public static DataRowCollection GetCourseToAvailableGroups(int courseID, int day, int period) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT GetCourseToGroup.[GroupID],GetCourseToGroup.[GroupName] FROM GetCourseToGroup WHERE (((GetCourseToGroup.[GroupID]) Not In (SELECT MainGroupID FROM GetLessonsOfGroupMembers WHERE (Day = {1} AND Period = {2}))) AND (GetCourseToGroup.[CourseID])={0});", courseID, day, period); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static DataTable GetAssignmentStudentsByID(int ID) { string Expr = string.Format("SELECT [Users].FName, [Users].LName, [StudentToAssignment].Grade FROM Users INNER JOIN StudentToAssignment ON ([Users].UserID =[ StudentToAssignment].StudentID) WHERE ((([StudentToAssignment].AssignmentID)={0})) ORDER BY [Users].FName, [Users].LName;", ID.ToString()); DataTable dt = OledbHelper.GetTable(Expr); return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// Returns A Collection Of Lesson To Group Relations. /// Fields: TeacherID, Teacher.FName, Teacher.LName, Lesson.LessonID, Lesson.Day, Lesson.Period, Groups.GroupName, Groups.GroupName, Subjects.SubjectName /// ORDERED By Lesson.Day, Lesson.Period - ASC,ASC /// </summary> /// <param name="GroupID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataRowCollection GetLessonsByGroup(int GroupID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT * FROM GetLessonsOfGroupMembers WHERE [MainGroupID] = {0}", GroupID); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static DataRowCollection GetGroupsOfCourse(int CourseID) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT * FROM GetCourseToGroup Where CourseID = {0}", CourseID); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
/// <summary> /// Returns A Collection Of Lesson To Teacher Relations. /// Fields: TeacherID, Teacher.FName, Teacher.LName, Lesson.LessonID, Lesson.Day, Lesson.Period, Groups.GroupName, Groups.GroupID, Subjects.SubjectName /// ORDERED By Lesson.Day, Lesson.Period - ASC,ASC /// </summary> /// <param name="TeacherID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataRowCollection GetLessonsByTeacher(int TeacherID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT * FROM GetLessonsByTeacher WHERE [TeacherID] = {0}", TeacherID); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static User GetUser(string username, string password) { DataTable Data = OledbHelper.GetTable("Select * From Users Where UName='" + username + "' AND PWord='" + password + "'"); DataRow DataR = Data.Rows[0]; return(new User(int.Parse(DataR["UserID"].ToString()), DataR["FName"].ToString(), DataR["LName"].ToString(), int.Parse(DataR["UserType"].ToString()))); }
public static DataRowCollection GetStudentsOfGroup(int GroupID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT * FROM GetStudentsByGroup WHERE GetStudentsByGroup.[GroupID] = {0}", GroupID); DataTable Data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(Data.Rows); }
public static DataRowCollection GetCourseToAvailableTeachers(int Day, int Period, int CourseID) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT [Users].[FName] & ' ' & [Users].[LName] AS Name, Users.[UserID] AS TeacherID FROM Users INNER JOIN GetTeacherToCourse ON Users.UserID = GetTeacherToCourse.TeacherID WHERE (((GetTeacherToCourse.TeacherID) Not In (SELECT GetLessonsByTeacher.[TeacherID] FROM GetLessonsByTeacher WHERE (((GetLessonsByTeacher.[Day])={1})) AND ((GetLessonsByTeacher.[Period])={2}))) AND ((GetTeacherToCourse.CourseID)={0}));", CourseID, Day, Period); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static DataRowCollection GetCourseToTeacher(int teacherID, int grade) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT * FROM GetTeacherToCourse Where TeacherID = {0} AND Grade = {1}", teacherID, grade); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static DataRowCollection GetCourseToGroup() { string expr = "SELECT * FROM GetCourseToGroup"; DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
public static DataRowCollection GetCourseAndTeacherToSubjects(int CourseID, int TeacherID) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT * FROM GetCourseAndTeacherToSubjects Where CourseID = {0} AND TeacherID = {1}", CourseID, TeacherID); DataTable data = OledbHelper.GetTable(expr); return(data.Rows); }
//base method public static DataTable GetFilteredTable(string TableName, string[] Columns, FilterCollection Filters) { //Format an Expression: // Handle Columns Part #region Format Columns To an SQL Select-Cmpatible Format //Form Columns = Columns.Select( C => //Initializes Variable string C - Current Column string.Format("{0}.{1}", TableName, C) + ( (C == Columns.Last()) //Setsa boolean Expression that checks if C is the Last Column ? "" //If Expression is true add a blank string (Do nothing) : "," //If Expression is false add "," ) + " " ).ToArray(); #endregion #region Create ColumnsString string ColumnsString = ""; foreach (string Column in Columns) { ColumnsString += Column; } string expr = string.Format("SELECT {0}", ColumnsString); #endregion // Handle TableName Part expr += string.Format(" FROM {0}", TableName); // Handle Conditions Part string[] Conditions = Filters.GetQueries(); if (Conditions.Count() > 0) { #region Format Conditions To an SQL Condition Format //Format Conditions To Easily Chain Them. //Formats The Last Condition To "(ConditionString)" //Formats The Other Conditions To "(ConditionString) AND " Conditions = Conditions.Select( C => //Initializes Variable string C - Current Condition string.Format("({0})", C) + ( ((C == Conditions.Last())) //Sets a boolean Expression that checks if C is the Last Condition ? "" //If Expression is true add a blank string (Do nothing), : " AND " //If Expression is false add " AND ". ) ).ToArray(); #endregion #region Create ConditionsString string ConditionsString = ""; foreach (string Condition in Conditions) { ConditionsString += Condition; } expr += string.Format(" WHERE ({0})", ConditionsString); #endregion } // Close expression With a Semicolon expr += ";"; return(OledbHelper.GetTable(expr)); }
public static DataRow GetTeacherToMinAndMaxGrades(int TeacherID) { string expr = String.Format("SELECT Min,Max FROM GetTeacherToMinAndMaxGrades WHERE TeacherID = {0}", TeacherID); return(OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0]); }
public static int GetCourseGrade(int CourseID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT Courses.[Grade] From Courses Where (Courses.[CourseID] = {0})", CourseID); return((int)OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0][0]); }
public static string GetCourseName(int CourseID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT Courses.[CourseName] FROM Courses WHERE (Courses.[CourseID] = {0})", CourseID); return((string)OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0][0]); }
public static bool IsTeacherAvailable(int teacherID, int day, int period) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT Count(GetLessonsByTeacher.LessonID) AS LessonCount FROM GetLessonsByTeacher HAVING (GetLessonsByTeacher.[TeacherID]={0}) AND (GetLessonsByTeacher.[Day]={1}) AND (GetLessonsByTeacher.[Period]={2});", teacherID, day, period); return(((int)OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0]["LessonCount"]) == 0); }
public static DataRowCollection GetTeachers() { DataTable Data = OledbHelper.GetTable("SELECT Teacher.UserID, Teacher.FName, Teacher.LName FROM Users AS Teacher WHERE (((Teacher.UserType)=0))"); return(Data.Rows); }
public static DataRow GetCurrentLesson(int TeacherID) { return(OledbHelper.GetTable("Select * From Lessons L Where L.[StartTime] < AND L.[EndTime] < GETTIME() AND L.[TeacherID] == " + TeacherID.ToString()).Rows[0]); }
public static string GetNameOfUser(int UserID) { string expr = string.Format(" SELECT ([FName]&' '&[LName]) as Name FROM Users Where ([UserID] = {0})", UserID); return(OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()); }
public static DataRow GetCourseOfGroup(int GroupID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT * FROM GetCourseToGroup WHERE (GetCourseToGroup.[GroupID] = {0})", GroupID); return(OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0]); }
public static string GetGroupName(int GroupID) { string expr = string.Format("SELECT Groups.[GroupName] From Groups WHERE (Groups.[GroupID] = {0});", GroupID); return((string)OledbHelper.GetTable(expr).Rows[0][0]); }
public static void SQL() { bool SQL = true; string str = ""; System.Console.Clear(); System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; System.Console.Write("SQL Mode "); System.Console.ResetColor(); while (SQL) { System.Console.WriteLine("---------"); System.Console.WriteLine(str); System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; System.Console.Write("> "); System.Console.ResetColor(); str = System.Console.ReadLine(); try { if (str == "") { SQL = false; } else if (str.ToLower().Contains("adduser")) { string UName = ""; string PWord = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { UName += (Random.Next(10).ToString()); PWord += (Random.Next(10).ToString()); } System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; System.Console.Write(UserMethods.AddUser(UName, PWord) + "\n"); System.Console.ResetColor(); } else if (str.ToLower().Contains("select")) { System.Data.DataTable Table = OledbHelper.GetTable(str); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn Col in Table.Columns) { System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; System.Console.Write("{0,15}|", Col.ColumnName.ToString()); System.Console.ResetColor(); } System.Console.Write("\n"); foreach (System.Data.DataRow Row in Table.Rows) { foreach (var item in Row.ItemArray) { System.Console.Write("{0,15}|", item.ToString()); } System.Console.Write("\n"); } } else { OledbHelper.Execute(str); System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; System.Console.Write("Success. "); System.Console.ResetColor(); } //System.Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception e) { //throw e; if (str == "") { SQL = false; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; System.Console.Write("Invalid. "); System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ResetColor(); // System.Console.ReadLine(); } } } }