コード例 #1
        protected override void TypeOneRecord(Cell c, object rec)
            // cast generic object to specific type
            // appropriate to this label type:
            FamiliesAndKids fk = (FamiliesAndKids)rec;

            c.MarginTop = 0;
            Paragraph p = c.Paragraphs.First();

            // Xceed.Words.NET should initialize Cells with one
            // paragraph. But, in the unlikeley case
            // that that paragraph isn't there, add one.
            if (p == null)
                p = c.InsertParagraph();
            string zip = Utils.TextUtils.CanonicalPostalCode(fk.dao.postal_code);

            .AppendLine(fk.dao.city + ", " + fk.dao.state_or_province + " " + zip).FontSize(16)
            .AppendLine("Gift Cards: " + fk.gift_card_count.ToString()).FontSize(16)
            .AppendLine("Number of Bags: ___").FontSize(16)
            .AppendLine("")     // Another blank line before children's names
            .AppendLine("Children: " + fk.kids).FontSize(16);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// For each ServicesHouseholdEnrollment object, if there
        /// are corresponding GiftLabelInfo objects for this writer's
        /// year:
        ///     For each such GiftLabelInfo object, make a FamiliesAndKids
        ///     object, fill its fields, and add it to our ItemList.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void SetItemList()
            List <object> fkl = new List <object>();

            ServicesHouseholdEnrollment_DAO[] participant_array =
                this.context.HoEnrList.Select(h => h.dao).Where(h => h.year == this.Year).ToArray();
            foreach (ServicesHouseholdEnrollment_DAO participant in participant_array)
                var gli_array = this.context.GliList.Where(g => (g.year == this.Year && g.family_id == participant.family_id)).ToArray();
                if (gli_array.Count() > 0)
                    FamiliesAndKids fak = new FamiliesAndKids();
                    fak.dao = participant;
                    string[] sa = gli_array.Select(g => g.child_name).Distinct().ToArray();
                    fak.kids            = string.Join(", ", sa);
                    fak.gift_card_count = gli_array.Where(g => g.donor_name == "Gift Cards").Count();
            this.ItemList = fkl;