public static void FindSpecificSales(string region = null, string startDate = null, string endDate = null) { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { var startDateParsed = DateTime.Parse(startDate); var endDateParsed = DateTime.Parse(endDate); var selectedSales = from sale in dbContext.Orders where (sale.ShipRegion == region) && (sale.OrderDate > startDateParsed && sale.OrderDate < endDateParsed) orderby sale.ShipCity, sale.OrderDate, sale.ShippedDate select new { sale.OrderDate, sale.ShippedDate, City = sale.ShipCity }; var counter = 0; Console.WriteLine("Region - {0}", region ?? "No region"); Console.WriteLine("Start date - {0}", startDateParsed); Console.WriteLine("End date - {0}", endDateParsed); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50)); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var sale in selectedSales) { counter++; Console.WriteLine("{0}. City: {1} || Order date: {2} || Shipped date: {3}", counter, sale.City, sale.OrderDate, sale.ShippedDate); } } }
private static void Main() { IObjectContextAdapter context = new NorthwindEntities(); var northwindScript = context.ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript(); const string createNorthwindCloneDB = "USE master; " + "CREATE DATABASE NorthwindTwin; " + "SELECT name, size, size*1.0/128 AS [Size in MBs] " + "FROM sys.master_files " + "WHERE name = NorthwindTwin; "; var dbConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=NIKOLAI\\SQLEXPRESS; " + "Database=master; " + "Integrated Security=true"); dbConnection.Open(); using (dbConnection) { var cmd = new SqlCommand(createNorthwindCloneDB, dbConnection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); var changeToNorthwind = "Use NorthwindTwin"; var changeDbCmd = new SqlCommand(changeToNorthwind, dbConnection); changeDbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); var cloneDb = new SqlCommand(northwindScript, dbConnection); cloneDb.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
private static void Main() { using (var firstDb = new NorthwindEntities()) { using (var secondDb = new NorthwindEntities()) { var firstCustomer = (from c in firstDb.Customers where c.CustomerID == "PARIS" select c).First(); var secondCustomer = (from c in secondDb.Customers where c.CustomerID == "PARIS" select c).First(); firstCustomer.CompanyName = "First Change with LINQ"; secondCustomer.ContactName = "Second Change with LINQ"; firstDb.SaveChanges(); secondDb.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Changes are made successfully!"); } } }
public static void AddCustomer(string customerId, string companyName, string contactName = null, string contactTitle = null, string address = null, string city = null, string region = null, string postalCode = null, string country = null, string phone = null, string fax = null) { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { var customer = new Customers { CustomerID = customerId, CompanyName = companyName, ContactName = contactName, ContactTitle = contactTitle, Address = address, City = city, Region = region, PostalCode = postalCode, Country = country, Phone = phone, Fax = fax }; dbContext.Customers.Add(customer); dbContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Row is inserted"); } }
public static void CustomersWithOrdersIn1997FromCanada() { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { var selectedCustomers = from order in dbContext.Orders join customer in dbContext.Customers on order.CustomerID equals customer.CustomerID where order.OrderDate.Value.Year == 1997 && order.ShipCountry == "Canada" orderby customer.CompanyName, customer.ContactName, order.OrderDate, order.ShipCountry select new { customer.CompanyName, CustomerName = customer.ContactName, order.OrderDate, order.ShipCountry }; var counter = 0; foreach (var customer in selectedCustomers) { counter++; Console.WriteLine( "{0}. Company name: {1} || Customer name: {2} || Date: {3} || ShipCountry: {4}", counter, customer.CompanyName, customer.CustomerName, customer.OrderDate, customer.ShipCountry); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
private static void Main() { var context = new NorthwindEntities(); var employee = context.Employees.First(); var counter = 0; foreach (var territory in employee.Territories) { counter++; Console.WriteLine("{0}. Territory description: {1}", counter, territory.TerritoryDescription); } }
public static void DeleteCustomer(string customerId) { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { try { var customer = dbContext .Customers .First(c => c.CustomerID == customerId); dbContext.Customers.Remove(customer); dbContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Row is deleted"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no customer with such Id!", e); } } }
public static void SqlQueryCustomersWithOrdersIn1997FromCanada() { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { var sqlQuery = ("SELECT c.CompanyName " + "FROM Orders o JOIN Customers c " + "ON (o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID) " + "WHERE YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 1997 AND o.ShipCountry = 'Canada' "); var result = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<string>(sqlQuery); var counter = 0; foreach (var customer in result) { counter++; Console.WriteLine("{0}. Company name: {1}", counter, customer); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
public static void UpdateCustomer(string customerId, string companyName, string contactName = null, string contactTitle = null, string address = null, string city = null, string region = null, string postalCode = null, string country = null, string phone = null, string fax = null) { using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities()) { var customer = dbContext.Customers.First(x => x.CustomerID == customerId); customer.CompanyName = companyName ?? customer.CompanyName; customer.ContactName = contactName ?? customer.ContactName; customer.ContactTitle = contactTitle ?? customer.ContactTitle; customer.Address = address ?? customer.Address; customer.City = city ?? customer.City; customer.Region = region ?? customer.Region; customer.PostalCode = postalCode ?? customer.PostalCode; customer.Country = country ?? customer.Country; customer.Phone = phone ?? customer.Phone; customer.Fax = fax ?? customer.Fax; dbContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Row is updated"); } }