コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes the Binary Data of a Multimedia Component and sets it Multimedia URL (and ExtensionData for ECL).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mmComponent">The (DD4T) Multimedia Component to Publish.</param>
        /// <param name="buildProperties">The DD4T Build Properties</param>
        public void PublishMultimediaComponent(Dynamic.Component mmComponent, BuildProperties buildProperties)
            Dynamic.Multimedia multimedia = mmComponent.Multimedia;
            if (multimedia == null)
                log.Warning("PublishMultimediaComponent called with a non-Multimedia Component: " + mmComponent.Id);

            if (multimedia.MimeType == EclMimeType && buildProperties.ECLEnabled && mmComponent.EclId == null)
                using (EclProcessor eclProcessor = new EclProcessor(engine, targetStructureGroupUri))
            else if (mmComponent.EclId != null)
                log.Debug(string.Format("ECL Stub Component '{0}' has already been processed (ECL ID: '{1}') ", mmComponent.Id, mmComponent.EclId));
                multimedia.Url = PublishMultimediaComponent(mmComponent.Id, buildProperties);
コード例 #2
        private void ProcessRichTextXlink(XmlElement xlinkElement, BuildProperties buildProperties)
            const string xlinkNamespaceUri = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";

            string xlinkHref = xlinkElement.GetAttribute("href", xlinkNamespaceUri);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xlinkHref))
                log.Warning("No xlink:href found: " + xlinkElement.OuterXml);

            Component component = engine.GetObject(xlinkHref) as Component;

            if (component == null || component.BinaryContent == null)
                // XLink doesn't refer to MM Component; do nothing.
            log.Debug("Processing XLink to Multimedia Component: " + component.Id);

            BinaryContent  binaryContent  = component.BinaryContent;
            MultimediaType multimediaType = binaryContent.MultimediaType;

            string url;

            if (multimediaType.MimeType == EclMimeType && buildProperties.ECLEnabled)
                using (EclProcessor eclProcessor = new EclProcessor(engine, binaryPathProvider.GetTargetStructureGroupUri(component.Id)))
                    url = eclProcessor.ProcessEclXlink(xlinkElement);
                url = PublishMultimediaComponent(component.Id, buildProperties);

            // Put the resolved URL (path) in an appropriate XHTML attribute
            string attrName = (xlinkElement.LocalName == "img") ? "src" : "href"; // Note that XHTML is case-sensitive, so case-sensitive comparison is OK.

            xlinkElement.SetAttribute(attrName, url);

            // NOTE: intentionally not removing xlink:href attribute to keep the MM Component ID available for post-processing purposes (e.g. DXA).

            log.Debug(string.Format("XLink to Multimedia Component '{0}' resolved to: {1}", component.Id, xlinkElement.OuterXml));