public static Boolean CreateDepartment(Department deptartment) { Boolean flag = false; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { if (!(IsExistingDeptarmentCode(deptartment.DeptCode))) { using (var context = new SycousCon()) { try { context.Departments.AddObject(deptartment); context.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); context.AcceptAllChanges(); flag = true; } catch (Exception ex) { context.Dispose(); throw; } } } } return flag; }
public DepartmentEditDialog(DAL.Department department) { this.department = department; InitializeComponent(); this.LoadData(); }
public bool CreateRecord(Object dept) { Boolean flag = false; DepartmentClass department = (DepartmentClass)dept; try { Department _department = new Department(); if (department.DepartmentName != null) { _department.DeptName = department.DepartmentName.Trim(); } if (department.DepartmentCode != null) { _department.DeptCode = department.DepartmentCode.ToUpper().Trim(); } _department.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; _department.CreateBy = department.CreateBy; flag = DAL.DALDepartment.CreateDepartment(_department); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return flag; }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dataGridViewDepartments.SelectedRows.Count != 0) { DAL.Department dep = (DAL.Department)bindingSourceDepartments.Current; var _employeewithdepartmentquery = from br in rep.GetEmployeesWithDepartment(dep) select br; List <DAL.Employee> _employees = _employeewithdepartmentquery.ToList(); if (_employees.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("There is an Employee Associated with this Department\nDelete the Employee first!", "SB Payroll", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete Department\n" + dep.Description.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { rep.DeleteDepartment(dep); RefreshGrid(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ShowError(ex); } }
private void btDeleteDepartment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)sender; DAL.Department department = (DAL.Department)btn.Tag; this.DeleteDepartment(department); }
private static void AddDepartment() { Department dept = new Department() { Name = "IT" }; operations.AddDept(dept); }
private void btnAddEmloyee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)sender; DAL.Department department = (DAL.Department)btn.Tag; new EmloyeeAddDialog(department).ShowDialog(); this.LoadData(); }
public static bool Execute(DAL.Department department) { using (var fm = new xfmEditDepartment()) { fm.Department = department; var dr = fm.ShowDialog(); return(dr == DialogResult.OK); } }
private void EditDepartment(DAL.Department department) { DepartmentEditDialog departmentEditDialog = new DepartmentEditDialog(department); DialogResult dr = departmentEditDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { this.LoadData(); } }
public void CreateDepartment() { Department department = new Department() { Name = "Test Department", }; Department newDepartment = Facade.GetDepartmentRepository().Create(department); Assert.AreEqual(department.Name, newDepartment.Name); }
public bool deleteDepartment(Department d) { try { ContextDB.Departments.DeleteObject(d); ContextDB.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Действия при добавлении подразделения /// </summary> private void DoInsert() { var department = new DAL.Department() { Name = TEName.Text, Code = TECode.Text, DtCreated = DateTime.Now, ParentId = (int)LUEDepartment.EditValue, IsActive = CEIsActiv.Checked, }; DataManager.Instance.Departments.Add(department); this.Close(); }
private void DeleteDepartment(DAL.Department department) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete department \"" + department.Name + "\"", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { EmloyeeDepartmentBLL emloyeeDepartmentBLL = new EmloyeeDepartmentBLL(); EmployeeBLL employeeBLL = new EmployeeBLL(); employeeBLL.DeleteByDepartment(emloyeeDepartmentBLL.ListEmployeeDepartmentByDepartment(department)); DepartmentBLL departmentBLL = new DepartmentBLL(); departmentBLL.DeleteDepartment(department); this.LoadData(); } }
public int CreateDepartment(DepartmentModel department) { using (geekinsidekmsEntities context = new geekinsidekmsEntities()) { Department dbDepartment = new Department { DepartmentName = department.DepartmentName, FolderId = department.FolderId }; context.Departments.AddObject(dbDepartment); context.SaveChanges(); return dbDepartment.Id; } }
public EditDepartment(DAL.Department department, string Conn) { InitializeComponent(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Conn)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); } connection = Conn; de = new DataEntry(connection); db = new SBPayrollDBEntities(connection); rep = new Repository(connection); _department = department; }
public List<Department> getDepartment(Department d) { var q = from dept in ContextDB.Departments where (dept.Dept_ID == d.Dept_ID || d.Dept_ID == null) && (dept.Dept_Name == d.Dept_Name || d.Dept_Name == null) && (dept.Contact_ID == d.Contact_ID || d.Contact_ID == null) && (dept.Contact_Name == d.Contact_Name || d.Contact_Name == null) && (dept.Phone == d.Phone || d.Phone == null) && (dept.Fax_No == d.Fax_No || d.Fax_No == null) && (dept.Head_ID == d.Head_ID || d.Head_ID == null) && (dept.Head_Name == d.Head_Name || d.Head_Name == null) && (dept.Collection_Point == d.Collection_Point || d.Collection_Point == null) && (dept.Representative_ID == d.Representative_ID || d.Representative_ID == null) && (dept.Representative_Name == d.Representative_Name || d.Representative_Name == null) select dept; return q.ToList<Department>(); }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dataGridViewDepartments.SelectedRows.Count != 0) { DAL.Department dep = (DAL.Department)bindingSourceDepartments.Current; Forms.EditDepartment f = new EditDepartment(dep, connection) { Owner = this }; f.Text = dep.Description.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); f.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ShowError(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Действия при добавлении подразделения /// </summary> private void DoInsert() { try { var department = new DAL.Department() { Name = NameTxb.Text, Code = CodeTxb.Text, DtCreated = DateTime.Now, ParentId = (int)DepartmentCbBx.SelectedValue, IsActive = IsActiveDepartmentChb.Checked, }; DataManager.Instance.Departments.Add(department); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Добавление нового департамента /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SBAddDepartnent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DAL.Department department = new DAL.Department { Id = 0, Name = "", Code = "" }; if (fmEditDepartment.Execute(department)) { TLLoadDepartmentsList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public List <TestRecorder> SelectListByTestID(int testID) { List <TestRecorder> recorderList = new List <TestRecorder>(); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@testID", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parms[0].Value = testID; using (SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.Select("UP_T_TestRecorder_GetListByTestID", parms)) { while (dr.Read()) { TestRecorder recoder = new TestRecorder(); recoder.Test.TestID = testID; recoder.Test.TestName = dr["testName"].ToString(); recoder.Test.PaperType = (PaperType)dr["paperType"]; recoder.Test.Paper.PaperID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["paperID"]); Tester tester = new Tester(); recoder.RecorderID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["recorderID"]); tester.UserID = dr["userID"].ToString(); tester.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); Department dept = new Department(); dept.DeptName = dr["deptName"].ToString(); tester.Department = dept; recoder.Tester = tester; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["BeginTestTime"].ToString())) { recoder.BeginTestTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["BeginTestTime"]); } else { recoder.BeginTestTime = new DateTime(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["SubmitTestTime"].ToString())) { recoder.SubmitTestTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["SubmitTestTime"]); } else { recoder.SubmitTestTime = new DateTime(); } recoder.SubmitType = dr["SubmitType"].ToString(); recoder.Marked = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["marked"]); recoder.HasTested = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["hasTested"]); if (!dr["totalScore"].ToString().Trim().Equals("")) { recoder.TotalScore = Convert.ToInt32(dr["totalScore"]); } // recoder.TestMark.TotalScore = Convert.ToUInt16(dr["totalScore"]); //recoder.TestMark.Remark = dr["remark"].ToString(); recorderList.Add(recoder); } } return(recorderList); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Department object. /// </summary> /// <param name="deptID">Initial value of the DeptID property.</param> /// <param name="status">Initial value of the Status property.</param> /// <param name="deleteStatus">Initial value of the DeleteStatus property.</param> public static Department CreateDepartment(global::System.Int32 deptID, global::System.Boolean status, global::System.Int32 deleteStatus) { Department department = new Department(); department.DeptID = deptID; department.Status = status; department.DeleteStatus = deleteStatus; return department; }
public bool UpdateRecord(Object dept) { Boolean flag = false; DepartmentClass department = (DepartmentClass)dept; try { Department _department = new Department(); _department.DeptID = Convert.ToInt32(department.DepartmentID); if (department.DepartmentCode != null) { _department.DeptCode = department.DepartmentCode.ToUpper(); } if (department.DepartmentName != null) { _department.DeptName = department.DepartmentName; } _department.Modifydate = DateTime.Now; _department.ModifyBy = department.ModifyBy; flag = DAL.DALDepartment.UpdateDepartment(_department); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return flag; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Department object. /// </summary> /// <param name="dept_ID">Initial value of the Dept_ID property.</param> public static Department CreateDepartment(global::System.String dept_ID) { Department department = new Department(); department.Dept_ID = dept_ID; return department; }
public EmloyeeAddDialog(DAL.Department department) { InitializeComponent(); this.department = department; }
public bool updateDepartment(Department d) { try { Department dept = getDepartmentByID(d.Representative_ID); dept.Dept_Name = d.Dept_Name == null ? dept.Dept_Name : d.Dept_Name; dept.Contact_ID = d.Contact_ID == null ? dept.Contact_ID : d.Contact_ID; dept.Contact_Name = d.Contact_Name == null ? dept.Contact_Name : d.Contact_Name; dept.Phone = d.Phone == null ? dept.Phone : d.Phone; dept.Fax_No = d.Fax_No == null ? dept.Fax_No : d.Fax_No; dept.Head_ID = d.Head_ID == null ? dept.Head_ID : d.Head_ID; dept.Head_Name = d.Head_Name == null ? dept.Head_Name : d.Head_Name; dept.Collection_Point = d.Collection_Point == null ? dept.Collection_Point : d.Collection_Point; dept.Representative_ID = d.Representative_ID == null ? dept.Representative_ID : d.Representative_ID; dept.Representative_Name = d.Representative_Name == null ? dept.Representative_Name : d.Representative_Name; ContextDB.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
private DepartmentModel ConvertFromDB(Department dbDepartment) { return new DepartmentModel { Id = dbDepartment.Id, DepartmentName = dbDepartment.DepartmentName, FolderId = dbDepartment.FolderId }; }
public void UpdateDepartment(DepartmentModel department) { using (geekinsidekmsEntities context = new geekinsidekmsEntities()) { Department dbDepartment = new Department { Id = department.Id, DepartmentName = department.DepartmentName, FolderId = department.FolderId }; context.Departments.AddObject(dbDepartment); context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(dbDepartment, EntityState.Modified); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void createDepartment(Department d) { ContextDB.Departments.AddObject(d); ContextDB.SaveChanges(); }
public static Department EditDepartment(Int32 DeptID) { Department department = new Department(); try { using (var context = new SycousCon()) { department = context.Departments.Single(s => s.DeptID == DeptID && s.DeleteStatus==0); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return department; }
public static Boolean UpdateDepartment(Department department) { Boolean bol = false; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (var context = new SycousCon()) { try { var departToUpdate = context.Departments.Where(c => c.DeptID == department.DeptID); foreach (Department p in departToUpdate) { if (department.DeptName != null) { p.DeptName = department.DeptName.ToUpper().Trim(); } if (department.DeptCode != null) { p.DeptCode = department.DeptCode.ToUpper().Trim(); } p.ModifyBy = department.ModifyBy; p.Modifydate = DateTime.Now; } context.SaveChanges(); context.AcceptAllChanges(); scope.Complete(); context.Dispose(); bol = true; } catch (Exception ex) { context.Dispose(); throw ex; } } } return bol; }
/// <summary> /// 用于向 Departments EntitySet 添加新对象的方法,已弃用。请考虑改用关联的 ObjectSet<T> 属性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToDepartments(Department department) { base.AddObject("Departments", department); }
public static Department ViewDepartmentRecord(Int32 deptID) { Department objDepartment = new Department(); using (var context = new SycousCon()) { try { objDepartment = context.Departments.SingleOrDefault(p => p.DeptID == deptID); if (objDepartment != null) { return objDepartment; } else { objDepartment = null; return objDepartment; } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Dispose(); throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建新的 Department 对象。 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Id 属性的初始值。</param> /// <param name="departmentName">DepartmentName 属性的初始值。</param> /// <param name="folderId">FolderId 属性的初始值。</param> public static Department CreateDepartment(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.String departmentName, global::System.Int32 folderId) { Department department = new Department(); department.Id = id; department.DepartmentName = departmentName; department.FolderId = folderId; return department; }