public IEnumerable <HealthCounter> ProbeAndPrune() { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var limit = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow() - MaxAge; var old = db.healthCounter.Where(hc => hc.timestamp < limit); db.healthCounter.RemoveRange(old); db.SaveChanges(); var res = db.healthCounter.Select(Mapper.Map <HealthCounter>).ToList(); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); return(res); } }
static SqlJobRepository() //init logic { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { // UPDATE enum tables if needed foreach (var enumType in new [] { typeof(StateFormat), typeof(ExecutionState), typeof(JobEssenceType), typeof(ExecutionEssenceType), typeof(EssenceFileKind), typeof(AttachmentType), typeof(CommandType) }) { var tableName = enumType.Name; tableName = tableName.First().ToString().ToLower() + tableName.Substring(1); foreach (var id in Enum.GetValues(enumType)) { var name = Enum.GetName(enumType, id); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($@" SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE id=@id AND name=@name IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN UPDATE {tableName} SET name=@name WHERE id=@id IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 INSERT INTO {tableName} ([id] ,[name]) VALUES (@id, @name) END ", new SqlParameter("@id", id), new SqlParameter("@name", name)); } } db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public void Increment(string id, string message) { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var entry = db.healthCounter.FirstOrDefault(hc => == id); var now = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow(); if (entry == null) { entry = new healthCounter { id = id, message = message, count = 1, timestamp = now }; db.healthCounter.Add(entry); } else { entry.message = message; if (entry.timestamp + MaxAge > now) { entry.count++; } else { entry.count = 1; } entry.timestamp = now; } db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public void Reset() { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { db.semaphore.RemoveRange(db.semaphore); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public void Add(Command command) { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { db.command.Add(Mapper.Map<command>(command)); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
private job InternalAdd(Job job) { job.LastModified = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow(); using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var mappedObject = Mapper.Map <job>(job); var result = db.job.Add(mappedObject); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// :warning: Only use for unit testing on local db. /// </summary> internal void Reset() { //Resetting commands - dangerzone! :fire: using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var connectionString = db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString; if (!connectionString.Contains("MarvinLocal") || !connectionString.Contains("user id=nunit")) throw new Exception("Reset method is only allow for MarvinLocal and nunit user."); db.command.RemoveRange(db.command); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public void Remove(Command command) { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var com = Mapper.Map<command>(command); db.command.Attach(com); db.command.Remove(com); db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public void Update(Job job) { job.LastModified = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow(); using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { var dbJob = db.job.Where(a => == job.Id).IncludeFullJob().FirstOrDefault(); if (dbJob == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could'nt find job to update - are you missing and ID?"); } lock (JobMappingProfile.Lock) { JobMappingProfile.Db = db; // :skull: :arrow_backward: this is a horrible ugly hack. But need for deletions. Mapper.Map(job, dbJob); } db.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } }
public bool Get(string semaphoreId, string callerId, out string currentOwnerId) { using (var scope = CreateScope()) using (var db = new MarvinEntities()) { try { //Get semaphore by ID var semaphore = db.semaphore.SingleOrDefault(a => a.semaphoreId == semaphoreId); //if we don't get one, create it! if (semaphore == null) { db.semaphore.Add(new semaphore { semaphoreId = semaphoreId, currentOwnerId = callerId, heartBeat = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow() }); //Try to save changes try { db.SaveChanges(); currentOwnerId = callerId; return(true); } //If we get updateexception due to new record already inserted - get that record and return false. catch (DbUpdateException) { var newSemaphore = db.semaphore.Single(a => a.semaphoreId == semaphoreId); currentOwnerId = newSemaphore.currentOwnerId; return(false); } } //If caller isn't owner and maxage haven't been reached return currentowner. if (semaphore.currentOwnerId != callerId && semaphore.heartBeat.Add(MaxAge) > _timeProvider.GetUtcNow()) { currentOwnerId = semaphore.currentOwnerId; return(false); } //Otherwise we need to attach caller as owner and update semaphore. semaphore.currentOwnerId = callerId; semaphore.heartBeat = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow(); //Try to save Semaphore entry try { db.SaveChanges(); currentOwnerId = callerId; } //If row has been updated in the meantime. Reload DB version and return it catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) { ex.Entries.Single().Reload(); currentOwnerId = semaphore.currentOwnerId; return(false); } return(true); } finally { scope.Complete(); } } }