/*<ControllerActionImplementation:NotificationRead:1/>*/ public ActionResult ExecuteNotificationRead(DSS1_RetailerDriverStockOptimisation.BO.AppNotification appNotification) { ActionResult _result = null; appNotification.IsRead = true; new DSS1_RetailerDriverStockOptimisation.DAL.Repository().Save <DSS1_RetailerDriverStockOptimisation.BO.AppNotification>(appNotification); ClientCommand(ClientCommands.GRID_REFRESH, "NotificationTable"); return(_result); }
public ActionResult NotificationRead(DSS1_RetailerDriverStockOptimisation.BO.AppNotification appNotification) { var _data = _LoadViewModel(); var _failedValidationsResult = GetFailedDataValidationsResult(); if (_failedValidationsResult != null) { return(_failedValidationsResult); } if (!_redirectionFromSameController) { appNotification = DeserializeViewModelProperty <DSS1_RetailerDriverStockOptimisation.BO.AppNotification, AppNotificationDTO>(_data["appNotification"].ToString()); } var redirectInfo = ExecuteNotificationRead(appNotification); return(redirectInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if self and the provided entity have the same Id values /// and the Ids are not of the default Id value /// </summary> protected bool HasSameNonDefaultIdAs(AppNotification compareTo) { return(!this.IsTransient() && !compareTo.IsTransient() && this.Id.Equals(compareTo.Id)); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the current object to a new instance /// </summary> /// <param name="deep">Copy members that refer to objects external to this class (not dependent)</param> /// <param name="copiedObjects">Objects that should be reused</param> /// <param name="asNew">Copy the current object as a new one, ready to be persisted, along all its members.</param> /// <param name="reuseNestedObjects">If asNew is true, this flag if set, forces the reuse of all external objects.</param> /// <param name="copy">Optional - An existing [AppNotification] instance to use as the destination.</param> /// <returns>A copy of the object</returns> public virtual AppNotification Copy(bool deep = false, Hashtable copiedObjects = null, bool asNew = false, bool reuseNestedObjects = false, AppNotification copy = null) { if (copiedObjects == null) { copiedObjects = new Hashtable(); } if (copy == null && copiedObjects.Contains(this)) { return((AppNotification)copiedObjects[this]); } copy = copy ?? new AppNotification(); if (!asNew) { copy.TransientId = this.TransientId; copy.Id = this.Id; } copy.Type = this.Type; copy.Reason = this.Reason; copy.DateCreated = this.DateCreated; copy.IsRead = this.IsRead; copy.Item = this.Item; copy.Delta = this.Delta; if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this)) { copiedObjects.Add(this, copy); } copy.appNotificationActions = new List <AppNotificationAction>(); if (deep && this.appNotificationActions != null) { foreach (var __item in this.appNotificationActions) { if (!copiedObjects.Contains(__item)) { if (asNew && reuseNestedObjects) { copy.AddAppNotificationActions(__item); } else { copy.AddAppNotificationActions(__item.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, asNew)); } } else { copy.AddAppNotificationActions((AppNotificationAction)copiedObjects[__item]); } } } if (deep && this.recipient != null) { if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this.recipient)) { if (asNew && reuseNestedObjects) { copy.Recipient = this.Recipient; } else if (asNew) { copy.Recipient = this.Recipient.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, true); } else { copy.recipient = this.recipient.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, false); } } else { if (asNew) { copy.Recipient = (Contact)copiedObjects[this.Recipient]; } else { copy.recipient = (Contact)copiedObjects[this.Recipient]; } } } return(copy); }