public int EditInformation(string Username, string _Address, string _Email) { string StoredProcedureName = StoredProcedures.EditInfo; Dictionary <string, object> Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Parameters.Add("@Username", Username); Parameters.Add("@address", _Address); Parameters.Add("@email", _Email); return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(StoredProcedureName, Parameters)); }
public int deletefromsrt(int id, int courseid) { string query = "delete from [S Request T] where [Student-ID]=" + id + "and courseid=" + courseid + ";"; return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(query)); }
public int InsertClient(string userName, string FName, string MName, string LName, char Sex, string Password, string Email, string BirthDate, string Address = " ") { string StoredProcedureName = StoredProcedures.InsertClient; Dictionary <string, object> Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Parameters.Add("@_Username", userName); Parameters.Add("@_Password", Password); Parameters.Add("@_Sex", Sex); Parameters.Add("@_Fname", FName); Parameters.Add("@_Mname", MName); Parameters.Add("@_Lname", LName); Parameters.Add("@_Birthdate", BirthDate); Parameters.Add("@_Email", Email); Parameters.Add("@_ClientAddress", Address); return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(StoredProcedureName, Parameters)); }
public int DeleteFsc(int id) { string StoredProcedureName = StoredProcedures.DeleteFsc; Dictionary <string, object> Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Parameters.Add("@id", id); return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(StoredProcedureName, Parameters)); }
public int DAssignMedications(long DoctorID, string PatientName, string MedicationName, string Dosage = "") { string query; if (Dosage.Length == 0) { query = "Insert into Prescribed_Medications(Medication_ID, Registration_ID, Prescription_Time)" + " select MID, RegID, GETDATE()" + " From Registration as R, Medication as M" + " where M.MID = (select MID from Medication where Name = '" + MedicationName + "') AND R.RegID = (select Top 1 RegID from Registration where(Patient_ID = (select PID from Patient where Name= '" + PatientName + "')) AND(Doctor_ID =" + DoctorID + ") Order By Date Desc );"; } else { query = "Insert into Prescribed_Medications(Medication_ID, Registration_ID, Prescription_Time, Dosage) " + " select MID, RegID, GETDATE(), '" + Dosage + "' " + "From Registration as R, Medication as M " + "where M.MID = (select MID from Medication where Name = '" + MedicationName + "') AND R.RegID = (select Top 1 RegID from Registration where(Patient_ID = (select PID from Patient where Name= '" + PatientName + "')) AND(Doctor_ID =" + DoctorID + ") Order By Date Desc )"; } return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(query)); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Admin Players Functions public int UpdatePlayerInfo(int ID, string Fname, string Lname, int Match_ID, int Points, int Assists, int Goals) { string query = "UPDATE Players" + " SET Fname = '" + Fname + "' , Lname = '" + Lname + "' , Match_ID = '" + Match_ID + "' , Points = '" + Points + "' , Assists = '" + Assists + "' , Goals = '" + Goals + "' WHERE ID = '" + ID + "';"; return(dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(query)); }
public int SignUp_newUser(string User, string password, int priv) { string query = " SELECT User_Name from Login Where User_Name = '" + User + "' "; object check = dbMan.ExecuteScalar(query); if (check == null) { string query_add = "INSERT INTO Login (User_Name, Password, Privelege) VALUES (" + "'" + User + "', " + "'" + password + "', " + "" + priv + ")"; return dbMan.ExecuteNonQuery(query_add); } else { return -1; } }