KeyType, ctxt);
                ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(t, ad.KeyType);

                if (t != null && t.Length != 0)
                    return t[0];

            return keyType;
コード例 #14
        public static AbstractType[] Resolve(IdentifierDeclaration id, ResolutionContext ctxt, AbstractType[] resultBases = null, bool filterForTemplateArgs = true)
            AbstractType[] res;

            if (id.InnerDeclaration == null && resultBases == null)
                res = ResolveIdentifier(id.IdHash, ctxt, id, id.ModuleScoped);
                var rbases = resultBases ?? Resolve(id.InnerDeclaration, ctxt);

                if (rbases == null || rbases.Length == 0)
                    return null;

                res = ResolveFurtherTypeIdentifier(id.IdHash, rbases, ctxt, id);

            if (filterForTemplateArgs && (ctxt.Options & ResolutionOptions.NoTemplateParameterDeduction) == 0)
                var l_ = new List<AbstractType>();

                if (res != null)
                    foreach (var s in res)

                return TemplateInstanceHandler.DeduceParamsAndFilterOverloads(l_, null, false, ctxt);
                return res;
コード例 #15
 public ImportBinding(IdentifierDeclaration symbol, IdentifierDeclaration alias = null)
     Symbol = symbol;
     Alias  = alias;
コード例 #16
        bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p, IdentifierDeclaration id, ISemantic r)
            // Bottom-level reached
            if (id.InnerDeclaration == null && Contains(id.Id) && !id.ModuleScoped)
                // Associate template param with r
                return Set(p, r, id.Id);

             * If not stand-alone identifier or is not required as template param, resolve the id and compare it against r
            var _r = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(id, ctxt);

            ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(_r, id);

            return _r != null && _r.Length != 0 &&
                (EnforceTypeEqualityWhenDeducing ?
                ResultComparer.IsEqual(r,_r[0]) :
コード例 #17
 public override void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
     if (td.IdHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {
         halt = true;
         if(td.InnerDeclaration != null)
             prv = new MemberCompletionProvider (cdgen, td.InnerDeclaration, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);
         base.Visit (td);
コード例 #18
		public override void Visit (IdentifierDeclaration id)
			if (id.IdHash == searchHash || resolveAnyway) {
				if (TryAdd(TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(id, ctxt), id))

			base.Visit (id);
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="Resolve"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static AbstractType ResolveSingle(IdentifierDeclaration id, ResolutionContext ctxt, AbstractType[] resultBases = null, bool filterForTemplateArgs = true)
            var r = Resolve(id, ctxt, resultBases, filterForTemplateArgs);

            ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(r, id);

            return r != null && r.Length != 0 ? r[0] : null;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: EnergonV/D_Parser
        public TemplateInstanceExpression TemplateInstance(IBlockNode Scope)
            var loc = la.Location;

            var mod = INVALID;

            if (DTokens.StorageClass [laKind]) {
                mod = laKind;
                Step ();

            if (!Expect (Identifier))
                return null;

            ITypeDeclaration td = new IdentifierDeclaration (t.Value) {
                Location = t.Location,
                EndLocation = t.EndLocation

            td = new TemplateInstanceExpression(mod != DTokens.INVALID ? new MemberFunctionAttributeDecl(mod) { InnerType = td } : td) {
                Location = loc
            LastParsedObject = td;

            var args = new List<IExpression>();

            if (!Expect(Not))
                return td as TemplateInstanceExpression;

            if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis))

                if (laKind != CloseParenthesis)
                    bool init = true;
                    while (laKind == Comma || init)
                        if (!init) Step();
                        init = false;

                        if (laKind == CloseParenthesis)

                        if (IsEOF)
                            args.Add(new TokenExpression(DTokens.INVALID) { Location= la.Location, EndLocation=la.EndLocation });


                        bool wp = AllowWeakTypeParsing;
                        AllowWeakTypeParsing = true;

                        var typeArg = Type();

                        AllowWeakTypeParsing = wp;

                        if (typeArg != null && (laKind == CloseParenthesis || laKind==Comma)){
                            args.Add(new TypeDeclarationExpression(typeArg));

                 * TemplateSingleArgument:
                 *		Identifier
                 *		BasicTypeX
                 *		CharacterLiteral
                 *		StringLiteral
                 *		IntegerLiteral
                 *		FloatLiteral
                 *		true
                 *		false
                 *		null
                 *		__FILE__
                 *		__LINE__

                IExpression arg= null;

                if (t.Kind == Literal)
                    arg = new IdentifierExpression(t.LiteralFormat == LiteralFormat.StringLiteral ||
                                                   t.LiteralFormat == LiteralFormat.VerbatimStringLiteral ?
                                                   t.Value :
                        Location = t.Location,
                        EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                else if (t.Kind == Identifier)
                    arg = new IdentifierExpression(t.Value)
                        Location = t.Location,
                        EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                else if (BasicTypes[t.Kind])
                    arg = new TypeDeclarationExpression(new DTokenDeclaration(t.Kind)
                        Location = t.Location,
                        EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                else if (
                    t.Kind == True ||
                    t.Kind == False ||
                    t.Kind == Null ||
                    t.Kind == __FILE__ ||
                    t.Kind == __LINE__)
                    arg = new TokenExpression(t.Kind)
                        Location = t.Location,
                        EndLocation = t.EndLocation
                else if (IsEOF)
                    TrackerVariables.ExpectingIdentifier = false;
                    td.EndLocation = CodeLocation.Empty;
                    return td as TemplateInstanceExpression;

            (td as TemplateInstanceExpression).Arguments = args.ToArray();
            td.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
            return td as TemplateInstanceExpression;
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to resolve a static property's name.
        /// Returns a result describing the theoretical member (".init"-%gt;MemberResult; ".typeof"-&gt;TypeResult etc).
        /// Returns null if nothing was found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InitialResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MemberSymbol TryResolveStaticProperties(
			ISemantic InitialResult, 
			string propertyIdentifier, 
			ResolverContextStack ctxt = null, 
			bool Evaluate = false,
			IdentifierDeclaration idContainter = null)
            // If a pointer'ed type is given, take its base type
            if (InitialResult is PointerType)
                InitialResult = ((PointerType)InitialResult).Base;

            if (InitialResult == null || InitialResult is ModuleSymbol)
                return null;

            INode relatedNode = null;

            if (InitialResult is DSymbol)
                relatedNode = ((DSymbol)InitialResult).Definition;

            #region init
            if (propertyIdentifier == "init")
                var prop_Init = new DVariable
                    Name = "init",
                    Description = "Initializer"

                if (relatedNode != null)
                    if (!(relatedNode is DVariable))
                        prop_Init.Parent = relatedNode.Parent;
                        prop_Init.Type = new IdentifierDeclaration(relatedNode.Name);
                        prop_Init.Parent = relatedNode;
                        prop_Init.Initializer = (relatedNode as DVariable).Initializer;
                        prop_Init.Type = relatedNode.Type;

                return new MemberSymbol(prop_Init, DResolver.StripAliasSymbol(AbstractType.Get(InitialResult)), idContainter);

            #region sizeof
            if (propertyIdentifier == "sizeof")
                return new MemberSymbol(new DVariable
                        Name = "sizeof",
                        Type = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Int),
                        Initializer = new IdentifierExpression(4),
                        Description = "Size in bytes (equivalent to C's sizeof(type))"
                    }, new PrimitiveType(DTokens.Int), idContainter);

            #region alignof
            if (propertyIdentifier == "alignof")
                return new MemberSymbol(new DVariable
                        Name = "alignof",
                        Type = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Int),
                        Description = "Alignment size"
                    }, new PrimitiveType(DTokens.Int),idContainter);

            #region mangleof
            if (propertyIdentifier == "mangleof")
                return new MemberSymbol(new DVariable
                        Name = "mangleof",
                        Type = new IdentifierDeclaration("string"),
                        Description = "String representing the ‘mangled’ representation of the type"
                    }, getStringType(ctxt) , idContainter);

            #region stringof
            if (propertyIdentifier == "stringof")
                return new MemberSymbol(new DVariable
                        Name = "stringof",
                        Type = new IdentifierDeclaration("string"),
                        Description = "String representing the source representation of the type"
                    }, getStringType(ctxt), idContainter);

            #region classinfo
            else if (propertyIdentifier == "classinfo")
                var tr = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(InitialResult)) as TemplateIntermediateType;

                if (tr is ClassType || tr is InterfaceType)
                    var ci=new IdentifierDeclaration("TypeInfo_Class")
                        InnerDeclaration = new IdentifierDeclaration("object"),
                        ExpressesVariableAccess = true,

                    var ti = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(ci, ctxt);

                    ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(ti, ci);

                    return new MemberSymbol(new DVariable { Name = "classinfo", Type = ci }, ti!=null && ti.Length!=0?ti[0]:null, idContainter);

            //TODO: Resolve the types of type-specific properties (floats, ints, arrays, assocarrays etc.)

            return null;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: EnergonV/D_Parser
        ITypeDeclaration ModuleFullyQualifiedName()
            if (!Expect(Identifier))
                return null;

            var td = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location=t.Location,EndLocation=t.EndLocation };

            while (laKind == Dot)
                td = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location=t.Location, EndLocation=t.EndLocation, InnerDeclaration = td };

            return td;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: rainers/D_Parser
        public ITypeDeclaration IdentifierList()
            ITypeDeclaration td = null;

            bool notInit = false;
                if (notInit)
                    notInit = true;

                ITypeDeclaration ttd;

                if (IsTemplateInstance)
                    ttd = TemplateInstance(null);
                else if (Expect(Identifier))
                    ttd = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location = t.Location, EndLocation = t.EndLocation };
                else if (IsEOF)
                    return new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Incomplete, td);
                    ttd = null;
                if (ttd != null)
                    ttd.InnerDeclaration = td;
                td = ttd;
            while (laKind == Dot);

            return td;
コード例 #24
 public virtual void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Demangler.cs プロジェクト: default0/D_Parser
        ITypeDeclaration QualifiedName()
            ITypeDeclaration td = null;
            int n;

                // Read number of either the first LName or TemplateInstanceName
                n = (int)Number();
                if((char)r.Peek() == '_')
                    if((char)r.Peek() == '_')
                        if((char)r.Peek() == 'T')
                            // We've got to handle a Template instance:
                            // Number __T LName TemplateArgs Z
                            var tpi = new TemplateInstanceExpression(new IdentifierDeclaration(LName()));

                            tpi.InnerDeclaration = td;
                            td = tpi;

                            var xx = new List<IExpression>();
                            while(r.Peek() != -1)
                                var arg = TemplateArg();
                                if(arg == null)
                            tpi.Arguments = xx.ToArray();

                // Just an LName
                if(n > sb.Length)

                var ttd = new IdentifierDeclaration(sb.ToString());
                ttd.InnerDeclaration = td;
                td = ttd;

            return td;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: rainers/D_Parser
        ITypeDeclaration ModuleFullyQualifiedName()
            if (!Expect (Identifier))
                return IsEOF ? new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Incomplete) : null;

            var td = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location=t.Location,EndLocation=t.EndLocation };

            while (laKind == Dot)
                    td = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location=t.Location, EndLocation=t.EndLocation, InnerDeclaration = td };
                else if(IsEOF)
                    td = new IdentifierDeclaration(DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) { InnerDeclaration = td };

            return td;
コード例 #27
ファイル: Resolver.cs プロジェクト: nazriel/Mono-D
            /// <summary>
            /// Tries to resolve a static property's name.
            /// Returns a result describing the theoretical member (".init"-%gt;MemberResult; ".typeof"-&gt;TypeResult etc).
            /// Returns null if nothing was found.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="InitialResult"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static ResolveResult TryResolveStaticProperties(ResolveResult InitialResult, IdentifierDeclaration Identifier, ResolverContext ctxt = null)
                if (InitialResult == null || Identifier == null || InitialResult is ModuleResult)
                    return null;

                var propertyName = Identifier.Value as string;
                if (propertyName == null)
                    return null;

                INode relatedNode = null;

                if (InitialResult is MemberResult)
                    relatedNode = (InitialResult as MemberResult).ResolvedMember;
                else if (InitialResult is TypeResult)
                    relatedNode = (InitialResult as TypeResult).ResolvedTypeDefinition;

                #region init
                if (propertyName == "init")
                    var prop_Init = new DVariable
                        Name = "init",
                        Description = "Initializer"

                    if (relatedNode != null)
                        if (!(relatedNode is DVariable))
                            prop_Init.Parent = relatedNode.Parent;
                            prop_Init.Type = new IdentifierDeclaration(relatedNode.Name);
                            prop_Init.Parent = relatedNode;
                            prop_Init.Initializer = (relatedNode as DVariable).Initializer;
                            prop_Init.Type = relatedNode.Type;

                    return new MemberResult
                        ResultBase = InitialResult,
                        MemberBaseTypes = new[] { InitialResult },
                        TypeDeclarationBase = Identifier,
                        ResolvedMember = prop_Init

                #region sizeof
                if (propertyName == "sizeof")
                    return new MemberResult
                        ResultBase = InitialResult,
                        TypeDeclarationBase = Identifier,
                        ResolvedMember = new DVariable
                            Name = "sizeof",
                            Type = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Int),
                            Initializer = new IdentifierExpression(4),
                            Description = "Size in bytes (equivalent to C's sizeof(type))"

                #region alignof
                if (propertyName == "alignof")
                    return new MemberResult
                        ResultBase = InitialResult,
                        TypeDeclarationBase = Identifier,
                        ResolvedMember = new DVariable
                            Name = "alignof",
                            Type = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Int),
                            Description = "Alignment size"

                #region mangleof
                if (propertyName == "mangleof")
                    return new MemberResult
                        ResultBase = InitialResult,
                        TypeDeclarationBase = Identifier,
                        ResolvedMember = new DVariable
                            Name = "mangleof",
                            Type = new IdentifierDeclaration("string"),
                            Description = "String representing the ‘mangled’ representation of the type"
                        MemberBaseTypes = ResolveType(new IdentifierDeclaration("string"), ctxt)

                #region stringof
                if (propertyName == "stringof")
                    return new MemberResult
                        ResultBase = InitialResult,
                        TypeDeclarationBase = Identifier,
                        ResolvedMember = new DVariable
                            Name = "stringof",
                            Type = new IdentifierDeclaration("string"),
                            Description = "String representing the source representation of the type"
                        MemberBaseTypes = ResolveType(new IdentifierDeclaration("string"), ctxt)

                    isArray = false,
                    isAssocArray = false,
                    isInt = false,
                    isFloat = false;

                #region See AbsractCompletionSupport.StaticPropertyAddition
                if (InitialResult is StaticTypeResult)
                    var srr = InitialResult as StaticTypeResult;

                    var type = srr.TypeDeclarationBase;

                    // on things like immutable(char), pass by the surrounding attribute..
                    while (type is MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)
                        type = (type as MemberFunctionAttributeDecl).InnerType;

                    if (type is ArrayDecl)
                        var ad = type as ArrayDecl;

                        // Normal array
                        if (ad.KeyType is DTokenDeclaration && DTokens.BasicTypes_Integral[(ad.KeyType as DTokenDeclaration).Token])
                            isArray = true;
                        // Associative array
                            isAssocArray = true;
                    else if (!(type is PointerDecl))
                        int TypeToken = srr.BaseTypeToken;

                        if (TypeToken <= 0 && type is DTokenDeclaration)
                            TypeToken = (type as DTokenDeclaration).Token;

                        if (TypeToken > 0)
                            // Determine whether float by the var's base type
                            isInt = DTokens.BasicTypes_Integral[srr.BaseTypeToken];
                            isFloat = DTokens.BasicTypes_FloatingPoint[srr.BaseTypeToken];
                else if (InitialResult is ExpressionResult)
                    var err = InitialResult as ExpressionResult;
                    var expr = err.Expression;

                    // 'Skip' surrounding parentheses
                    while (expr is SurroundingParenthesesExpression)
                        expr = (expr as SurroundingParenthesesExpression).Expression;

                    var idExpr = expr as IdentifierExpression;
                    if (idExpr != null)
                        // Char literals, Integrals types & Floats
                        if ((idExpr.Format & LiteralFormat.Scalar) == LiteralFormat.Scalar || idExpr.Format == LiteralFormat.CharLiteral)
                            // Floats also imply integral properties
                            isInt = true;
                            isFloat = (idExpr.Format & LiteralFormat.FloatingPoint) == LiteralFormat.FloatingPoint;
                        // String literals
                        else if (idExpr.Format == LiteralFormat.StringLiteral || idExpr.Format == LiteralFormat.VerbatimStringLiteral)
                            isArray = true;
                    // Pointer conversions (e.g. (myInt*).sizeof)

                //TODO: Resolve static [assoc] array props
                if (isArray || isAssocArray)


                return null;
コード例 #28
        public override void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
            byte type;
            if (DoPrimaryIdCheck(td.IdHash, out type))
                AddResult(td, type);

            base.Visit (td);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: nazriel/Mono-D
        public ITypeDeclaration IdentifierList()
            ITypeDeclaration td = null;

            bool init = true;
            while (init|| laKind == Dot)
                init = false;

                ITypeDeclaration ttd = null;

                if (IsTemplateInstance)
                    ttd = TemplateInstance();
                else if (Expect(Identifier))
                    ttd = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location=t.Location, EndLocation=t.EndLocation };

                if (ttd != null)
                    ttd.InnerDeclaration = td;
                td = ttd;

            ExpectingIdentifier = false;

            return td;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Parser_Impl.cs プロジェクト: DinrusGroup/D_Parser
		public ITypeDeclaration IdentifierList(IBlockNode scope = null)
			ITypeDeclaration td = null;

			switch (laKind) {
				case DTokens.This:
				case DTokens.Super:
					Step ();
					td = new DTokenDeclaration (t.Kind) { Location = t.Location, EndLocation = t.EndLocation };

					if (!Expect (DTokens.Dot))
						return td;

			bool notInit = false;
				if (notInit)
					notInit = true;

				ITypeDeclaration ttd;

				if (IsTemplateInstance)
					ttd = TemplateInstance(scope);
				else if (Expect(Identifier))
					ttd = new IdentifierDeclaration(t.Value) { Location = t.Location, EndLocation = t.EndLocation };
				else if (IsEOF)
					return new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Incomplete, td);
					ttd = null;
				if (ttd != null)
					ttd.InnerDeclaration = td;
				td = ttd;
			while (laKind == Dot);

			return td;
コード例 #31
        public override void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
            if (DoPrimaryIdCheck(td.IdHash))

            base.Visit (td);