コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of the available IDs for a Vector of StateMod_Data-extending
        /// objects.  Reservoirs will include an identifier for each reservoir total and each account for the reservoir. </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes"> the nodes for which to create a list of IDs. </param>
        /// <param name="include_accounts"> If true, the </param>
        /// <returns> a Vector of Strings, each of which contains an ID followed by the name of Structure in parentheses </returns>
        private System.Collections.IList createAvailableIDsList(System.Collections.IList nodes)
            System.Collections.IList v = new List <object>();

            int  num          = 0;
            bool is_reservoir = false;     // To allow check below

            if (nodes != null)
                num = nodes.Count;
                if ((num > 0) && ((StateMod_Data)nodes[0]) is StateMod_Reservoir)
                    is_reservoir = true;

            StateMod_Reservoir res = null;     // These are used if reservoirs.
            int nowner             = 0;
            int ia = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                // Add the normal item...
                v.Add(StateMod_Util.formatDataLabel(((StateMod_Data)nodes[i]).getID(), ((StateMod_Data)nodes[i]).getName()));
                if (is_reservoir)
                    // Also add reservoir owner/accounts...
                    res    = (StateMod_Reservoir)nodes[i];
                    nowner = res.getAccounts().Count;
                    for (ia = 0; ia < nowner; ia++)
                        v.Add(StateMod_Util.formatDataLabel(res.getID() + "-" + (ia + 1), res.getName() + " - " + res.getAccount(ia).getName()));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the primary data for a component.  This method is called when adding nodes under a group node. </summary>
        /// <param name="comp"> Component to display data. </param>
        /// <param name="node"> Parent node to display under. </param>
        private bool displayDataSetComponent(DataSetComponent comp, SimpleJTree_Node node)
            string routine      = "StateMod_DataSet_JTree.displayDataSetComponent";
            bool   hadData      = false; // No data for component...
            string label        = "";
            int    primary_type = __dataset.lookupPrimaryComponentTypeForComponentGroup(comp.getComponentType());

            if (primary_type >= 0)
                comp = __dataset.getComponentForComponentType(primary_type);
            // Revisit - later may enable even if a component does
            // not have data - for example have an "Add" popup...
            if ((comp == null) || !comp.isVisible() || !comp.hasData())
            object data_Object = comp.getData();

            if (data_Object == null)
            System.Collections.IList data = null;
            if (data_Object is System.Collections.IList)
                data = (System.Collections.IList)comp.getData();
                // Continue (REVISIT - what components would this happen for?)...
                Message.printWarning(2, routine, "Unexpected non-Vector for " + comp.getComponentName());
            StateCU_Data     cudata;
            StateMod_Data    smdata;
            SimpleJTree_Node node2 = null;
            TS  tsdata;
            int dsize = 0;

            if (data != null)
                dsize = data.Count;
            for (int idata = 0; idata < dsize; idata++)
                data_Object = data[idata];
                if (data_Object is StateMod_Data)
                    smdata = (StateMod_Data)data[idata];
                    label  = StateMod_Util.formatDataLabel(smdata.getID(), smdata.getName());
                    node2  = new SimpleJTree_Node(label);
                else if (data_Object is StateCU_Data)
                    cudata = (StateCU_Data)data[idata];
                    label  = StateMod_Util.formatDataLabel(cudata.getID(), cudata.getName());
                    node2  = new SimpleJTree_Node(label);
                else if (data_Object is TS)
                    tsdata = (TS)data[idata];
                    label  = StateMod_Util.formatDataLabel(tsdata.getLocation(), tsdata.getDescription());
                    node2  = new SimpleJTree_Node(label);
                    addNode(node2, node);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Message.printWarning(2, routine, "Error adding data \"" + label + "\"");
                    Message.printWarning(2, routine, e);
            if (dsize > 0)
                hadData = true;
            // Collapse the node because the lists are usually pretty long...
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore.
            return(hadData);    // Needed in the calling code.