public virtual void RemoveLSPUsers(LSPUser __item) { if (__item != null) { __item.LSP = null; } }
public virtual void InternalRemoveLSPUsers(LSPUser __item) { if (__item == null) { return; } lSPUsers?.Remove(__item); }
public virtual void InternalAddLSPUsers(LSPUser __item) { if (__item == null || disableInternalAdditions) { return; } lSPUsers?.Add(__item); }
public virtual void AddLSPUsers(LSPUser __item) { if (__item == null) { return; } if (__item.LSP != this) { __item.LSP = this; } }
public virtual void SetLSPUsersAt(LSPUser __item, int __index) { if (__item == null) { lSPUsers[__index].LSP = null; } else { lSPUsers[__index] = __item; if (__item.LSP != this) { __item.LSP = this; } } }
public virtual void AddAtIndexLSPUsers(int index, LSPUser __item) { if (__item == null) { return; } lSPUsers?.Insert(index, __item); disableInternalAdditions = true; try { if (__item.LSP != this) { __item.LSP = this; } } finally { disableInternalAdditions = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Copies the current object to a new instance /// </summary> /// <param name="deep">Copy members that refer to objects external to this class (not dependent)</param> /// <param name="copiedObjects">Objects that should be reused</param> /// <param name="asNew">Copy the current object as a new one, ready to be persisted, along all its members.</param> /// <param name="reuseNestedObjects">If asNew is true, this flag if set, forces the reuse of all external objects.</param> /// <param name="copy">Optional - An existing [LSPUser] instance to use as the destination.</param> /// <returns>A copy of the object</returns> public virtual LSPUser Copy(bool deep = false, Hashtable copiedObjects = null, bool asNew = false, bool reuseNestedObjects = false, LSPUser copy = null) { if (copiedObjects == null) { copiedObjects = new Hashtable(); } if (copy == null && copiedObjects.Contains(this)) { return((LSPUser)copiedObjects[this]); } copy = copy ?? new LSPUser(); if (!asNew) { copy.TransientId = this.TransientId; } if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this)) { copiedObjects.Add(this, copy); } if (deep && this.lSP != null) { if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this.lSP)) { if (asNew && reuseNestedObjects) { copy.LSP = this.LSP; } else if (asNew) { copy.LSP = this.LSP.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, true); } else { copy.lSP = this.lSP.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, false); } } else { if (asNew) { copy.LSP = (LSP)copiedObjects[this.LSP]; } else { copy.lSP = (LSP)copiedObjects[this.LSP]; } } } base.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, asNew, reuseNestedObjects, copy); return(copy); }
public void LSP_persistence_test() { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; // Get datetime without milliseconds now = new DateTime(now.Ticks - (now.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), now.Kind); var _lsp_lspusers_lsp = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.LSPUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "LSPUser_PasswordHash", SecurityStamp = "LSPUser_SecurityStamp", EmailConfirmed = true, LockoutEnabled = true, PhoneNumberConfirmed = true, TwoFactorEnabled = true, AccessFailedCount = 6324, Name = "LSPUser_Name", Email = "LSPUser_Email", PhoneNumber = "LSPUser_PhoneNumber", LockoutEndDate = now, }; var _lsp_lspusers_lsp2 = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.LSPUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "LSPUser_PasswordHash", SecurityStamp = "LSPUser_SecurityStamp", EmailConfirmed = true, LockoutEnabled = true, PhoneNumberConfirmed = true, TwoFactorEnabled = true, AccessFailedCount = 3787, Name = "LSPUser_Name", Email = "LSPUser_Email", PhoneNumber = "LSPUser_PhoneNumber", LockoutEndDate = now, }; var _scheduledroutes_privatetemplates_visibleto = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.ScheduledRouteTemplate { Origin = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_Origin", Destination = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_Destination", DaysOfWeek = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_DaysOfWeek", PricePerPallet = 222222.22M, PricePerKilogram = 222222.22M, PricePerCubicMeter = 222222.22M, TotalAvailableCapacityKG = 222222.22M, EffectiveFrom = now, EffectiveTo = now, AvailableCapacityLaden = 2667, CreatedOn = now, IsPrivate = true, TotalAvailableCapacityLaden = 8573, TotalAvailableCapacityM3 = 222222.22M, AvailableCapacityKG = 222222.22M, AvailableCapacityM3 = 222222.22M, FixedPrice = 222222.22M, TruckPlate = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_TruckPlate", DeliveryDate = now, ByRA = true, }; var _scheduledroutes_privatetemplates_visibleto2 = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.ScheduledRouteTemplate { Origin = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_Origin", Destination = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_Destination", DaysOfWeek = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_DaysOfWeek", PricePerPallet = 222222.22M, PricePerKilogram = 222222.22M, PricePerCubicMeter = 222222.22M, TotalAvailableCapacityKG = 222222.22M, EffectiveFrom = now, EffectiveTo = now, AvailableCapacityLaden = 3835, CreatedOn = now, IsPrivate = true, TotalAvailableCapacityLaden = 2143, TotalAvailableCapacityM3 = 222222.22M, AvailableCapacityKG = 222222.22M, AvailableCapacityM3 = 222222.22M, FixedPrice = 222222.22M, TruckPlate = "ScheduledRouteTemplate_TruckPlate", DeliveryDate = now, ByRA = true, }; var _workcontract_workcontracts_lsp = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.WorkContract { CreationDate = now, LastUpdate = now, }; var _workcontract_workcontracts_lsp2 = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.WorkContract { CreationDate = now, LastUpdate = now, }; new PersistenceSpecification <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.LSP>(Session) .CheckProperty(p => p.LSPName, "LSP_LSPName") .CheckProperty(p => p.LSPDescription, "LSP_LSPDescription") .CheckBag(p => p.LSPUsers, (new List <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.LSPUser> { _lsp_lspusers_lsp, _lsp_lspusers_lsp2 })) .CheckBag(p => p.PrivateTemplates, (new List <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.ScheduledRouteTemplate> { _scheduledroutes_privatetemplates_visibleto, _scheduledroutes_privatetemplates_visibleto2 })) .CheckBag(p => p.WorkContracts, (new List <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.WorkContract> { _workcontract_workcontracts_lsp, _workcontract_workcontracts_lsp2 })) .VerifyTheMappings(); }