コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// private function to create new signals
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msgByteOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="MsgName"></param>
        /// <param name="startBit"></param>
        /// <param name="Length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DbcSignal CreateNewSignal(string msgByteOrder, DbcMessage Msg, int startBit, int Length)
            DbcSignal newSignal = new DbcSignal();

            newSignal.ByteOrder    = msgByteOrder;
            newSignal.Name         = "NotUsed_" + Msg.Name + "_bit" + startBit + "_L" + Length;
            newSignal.StartBit     = startBit;
            newSignal.Length       = Length;
            newSignal.ValueType    = "Unsigned";
            newSignal.InitValue    = 0;
            newSignal.Factor       = 1;
            newSignal.Offset       = 0;
            newSignal.Transmitters = Msg.Transmitters;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor for major paser job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        public DBCReader(string filePath)
            FileStream   fsDBC = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader SR    = new StreamReader(fsDBC);

            string line;
            Regex  patternMsgDBC = new Regex(
                @"BO_    # BO_ keyword
          \s+    # some white char
          (\d+)  # match BOTSCHAFTS ID
          \s+    # some white char
          (\w+)  # match BOTSCHAFTS NAME
          \s*    # may be some white char
          :      # the :
          \s +    # some white char
          (\d +)  # the DLC (byte count)
          \s +    # some white char
          (\w +)  # match TRANSMITTER NODE NAME
          \s*    # may be some white char", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            Regex patternSigDBC = new Regex(@"SG_   
           (\w+)  # match the NAME
           \s*    # maybe some white char
           m?     # maybe multiplexed signal
           \d?    # maybe multiplexed signal
           \s*    # may be some white char
           :      # the :
           \s *    # some white char
           (\d +)  # the start POSITION (bit)
           \|     # the |
           (\d +)  # the LENGTH of signal in bit
           @      # some any char
           (\d)   # FORMAT : 1 (Intel) or 0 (Motorola)
           (\+| -) # the + or the -
           \s +    # some white char
           \(     # match the (
               [+-] ?\d *\.?\d *[Ee][+-]\d+|
                  [+-] ?\d +\.\d+|
                    [+-] ?\d +\.|
                      [+-] ?\.\d +|
                       [+-] ?\d +
           ) # match the FACTOR,Resolution
           ,    # match the ,
               [+-] ?\d *\.?\d *[Ee][+-]\d +|
                  [+-] ?\d +\.\d +|
                    [+-] ?\d +\.|
                      [+-] ?\.\d +|
                       [+-] ?\d +
           ) # match the OFFSET
           \)    # match the )
           \s *    # some white char
           \[    # match the [
           ) # match the MINIMUM
           \|    # match the |
           ) # match the MAXIMUM
           \]    # match the [
           \s*    # some white char
           \""    # match the [
           (.*)     # match the UNIT
           \""    # match the [
           \s*    # some white char
           (.*)    # network elements", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            Regex patternSigMultiplexer = new Regex(@"                    
              SG_    # match the KEY
              \s+    # some white char
              \w+    # match the NAME
              \s+    # maybe some white char
              M      # multiplexed signal
              \s+", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            Regex patternSigMultiplexed_value = new Regex(@"                    
              SG_    # match the KEY
              \s+    # some white char
              \w+    # match the NAME
              \s+    # maybe some white char
              M      # multiplexed signal
              (\d+)  # multiplexed signal code
              \s+", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

#pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'MsgReceiver' is assigned but its value is never used
            string MsgName, MsgSender, MsgReceiver;
#pragma warning restore CS0219 // The variable 'MsgReceiver' is assigned but its value is never used
            decimal MsgID;
            int     MsgDlc;
            int     MsgCycle;

            string        SigNAME;
            int           SigPOSITION;
            int           SigLENGTH;
            string        SigFORMAT;
            string        SigTYPE;
            double        SigFACTOR;
            double        SigOFFSET;
            string        SigUNIT;
            List <string> SigMODULS = new List <string>();
            double        SigMINIMUM;
            double        SigMAXIMUM;
            string        SigMULTIPLEX_VALUE;
            bool          SigMULTIPLEXER;
#pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'SigShortNAME' is assigned but its value is never used
            string SigShortNAME;
#pragma warning restore CS0219 // The variable 'SigShortNAME' is assigned but its value is never used
            string      SigCODING;
            MsgSendType MsgSendType;

            int cnt = 0;

            DbcMessage newMessage = null;
            while ((line = SR.ReadLine()) != null)

                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "___NOT_USED___"))
                // Version,Customer,Baudrate,Project
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"VERSION \""(\S+)\"""))
                    _dbVersion = null;
                    _dbVersion = Regex.Match(line, @"VERSION \""(\S+)\""").Groups[1].Value;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"BA_\s*\""Manufacturer\""\s*\""(\S+)\""\s*;"))
                    _dbCustomer = null;
                    _dbCustomer = Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""Manufacturer\""\s*\""(\S+)\""\s*;").Groups[1].Value;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"BA_\s*\""Baudrate\""\s*(\S+)\s*;"))
                    _dbBaudrate = null;
                    _dbBaudrate = Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""Baudrate\""\s*(\S+)\s*;").Groups[1].Value;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"BA_\s*\""DBName\""\s*\""(\S+)\""\s*;"))
                    _dbName = null;
                    _dbName = Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""DBName\""\s*\""(\S+)\""\s*;").Groups[1].Value;

                //Message parsing
                if (patternMsgDBC.IsMatch(line))
                    MsgName     = null;
                    MsgID       = 0;
                    MsgDlc      = 0;
                    MsgSender   = null;
                    MsgReceiver = null;

                    //new message
                    MsgID     = Convert.ToInt64(patternMsgDBC.Match(line).Groups[1].Value);
                    MsgName   = patternMsgDBC.Match(line).Groups[2].Value;
                    MsgDlc    = Convert.ToInt16(patternMsgDBC.Match(line).Groups[3].Value);
                    MsgSender = patternMsgDBC.Match(line).Groups[4].Value;
                    //MsgReceiver = patternMsgDBC.Match(line).Groups[4].Value;

                    newMessage = new DbcMessage {
                        ID = MsgID, DLC = MsgDlc, Name = MsgName, Transmitters = { MsgSender, },
                if (patternSigDBC.IsMatch(line))
                    SigNAME     = null;
                    SigPOSITION = 0;
                    SigLENGTH   = 0;
                    SigFORMAT   = null;
                    SigTYPE     = null;
                    SigFACTOR   = 1;
                    SigOFFSET   = 0;
                    SigUNIT     = null;
                    SigMINIMUM         = 0;
                    SigMAXIMUM         = 0;
                    SigMULTIPLEX_VALUE = null;
                    SigMULTIPLEXER     = false;
                    SigShortNAME       = null;
                    SigCODING          = null;

                    SigNAME     = patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[1].Value;
                    SigPOSITION = Convert.ToInt16(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[2].Value);
                    SigLENGTH   = Convert.ToInt16(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[3].Value);

                    if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[4].Value.ToString() == "1")
                        SigFORMAT = "INTEL";
                    else if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[4].Value.ToString() == "0")
                        SigFORMAT = "MOTOROLA";
                    if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[4].Value.ToString() == null)
                        throw new Exception("Signal Format Error");

                    if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[5].Value.ToString() == "+")
                        SigTYPE = "UNSIGNED";
                    else if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[5].Value.ToString() == "-")
                        SigTYPE = "SIGNED";
                    if (patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[5].Value.ToString() == null)
                        throw new Exception("Signal Type Error");

                    SigFACTOR  = Convert.ToDouble(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[6].Value);
                    SigOFFSET  = Convert.ToDouble(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[7].Value);
                    SigMINIMUM = Convert.ToDouble(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[8].Value);
                    SigMAXIMUM = Convert.ToDouble(patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[9].Value);
                    SigUNIT    = patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[10].Value.ToString();

                    char[] delimiters = new char[] { ',', };
                    SigMODULS = patternSigDBC.Match(line).Groups[11].Value.ToString().Split(delimiters).ToList <string>();
                    SigMODULS.ForEach(X => X.Replace(" ", ""));

                    if (patternSigMultiplexer.IsMatch(line))
                        SigMULTIPLEXER = true;

                    if (patternSigMultiplexed_value.IsMatch(line))
                        SigMULTIPLEX_VALUE = patternSigMultiplexed_value.Match(line).Groups[1].Value;

                    DbcSignal newSig = new DbcSignal
                        Name      = SigNAME,
                        StartBit  = SigPOSITION,
                        Length    = SigLENGTH,
                        ByteOrder = SigFORMAT,
                        ValueType = SigTYPE,
                        Factor    = SigFACTOR,
                        Offset    = SigOFFSET,
                        Maximum   = SigMAXIMUM,
                        Minimum   = SigMINIMUM,
                        Receivers = new ObservableCollection <string>(SigMODULS),
                        Unit      = SigUNIT,

                    if (SigMULTIPLEXER)
                        newSig.IsMultiPlexor   = true;
                        newMessage.Multiplexer = newSig;
                    if (SigMULTIPLEX_VALUE != null)
                        newSig.MultiPlex_value = SigMULTIPLEX_VALUE;

                    foreach (var rxNode in SigMODULS)
                        if ((newMessage != null) && (!newMessage.Receivers.Contains(rxNode)))
                    newSig.InMessage = newMessage.ID;
                }//end of if signal
                 // END OF " SG_ ST_QUAL_GPS : 56|8@1+ (0.5,0) [0|0] "%"  ACC,EGS_SSG"

                // COLLECT CYCLETIME
                // BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 431 20;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgCycleTime\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;"))
                    MsgID    = Convert.ToInt64(Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgCycleTime\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;").Groups[1].Value);
                    MsgCycle = Convert.ToInt16(Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgCycleTime\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;").Groups[2].Value);

                    _allMessage.First(x => x.ID == MsgID).CycleTime = MsgCycle;
                // Send Type
                // BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 759 0;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgSendType\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;"))
                    MsgID       = Convert.ToInt64(Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgSendType\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;").Groups[1].Value);
                    MsgSendType = (MsgSendType)Convert.ToInt16(Regex.Match(line, @"BA_\s*\""GenMsgSendType\""\s*BO_\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*;").Groups[2].Value);

                    _allMessage.First(x => x.ID == MsgID).SendType = MsgSendType;

                // VAL_ 273 TQI_ACORValid 1 "Valid" 0 "Invalid" ;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"VAL_ (\d+) (\w+) (.*)\s*;$"))
                    MsgID     = Convert.ToInt64(Regex.Match(line, @"VAL_ (\d+) (\w+) (.*)\s*;$").Groups[1].Value);
                    SigNAME   = Regex.Match(line, @"VAL_ (\d+) (\w+) (.*)\s*;$").Groups[2].Value;
                    SigCODING = Regex.Match(line, @"VAL_ (\d+) (\w+) (.*)\s*;$").Groups[3].Value;

                    if (SigNAME == "ACC_InterSysInfoDisp")
                        Console.WriteLine("It is successful");
                    DbcMessage tempMsg = _allMessage.First(x => x.ID == MsgID);

                    ObservableCollection <KeyValuePair <double, string> > tempDic = new ObservableCollection <KeyValuePair <double, string> >();

                    Regex patternSigCoding = new Regex(@"((0x[\dA-Fa-f]+)|(\d+\.?\d*))\s+\""\s*((\w+\(*\)*\s*)*\.?)\s*\""", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                    MatchCollection coding = patternSigCoding.Matches(SigCODING);

                    if (coding.Count >= 0)   //get count tp get the exception in lazy evaluation
                        foreach (Match pair in coding)
                            double value       = Convert.ToDouble(pair.Groups[1].Value);
                            string Description = pair.Groups[4].Value;
                            tempDic.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, string>(value, Description));

                    if (tempDic.Count >= 0)
                        if (tempMsg.Signals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == SigNAME) != null)
                            tempMsg.Signals.First(x => x.Name == SigNAME).Coding = tempDic;
            } //end of while
        }     //end of ctor