コード例 #1
        protected ItemActionInfo GetClosestItem(double range = double.MaxValue)
            ItemActionInfo temp = null;
            var            dist = range;

            foreach (var item in itemsToPick)
                if (item.Value.dropTime.MSecToNow() <= pickDelay)

                var newDist = item.Value.DistanceTo(game.CurrentX, game.CurrentY);
                if (newDist < dist)
                    temp = item.Value;
                    dist = newDist;

コード例 #2
        protected bool Pick(ItemActionInfo item, bool pick, bool telekinesis)
            if (!game.InGame)
                throw new Exception("Out of game");

            using (var suspender = new GameSuspender(game))
                if (!game.GameReady())
                    throw new Exception("Out of game");

                if (game.IsDead())
                    throw new Exception("Player is dead");

                if (telekinesis && DoTelekinesis(item.uid))
                else if (pick)

コード例 #3
        public ItemActionInfo ReadItemAction(byte[] data)
            var i = new ItemActionInfo();

            i.action = (ItemActionType)data[1];
            var category = (ItemCategory)data[3];

            i.uid = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 4);

            var pOffset = data[0] == 0x9D ? 13 : 8;

            i.flags = (ItemFlag)BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, pOffset);

            var version = data[pOffset += 4];


            //Log("Uid {0} action {1}", i.uid, i.action);

            if (i.action != ItemActionType.AddToGround &&
                i.action != ItemActionType.DropToGround &&
                i.action != ItemActionType.OnGround)

            i.x = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, pOffset);
            i.y = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, pOffset += 2);

            i.x      = (i.x + 131072) / 32;
            i.y      = (i.y + 131072) / 32;
            pOffset += 2;

            //TODO: Unknown bit
            //pOffset = pOffset * 8 + 1;

            pOffset = pOffset * 8 - 32 + 5;
            i.x     = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 16);
            i.y     = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 16);

            //var tmp = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 4);
            var container = ItemContainer.Ground;

            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Ear))

                /*var charClass = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 3);
                 * var level = (ushort)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 7);
                 * var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                 * int mChar;
                 * while ((mChar = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 7)) != 0)
                 *  builder.Append((char)mChar);
                 * var name = builder.ToString();
                 * return i;*/

            i.code = String.Concat(
                (char)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8),
                (char)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8),
                (char)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8));

            pOffset += 4;

            if (i.code == "gld")
                pOffset += 4;

                if (ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1) == 1)
                    i.goldCount = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 20);
                    i.goldCount = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 18);


            var location = EquipmentLocation.NotApplicable;

            // Buffer to container mapping (sanitize NPC tabs IDs and coords, changed belt location to X, Y, etc.)
            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.InStore) || // Flag is not always set for shop items !?!
                i.action == ItemActionType.AddToShop || i.action == ItemActionType.RemoveFromShop)
                int buff = (int)container | 0x80;
                if (i.y < 2 && (buff == 0x83 || buff == 0x85 || buff == 0x89))
                    buff -= 1;
                    i.y  += 8;
                container = (ItemContainer)buff;
            else if (container == ItemContainer.Equipment)
                if (location == EquipmentLocation.NotApplicable)
                    if ((i.flags & ItemFlag.InSocket) != 0)
                        container = ItemContainer.Item;
                        container = ItemContainer.Belt;
                        i.y       = i.x / 4;
                        i.x       = i.x % 4;
                    // Hides them in dump... not needed anyway
                    i.y = -1;
                    i.x = -1;

            // TODO: I don't know what this is (always 2 ??)
            var unknown1 = (byte)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 4);

            // Used Sockets : 3
            byte usedSockets = 0;

            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Socketed))
                usedSockets = (byte)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, pOffset, 3);
            pOffset += 3;

            // Ends here if Simple or Gamble Item
            if ((i.flags & ItemFlag.SimpleItem) != 0 ||
                (i.flags & ItemFlag.Gamble) != 0)

            // ILevel : 7
            i.iLvl = (byte)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 7);

            // Quality : 4
            i.quality = (ItemQuality)ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 4);

            // Graphic : 1 : 3
            if (ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1) == 1)
                ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 3);

            //TODO: ClassInfo : 1 : 11
            if (ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1) == 1)
                ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11);

            // Quality information
            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Identified))
                switch (i.quality)
                case ItemQuality.Inferior:
                    /*this.prefix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.InferiorPrefix,
                     *  ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 3));*/
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 3);

                case ItemQuality.Superior:
                    //this.prefix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.SuperiorPrefix, 0);
                    //TODO: quality type
                    //	00 = AR
                    //	01 = Max Dmg
                    //	02 = AC
                    //	03 = AR + Max Dmg
                    //	04 = Durability
                    //	05 = Durability + AR
                    //	06 = Durability + Max Dmg
                    //	07 = Durability + AC
                    pOffset += 3;

                case ItemQuality.Magic:
                    /*this.prefix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.MagicPrefix,
                     *  ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11));
                     * this.suffix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.MagicSuffix,
                     *  ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11));*/
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11);
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11);

                case ItemQuality.Rare:
                case ItemQuality.Craft:
                    /*this.prefix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.RarePrefix,
                     *  ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8));
                     * this.suffix = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.RareSuffix,
                     *  ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8));*/
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8);
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                        if (ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1) == 1)
                            ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11);
                        //this.magicPrefixes[i] = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.MagicPrefix,
                        //ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11));
                        if (ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1) == 1)
                            ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11);
                        //this.magicSuffixes[i] = new ItemAffix(ItemAffixType.MagicSuffix,
                        //ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11));

                case ItemQuality.Set:
                    //this.setItem = BaseSetItem.Get(ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 12));
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 12);

                case ItemQuality.Unique:
                    if (i.code != "std")     // TODO: add UniqueItem entry to parse mod (req lvl 90)
                        ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 12);
                    //this.uniqueItem = BaseUniqueItem.Get(ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 12));

            // Personalized Name : 7 * (NULLSTRING Length)
            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Personalized))
                System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                int mChar;
                while ((mChar = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 7)) != 0)
                var personalizedName = builder.ToString();

            // Runeword Info : 16
            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Runeword))
                //HACK: this is probably wrong, but works for all the runewords I tested so far...
                //TODO: Need to test cases where runewordUnknown != 5 and where ID is around 100
                //TODO: remove these fields once testing is done
                var runewordID      = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 12);
                var runewordUnknown = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 4);

            var itemInfo = ItemStorage.GetInfo(i.code);

            if (itemInfo == null)

            if (itemInfo.BodyLocation == ItemBodyLocation.Armor &&
                itemInfo.ArmorType != ItemArmorType.Amulet &&
                itemInfo.ArmorType != ItemArmorType.Ring)
                var defense = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 11) - 10;

            var maxDurability     = 0;
            var currentDurability = 0;

            if (itemInfo.BodyLocation == ItemBodyLocation.Armor &&
                itemInfo.ArmorType != ItemArmorType.Amulet &&
                itemInfo.ArmorType != ItemArmorType.Ring ||
                itemInfo.BodyLocation == ItemBodyLocation.Weapon)
                maxDurability = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8);

                // 0 durability means indestructible, but only found on old items (having the "zod bug"...)
                if (maxDurability > 0)
                    currentDurability = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 8);

                    //TODO: unknown. Indestructible bit ??
                    ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 1);

            // Total Sockets : 4
            if (i.flags.HasFlag(ItemFlag.Socketed))
                i.sockets = ByteConverter.GetBits(data, ref pOffset, 4);

コード例 #4
        protected void LogDrop(ItemActionInfo i)
            var message = "Dropped ";

            var addsocks = false;
            var addilvl  = false;

            var color = i.quality.GetColor();

            switch (i.quality)
            case ItemQuality.Unique:
                if (i.info.PossibleUniques.Count == 1)
                    message += i.info.PossibleUniques[0];
                else if (i.info.IsBijou())
                    message += i.info.Name;
                    message += i.info.Name + " (";
                    for (int j = 0; j < i.info.PossibleUniques.Count; ++j)
                        message += i.info.PossibleUniques[j];
                        if (j != i.info.PossibleUniques.Count - 1)
                            message += ", ";
                    message += ")";

            case ItemQuality.Set:
                if (i.info.PossibleSets.Count == 1)
                    message += i.info.PossibleSets[0];
                else if (i.info.IsBijou())
                    message += i.info.Name;
                    message += i.info.Name + " (";
                    for (int j = 0; j < i.info.PossibleSets.Count; ++j)
                        message += i.info.PossibleSets[j];
                        if (j != i.info.PossibleSets.Count - 1)
                            message += ", ";
                    message += ")";

            case ItemQuality.Normal:
                message += i.info.Name;
                if (i.info.IsRune())
                    color    = Color.MediumPurple;
                    message += " (" + i.info.RuneNumber().ToString() + ")";
                    addsocks = true;
                    addilvl  = true;

            case ItemQuality.Superior:
                message += "Superior " + i.info.Name;
                addsocks = true;
                addilvl  = true;

                message += i.info.Name;

            if (addsocks && i.sockets != 0)
                message += " (" + i.sockets.ToString() + ")";
            if (addilvl && i.iLvl > 1)
                message += " (L" + i.iLvl.ToString() + ")";
            if (i.IsEth)
                message += " (Eth)";

            Logger.Pickit.Log(this, LogType.None, message, color);
コード例 #5
 public void AddPendingItem(ItemActionInfo item)
     item.pickTryCount     = 0;
     itemsToPick[item.uid] = item;