コード例 #1
		public void Scheduler_AddTimer_RetrieveTask()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => 0, 10);
			Assert.IsTrue(task.Active, "Task should be active after Scheduler Insertion...");
コード例 #2
		public void Scheduler_StopTimer_TaskInactive()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => 1, 1);
			Assert.IsFalse(task.Active, "Task should be inactive after Scheduler Stop...");
コード例 #3
		public void Scheduler_StopTimerLatency_TaskNotRun()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			var run = false;
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { run = true; return 0; }, 100);
			Assert.IsFalse(run, "Task should not have run when Stopping before delay...");
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameServer.cs プロジェクト: dol-leodagan/DOLSharp
		/// <summary>
		/// Starts the server
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>True if the server was successfully started</returns>
		public override bool Start()
				if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
					log.DebugFormat("Starting Server, Memory is {0}MB", GC.GetTotalMemory(false)/1024/1024);
				m_status = eGameServerStatus.GSS_Closed;
				Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;

				AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;

				//Try to compile the Scripts
				if (!InitComponent(CompileScripts(), "Script compilation"))
					return false;
				//Try to init Server Properties
				if (!InitComponent(Properties.InitProperties, "Server Properties Lookup"))
					return false;
				//Try loading the commands
				if (!InitComponent(ScriptMgr.LoadCommands(), "Loading Commands"))
					return false;

				//Check and update the database if needed
				if (!UpdateDatabase())
					return false;

				//Try to init the server port
				if (!InitComponent(InitSocket(), "InitSocket()"))
					return false;

				//Packet buffers
				if (!InitComponent(AllocatePacketBuffers(), "AllocatePacketBuffers()"))
					return false;

				//Try to start the udp port
				if (!InitComponent(StartUDP(), "StartUDP()"))
					return false;

				//Try to init the RSA key
				/* No Cryptlib currently
					if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
						log.Info("Generating RSA key, may take a minute, please wait...");
					if (!InitComponent(CryptLib168.GenerateRSAKey(), "RSA key generation"))
						return false;

				//Try to initialize the Scheduler
				if (!InitComponent(() => Scheduler = new Scheduler.SimpleScheduler(), "Scheduler Initialization"))
					return false;

				//Try to initialize the WorldManager
				if (!InitComponent(() => WorldManager = new WorldManager(this), "Instancied World Manager Initialization"))
					return false;
				//Try to initialize the PlayerManager
				if (!InitComponent(() => PlayerManager = new PlayerManager(this), "Player Manager Initialization"))
					return false;

				//Try to initialize the NpcManager
				if (!InitComponent(() => NpcManager = new NpcManager(this), "NPC Manager Initialization"))
					return false;
				//Try to start the Language Manager
				if (!InitComponent(LanguageMgr.Init(), "Multi Language Initialization"))
					return false;

				//Init the mail manager
				InitComponent(MailMgr.Init(), "Mail Manager Initialization");

				//Try to initialize the WorldMgr in early state
				RegionData[] regionsData;
				if (!InitComponent(WorldMgr.EarlyInit(out regionsData), "World Manager PreInitialization"))
					return false;

				//Try to initialize the script components
				if (!InitComponent(StartScriptComponents(), "Script components"))
					return false;

				//Load all faction managers
				if (!InitComponent(FactionMgr.Init(), "Faction Managers"))
					return false;

				//Load artifact manager
				InitComponent(ArtifactMgr.Init(), "Artifact Manager");

				//Load all calculators
				if (!InitComponent(GameLiving.LoadCalculators(), "GameLiving.LoadCalculators()"))
					return false;

				//Try to start the npc equipment
				if (!InitComponent(GameNpcInventoryTemplate.Init(), "Npc Equipment"))
					return false;

				//Try to start the Npc Templates Manager
				if (!InitComponent(NpcTemplateMgr.Init(), "Npc Templates Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load the house manager
				if (!InitComponent(HouseMgr.Start(), "House Manager"))
					return false;

				//Create the market cache
				if (!InitComponent(MarketCache.Initialize(), "Market Cache"))
					return false;

				//Load the region managers
				if (!InitComponent(WorldMgr.StartRegionMgrs(), "Region Managers"))
					return false;

				//Load the area manager
				if (!InitComponent(AreaMgr.LoadAllAreas(), "Areas"))
					return false;

				//Enable Worldsave timer now
				if (m_timer != null)
					m_timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
				m_timer = new Timer(SaveTimerProc, null, SaveInterval*MINUTE_CONV, Timeout.Infinite);
				if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
					log.Info("World save timer: true");

				//Load all boats
				if (!InitComponent(BoatMgr.LoadAllBoats(), "Boat Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load all guilds
				if (!InitComponent(GuildMgr.LoadAllGuilds(), "Guild Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load the keep manager
				if (!InitComponent(StartKeepManager(), "Keep Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load the door manager
				if (!InitComponent(DoorMgr.Init(), "Door Manager"))
					return false;

				//Try to initialize the WorldMgr
				if (!InitComponent(WorldMgr.Init(regionsData), "World Manager Initialization"))
					return false;
				regionsData = null;

				//Load the relic manager
				if (!InitComponent(RelicMgr.Init(), "Relic Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load all crafting managers
				if (!InitComponent(CraftingMgr.Init(), "Crafting Managers"))
					return false;

				//Load player titles manager
				if (!InitComponent(PlayerTitleMgr.Init(), "Player Titles Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load behaviour manager
				if (!InitComponent(BehaviourMgr.Init(), "Behaviour Manager"))
					return false;

				//Load the quest managers if enabled
				if (Properties.LOAD_QUESTS)
					if (!InitComponent(QuestMgr.Init(), "Quest Manager"))
						return false;
					log.InfoFormat("Not Loading Quest Manager : Obeying Server Property <load_quests> - {0}", Properties.LOAD_QUESTS);

				//Notify our scripts that everything went fine!

				//Set the GameServer StartTick
				m_startTick = Environment.TickCount;

				//Notify everyone that the server is now started!
				GameEventMgr.Notify(GameServerEvent.Started, this);

				//Try to start the base server (open server port for connections)
				if (!InitComponent(base.Start(), "base.Start()"))
					return false;

				GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

				//Open the server, players can now connect!
				m_status = eGameServerStatus.GSS_Open;

				if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
					log.Info("GameServer is now open for connections!");

				return true;
			catch (Exception e)
				if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
					log.Error("Failed to start the server", e);

				return false;
コード例 #5
		public void Scheduler_TimerException_LogDisplay()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { throw new Exception(); }, 1);
			Assert.IsFalse(task.Active, "Task should have been scheduled to Test Exception...");
コード例 #6
		public void Scheduler_MultiInsertStopTest_AllTasksFinished()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			// Long Interval Tasks
			var longTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => scheduler.Start(() => 0, 1000)).ToArray();

			// Short Interval Tasks
			var shortTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => scheduler.Start(() => 0, 1)).ToArray();
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => false), shortTasks.Select(t => t.Active));
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => false), longTasks.Select(t => t.Active));
コード例 #7
		public void Scheduler_MultiInsertInterval_FixedCountRun()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			// Long Interval Tasks
			var longCount = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => 0).ToArray();
			var longTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => scheduler.Start(() => { longCount[i]++; return longCount[i] == 5 ? 0 : 500; }, 500)).ToArray();

			// Short Interval Tasks
			var shortCount = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => 0).ToArray();
			var shortTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => scheduler.Start(() => { shortCount[i]++; return shortCount[i] == 10 ? 0 : 100; }, 1)).ToArray();
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => 10), shortCount);
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => false), shortTasks.Select(t => t.Active));
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => 5), longCount);
			CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => false), longTasks.Select(t => t.Active));
コード例 #8
		public void Scheduler_TimerStartLatency_LowerThan()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			var start = SimpleScheduler.Ticks;
			var finished = long.MaxValue;
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { finished = SimpleScheduler.Ticks; return 0; }, 1);
			Assert.Less(finished - start, 100, "Scheduler Task Latency is higher than 100ms!");
			Assert.IsFalse(task.Active, "Task Should be inactive after Scheduling...");
コード例 #9
		public void Scheduler_IntervalTimerFixedCount_CountRun()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			int count = 0;
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { count++; return count == 10 ? 0 : 1; }, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(10, count, "Task Should have been Scheduled 10 times...");
			Assert.IsFalse(task.Active, "Task should be Inactive after Fixed Schedule count...");
コード例 #10
		public void Scheduler_StartTimerOnce_TaskRunOnce()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			int count = 0;
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { count++; return 0; }, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(count, 1, "Task Should have been Scheduled once with no Interval...");
			Assert.IsFalse(task.Active, "Task Should be inactive after one Scheduling...");
コード例 #11
		public void Scheduler_StartIntervalTimer_TaskRunMultipleTime()
			var scheduler = new SimpleScheduler();
			int count = 0;
			var task = scheduler.Start(() => { count++; return 1; }, 1);
			var intermediate = count;
			Assert.Greater(intermediate, 0, "Task Should have been Scheduled multiple time with an Interval of 1ms...");

			Assert.Greater(count, intermediate, "Task should have been scheduled again before stopping...");
コード例 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new Instance of <see cref="WeatherManager"/>
		/// </summary>
		public WeatherManager(SimpleScheduler Scheduler)
			this.Scheduler = Scheduler;
			RegionsWeather = new Dictionary<ushort, RegionWeather>();
			RegionsTasks = new Dictionary<ushort, ScheduledTask>();

			GameEventMgr.AddHandler(RegionEvent.RegionStart, OnRegionStart);
			GameEventMgr.AddHandler(RegionEvent.RegionStop, OnRegionStop);
			GameEventMgr.AddHandler(RegionEvent.PlayerEnter, OnPlayerEnter);