//this method updates the event start and end time public static void updateEventTime(int id, DateTime start, DateTime end) { //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE event SET event_start=@event_start, event_end=@event_end WHERE event_id=@event_id", con); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_start", start); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_end", end); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_id", id); //using (con) //{ // con.Open(); // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //} DAL.DAL _dal = new DAL.DAL(dbchain, DAL.DAL.Moteurs.SQLSERVER.ToString()); if (_dal.IsConnexionFermee()) { //Ouverture de la connection _dal.OuvrirConnexion(); } string[] _param = new string[2]; _param[0] = "@ID" + ";" + SqlDbType.Int + ";" + id.ToString(); _param[3] = "@START" + ";" + SqlDbType.DateTime + ";" + end.ToString(); _param[5] = "@END" + ";" + SqlDbType.DateTime + ";" + end.ToString(); _dal.ExecuteQueryNoResult("UpdateCRAEventTime", CommandType.StoredProcedure, _param); }
public void DeleteItem() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { using (SDB sdb = new SDB()) { var customer = new Musteri { MusteriID = musteri.MusteriID }; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); MessageBoxResult result = DXMessageBox.Show("Çalışan Silinecek Onaylıyor Musunuz?", "Uyarı", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.Yes, MessageBoxOptions.None); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: dal.DeleteRecordMus(customer); MessageBox.Show("Ürün Silindi!"); gridControl_customerList.ItemsSource = null; GetMusteriList(); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } } }); }
public void PopulatePlots() { DAL.DAL db = new DAL.DAL(); dgUnscheduledPlots.DataSource = plotBindingSource1; plotBindingSource1.DataSource = db.GetUnsheduledPlots(); }
public void DeleteItem() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { using (SDB sdb = new SDB()) { var urun = new Urun { UrunID = Urunentity.UrunID }; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); MessageBoxResult result = DXMessageBox.Show("Ürünü Silinecek Onaylıyor Musunuz?", "Uyarı", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.Yes, MessageBoxOptions.None); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: dal.DeleteRecord(urun); MessageBox.Show("Ürün Silindi!"); GridControl_ProductList.ItemsSource = null; GetUrunList(); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } } }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Employee emp = new Employee();; string strConnString = @"Data Source=Macintosh HD Users\scothaynes\Projects\Company.sqlite; Version=3"; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(strConnString); #region "Test database Functionalities" //TestSelectCommand(emp, dal); //TestInsertCommand(emp, dal); //TestUpdateCommand(emp, dal); //TestDeleteCommand(emp, dal); //TestXMLSerialization(); #endregion #region Test HTTP Methods //GenerateGetRequest(); //GeneratePOSTRequest(); //GeneratePUTRequest(); GenerateDELETERequest(); #endregion Console.ReadLine(); }
public void DeleteItem() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { using (SDB sdb = new SDB()) { var personel = new Personel { PersonelID = personelEntity.PersonelID }; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); MessageBoxResult result = DXMessageBox.Show("Çalışan Silinecek Onaylıyor Musunuz?", "Uyarı", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.Yes, MessageBoxOptions.None); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: dal.DeleteRecordPer(personel); MessageBox.Show("Personel Silindi!"); gridcontrol_personel.ItemsSource = null; GetPersonelList(); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } } }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Employee emp = new Employee();; string strConnString = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\robgallagher\source\repos\RestWebService\EmployeeDataBase\Company.mdf;Integrated Security=True"; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(strConnString); #region "Test database Functionalities" //TestSelectCommand(emp, dal); //TestInsertCommand(emp, dal); //TestUpdateCommand(emp, dal); //TestDeleteCommand(emp, dal); //TestXMLSerialization(); #endregion #region Test HTTP Methods //GenerateGetRequest(); //GeneratePOSTRequest(); //GeneratePUTRequest(); GenerateDELETERequest(); #endregion Console.ReadLine(); }
public List <string> dajVoznjeKrozStanicu(long sifraStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <string> spisak = new List <string>(); List <DAL.Entiteti.Linija> linije = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().GetAll(); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija in linije) { bool nasao = false; int pozicija = 0; for (int i = 0; i < linija.Stanice.Count; i++) { if (linija.Stanice[i].SifraStanice == sifraStanice) { nasao = true; pozicija = i; } } if (nasao) { List <DAL.Entiteti.Voznja> voznje = linija.Voznje; foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Voznja voznja in voznje) { string naziv = String.Format("{0}, {1}", linija.NazivLinije, voznja.VrijemePolaska.AddMinutes((double)linija.TrajanjeDoPolaska[pozicija]).ToString("dd.MM.yy, HH:mm:ss")); spisak.Add(naziv); } } } return(spisak); }
public void AcceptedBasket() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { if (combobox_musteri.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Müşteri Seçiniz!"); } else { using (SDB sdb = new SDB()) { for (int i = 0; i < SepetHelper.Sepet.Count; i++) { Sati sati = new Sati(); sati.SatisUrunID = SepetHelper.Sepet[i].UrunID; sati.SatisTarih = DateTime.Now; sati.SatisAdet = SepetHelper.Sepet[i].urunAdet; sati.SatisFiyat = Convert.ToDecimal(SepetHelper.Sepet[i].urunToplamFiyat); sati.SatisPerID = AuthenticateHelperr.LoginUser[0].PersonelID; sati.SatisMusID = Convert.ToInt32(combobox_musteri.EditValue); DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); dal.SatisRapor(sati); } MainWindow window = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); MessageBox.Show("Satış Yapıldı"); window.TabControlMain.SelectedContainer.Close(); window.AcceptBasket.IsEnabled = false; window.CancelBasket.IsEnabled = false; SepetHelper.Sepet = null; } } }); }
//this method updates the event title and description public static void updateEvent(int id, String title, String description) { /*SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); * SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE event SET title=@title, description=@description WHERE event_id=@event_id", con); * cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", title); * cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", description); * cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_id", id); */ DAL.DAL _dal = new DAL.DAL(dbchain, DAL.DAL.Moteurs.SQLSERVER.ToString()); if (_dal.IsConnexionFermee()) { //Ouverture de la connection _dal.OuvrirConnexion(); } string[] _param = new string[3]; _param[0] = "@ID" + ";" + SqlDbType.Int + ";" + id.ToString(); _param[1] = "@RESSOURCE" + ";" + SqlDbType.Int + ";" + title.ToString(); _param[2] = "@JOURINFO" + ";" + SqlDbType.Int + ";" + description.ToString(); _dal.ExecuteQueryNoResult("UpdateCRAEvent", CommandType.StoredProcedure, _param); /* using (con) * { * con.Open(); * cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); * } */ }
static void Main(string[] args) { Employee emp = new Employee();; string strConnString = @"Data Source=SYNPUNEHCRV-105\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Company;Integrated Security=True"; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(strConnString); #region "Test database Functionalities" //TestSelectCommand(emp, dal); //TestInsertCommand(emp, dal); //TestUpdateCommand(emp, dal); //TestDeleteCommand(emp, dal); //TestXMLSerialization(); #endregion #region Test HTTP Methods //GenerateGetRequest(); //GeneratePOSTRequest(); //GeneratePUTRequest(); GenerateDELETERequest(); #endregion Console.ReadLine(); }
private void SatisRaporList() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); List <SatisEntity> raporList = dal.SatisRaporList(); gridcontrol_report.ItemsSource = raporList; }); }
private void GetPersonelList() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); List <PersonelEntity> list = dal.GetPersoneList(); gridcontrol_personel.ItemsSource = list; }); }
private void GetUrunList() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); List <UrunKategoriEntity> list = dal.GetUrunList(); GridControl_ProductList.ItemsSource = list; }); }
private void GetMusteriList() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); List <Musteri> list = dal.GetMusteriList(); gridControl_customerList.ItemsSource = list; }); }
private VendorSerializable TranslateVendor(DAL.Vendor oldVendor) { return new VendorSerializable() { Id = oldVendor.Id, Name = oldVendor.Name }; }
public double dajCijenuJedneKarte(long sifraLinije, long sifraPocetneStanice, long sifraKrajnjeStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); DAL.Entiteti.Linija odabranaLinija = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije); DAL.Entiteti.Stanica prvaStanica = d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().getById(sifraPocetneStanice); DAL.Entiteti.Stanica drugaStanica = d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().getById(sifraKrajnjeStanice); return(odabranaLinija.vratiCijenu(prvaStanica, drugaStanica)); }
public string dajNajjeftinijiPut(long sifraPocetneStanice, long sifraKrajnjeStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); DAL.Entiteti.Stanica pocetnaStanica = d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().getById(sifraPocetneStanice); DAL.Entiteti.Stanica krajnjaStanica = d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().getById(sifraKrajnjeStanice); DesktopAplikacija.Entiteti.Put put = DesktopAplikacija.Informisanje.InformisanjeKomande.vratiNajjeftinijiPut(pocetnaStanica, krajnjaStanica); return(put.ToString().Replace("\n", "; ")); }
private static void TestUpdateCommand(Employee emp, DAL.DAL dal) { Console.WriteLine("Testing Update Command"); emp = new Employee(); emp.FirstName = "Anne"; emp.LastName = "Brown"; emp.EmpCode = 1110; emp.Designation = "HR"; dal.UpdateEmployee(emp); PrintEmployeeInformation(emp); }
public bool ispravanRasporedStanica(long sifraLinije, long sifraPocetneStanice, long sifraKrajnjeStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije); if (dajIndexStanice(sifraPocetneStanice, linija) == -1 || dajIndexStanice(sifraKrajnjeStanice, linija) == -1) { return(false); } return(dajIndexStanice(sifraPocetneStanice, linija) < dajIndexStanice(sifraKrajnjeStanice, linija)); }
private entity.Contact FromDataBase(database.Contact contact) { return new entity.Contact { Id = contact.Id, FirstName = contact.FirstName, LastName = contact.LastName, Email = contact.Email, LuckyNumber = contact.LuckyNumber }; }
/// <summary> /// Fügt eine neue Konfiguration hinzu /// </summary> /// <param name="_configuration"></param> /// <returns>false wenn der Konfigurationsname schon existiert</returns> public static Boolean AddConfiguration(DAL.DALObjects.cObjConfiguration _configuration) { if (!_configStack.ContainsKey(_configuration.ConnectionName)) { _configStack.Add(_configuration.ConnectionName, _configuration); return true; } else { return false; } }
public List <long> dajLinije() { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <long> spisak = new List <long>(); List <DAL.Entiteti.Linija> linije = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().GetAll(); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija in linije) { spisak.Add(linija.SifraLinije); } return(spisak); }
public List <long> dajStaniceULiniji(long sifraLinije) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <long> spisak = new List <long>(); DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Stanica stanica in linija.Stanice) { spisak.Add(stanica.SifraStanice); } return(spisak); }
public string dajImeLinije(long sifraLinije) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); try { return(d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije).NazivLinije); } catch (Exception ex) { return("__GRESHKA__"); } }
public List <long> dajStanice() { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <long> spisak = new List <long>(); List <DAL.Entiteti.Stanica> stanice = d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().GetAll(); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Stanica stanica in stanice) { spisak.Add(stanica.SifraStanice); } return(spisak); }
public List <long> dajVoznje(long sifraLinije) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <long> spisak = new List <long>(); DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.Voznja voznja in linija.Voznje) { spisak.Add(voznja.SifraVoznje); } return(spisak); }
public string dajImeStanice(long sifraStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); try { return(d.getDAO.getStaniceDAO().getById(sifraStanice).ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return("__GRESHKA__"); } }
private static void TestInsertCommand(Employee emp, DAL.DAL dal) { Console.WriteLine("Testing Insert Command"); emp = new Employee(); emp.FirstName = "Eva"; emp.LastName = "Brown"; emp.EmpCode = 1110; emp.Designation = "Architect"; dal.AddEmployee(emp); Employee newEmp = new Employee(); newEmp = dal.GetEmployee(1110); PrintEmployeeInformation(newEmp); }
public List <bool> dajSlobodnaSjedista(long sifraLinije, long sifraVoznje, long sifraPocetneStanice, long sifraKrajnjeStanice) { DAL.DAL d = DAL.DAL.Instanca; d.kreirajKonekciju(); List <bool> sjedista = new List <bool>(); DAL.Entiteti.Linija linija = d.getDAO.getLinijaDAO().getById(sifraLinije); long brojSjedista = d.getDAO.getVoznjaDAO().getById(sifraVoznje).Autobus.BrojSjedista; for (int i = 0; i < brojSjedista; i++) { sjedista.Add(true); } List <DAL.Entiteti.KupacKarte> kupciKarti = new List <DAL.Entiteti.KupacKarte>(); List <DAL.Entiteti.KupacSaPopustom> kupciKartiSPopustom = new List <DAL.Entiteti.KupacSaPopustom>(); kupciKarti = d.getDAO.getKupacKarteDAO().GetAll(); kupciKartiSPopustom = d.getDAO.getKupacKarteSPopustomDAO().GetAll(); foreach (DAL.Entiteti.KupacKarte kupac in kupciKarti) { if (kupac.Voznja.SifraVoznje == sifraVoznje) { if (dajIndexStanice(kupac.PocetnaStanica.SifraStanice, linija) < dajIndexStanice(sifraKrajnjeStanice, linija) && dajIndexStanice(kupac.KrajnjaStanica.SifraStanice, linija) > dajIndexStanice(sifraPocetneStanice, linija)) { foreach (int mjesto in kupac.Sjedista) { sjedista[mjesto - 1] = false; } } } } foreach (DAL.Entiteti.KupacSaPopustom kupac in kupciKartiSPopustom) { if (kupac.Voznja.SifraVoznje == sifraVoznje) { if (dajIndexStanice(kupac.PocetnaStanica.SifraStanice, linija) < dajIndexStanice(sifraKrajnjeStanice, linija) && dajIndexStanice(kupac.KrajnjaStanica.SifraStanice, linija) > dajIndexStanice(sifraPocetneStanice, linija)) { foreach (int mjesto in kupac.Sjedista) { sjedista[mjesto - 1] = false; } } } } return(sjedista); }
private AutomobileSerializable TranslateAutomobile(DAL.Automobile oldAutomobile) { return new AutomobileSerializable() { id = oldAutomobile.id, model = oldAutomobile.model, acceleration = Convert.ToDecimal(oldAutomobile.acceleration), enginePower = Convert.ToInt32(oldAutomobile.enginePower), fuelEconomy = Convert.ToDecimal(oldAutomobile.fuelEconomy), maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(oldAutomobile.maxSpeed), price = Convert.ToDecimal(oldAutomobile.price), vendorId = oldAutomobile.vendorId }; }
public void AddNewItem() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { using (SDB sdbContext = new SDB()) { if (personelEntity == null) { Personel personel = new Personel(); personel.PersonelAd = personalName.Text; personel.PersonelSoyad = personelLastname.Text; personel.PersonelRoleID = chkboxAdmin.IsChecked.Value == true ? int.Parse(chkboxAdmin.Tag.ToString()) : chkboxUser.IsChecked.Value == true ? int.Parse(chkboxUser.Tag.ToString()) : int.Parse(chkboxUser2.Tag.ToString()); personel.PersonelUsername = personelUsername.Text; personel.PersonelPassword = HashingHelper.HashingPassword(personelPassword.Text); personel.PersonelPic = ImageHelper.ConvertImageToByte(Per_pic_url.Text); DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); dal.NewRecordPer(personel); gridPersonelForm.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gridcontrol_personel.ItemsSource = null; GetPersonelList(); } else { Personel personel = new Personel(); personel.PersonelID = personelEntity.PersonelID; personel.PersonelAd = personalName.Text; personel.PersonelSoyad = personelLastname.Text; personel.PersonelRoleID = chkboxAdmin.IsChecked.Value == true ? int.Parse(chkboxAdmin.Tag.ToString()) : chkboxUser.IsChecked.Value == true ? int.Parse(chkboxUser.Tag.ToString()) : int.Parse(chkboxUser2.Tag.ToString()); personel.PersonelUsername = personelUsername.Text; personel.PersonelPassword = HashingHelper.HashingPassword(personelPassword.Text); if (personelEntity.PersonelPic != null) { personel.PersonelPic = personelEntity.PersonelPic; } DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); dal.UpdateRecordPer(personel); MainWindow window = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); window.RibbonController(); gridPersonelForm.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gridcontrol_personel.ItemsSource = null; GetPersonelList(); ClearForm(); } } }); }
//change the connection string as per your database connection. //private static string connectionString = "Data Source=PEUWUL24667\\MSSQLSERVER2008;Initial Catalog=NewRedSol;User ID=sa;Password=Pepsico2008" ; //this method retrieves all events within range start-end public static List <CalendarEvent> getEvents(DateTime start, DateTime end) { List <CalendarEvent> events = new List <CalendarEvent>(); DAL.DAL _dal = new DAL.DAL(dbchain, DAL.DAL.Moteurs.SQLSERVER.ToString()); if (_dal.IsConnexionFermee()) { //Ouverture de la connection _dal.OuvrirConnexion(); } string[] _param = new string[2]; _param[0] = "@date_start" + ";" + SqlDbType.DateTime + ";" + start.ToString(); _param[1] = "@date_end" + ";" + SqlDbType.DateTime + ";" + end.ToString(); DataTable _tbl_loadevent = _dal.GetInformationInDataTable("LoadCRAEvent", CommandType.StoredProcedure, _param); _dal.FermeConnexion(); //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT event_id, description, title, event_start, event_end FROM event where event_start>=@start AND event_end<=@end", con); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", start); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@end", end); //using (con) //{ // con.Open(); // SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // while (reader.Read()) // { foreach (DataRow _row in _tbl_loadevent.Rows) { CalendarEvent cevent = new CalendarEvent(); cevent.id = (int)_row["id"]; cevent.ressource = (int)_row["ressource"]; cevent.jourinfo = (int)_row["jourinfo"]; cevent.start = (DateTime)_row["event_start"]; cevent.end = (DateTime)_row["event_end"]; events.Add(cevent); } //} return(events); //side note: if you want to show events only related to particular users, //if user id of that user is stored in session as Session["userid"] //the event table also contains a extra field named 'user_id' to mark the event for that particular user //then you can modify the SQL as: //SELECT event_id, description, title, event_start, event_end FROM event where user_id=@user_id AND event_start>=@start AND event_end<=@end //then add paramter as:cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"]); }
//SAVE İşlemini Yapıyor public void AddNewItem() { ExceptionCatcher.ExceptionFinder(() => { using (SDB sdbContext = new SDB()) { if (Urunentity == null) { Urun urun = new Urun(); urun.UrunAd = productName.Text; urun.UrunFiyat = Convert.ToDecimal(productPrice.Text); urun.UrunKod = productCode.Text; urun.UrunStok = Convert.ToInt16(txtedit_productStok.Text); urun.UrunKatID = ((Kategori)productCat_combobox.SelectedItem).KategoriID; urun.UrunPic = BL.ImageHelper.ConvertImageToByte(Pro_pic_url.Text); pro_image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Pro_pic_url.Text)); DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); dal.NewRecord(urun); FormContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridControl_ProductList.ItemsSource = null; GetUrunList(); } else { Urun urun = new Urun(); urun.UrunID = Urunentity.UrunID; urun.UrunAd = productName.Text; urun.UrunFiyat = Convert.ToDecimal(productPrice.Text); urun.UrunKod = productCode.Text; urun.UrunStok = Convert.ToInt16(txtedit_productStok.Text); if (Urunentity.UrunPic != null) { urun.UrunPic = Urunentity.UrunPic; } urun.UrunKatID = ((Kategori)productCat_combobox.SelectedItem).KategoriID; DAL.DAL dal = new DAL.DAL(); dal.UpdateRecord(urun); MainWindow window = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); window.RibbonController(); FormContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridControl_ProductList.ItemsSource = null; GetUrunList(); ClearForm(); } } }); }
public void Act(DAL.IDataRepository DataRepo, dynamic ClassObject, int ActionType) { switch (ActionType) { case 1://Create DataRepo.Create(ClassObject); break; case 2://Update DataRepo.Update(ClassObject); break; case 3://Delete DataRepo.Delete(ClassObject); break; default: break; } }
public object AddCommodityOption() { object model = new { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), CommodityID = "0a05c53871b84921987cf763e55463a9", Name = "精装版", Price = "199", Flag = 1, Remark = string.Empty }; object modelNa = new { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), CommodityID = "0a05c53871b84921987cf763e55463a9", Name = "豪华版", Price = "299", Flag = 1, Remark = string.Empty }; var dal = new WX_ShopCommodityOptionDAL(); dal.Add(model); return dal.Add(modelNa); }
public static void RegistraIngreso(DAL.Ingreso ingreso) { DAL.Ingreso.registraIngreso(ingreso); }
public ActionResult Update(DAL.BillCreditControlList model) { if (Session["Login"] != null) { LoginSession loginsession = (LoginSession)Session["Login"]; ViewBag.CompanyLogo = loginsession.CompanyLogo; String actionName = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(); String controllerName = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(); ViewBag.Menu = BAL.Common.GetActiveMenu(controllerName, BAL.Common.LayoutType(loginsession.UserType)); if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { model.ModifyBY = loginsession.UserID; if (BAL.BillCreditControlModel.UpdateCreditControl(model)) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "BillCredit"); } else { return Content("Unable to save , try again"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return Content("ErrorMessage" + ":" + ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Energy"); } } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } }
private void ConfigureAndTriggerSchedule(DAL.Schedule currentSchedule) { Boolean CoreWorkingOK = true; si.sie("ConfigureAndTriggerSchedule"); string allTickerText = ""; KillTicker(); Boolean tickerFound = false; TickerMetaToUse = ""; contentCollection.Clear(); try { //"text 0 690 1024 80 clWhite Arial 48 5" gridFive.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gridFour.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gridThree.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gridTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; #region CollectContentCollection try { foreach (DAL.Content item in proxy.CollectMedia()) { contentCollection.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { CoreWorkingOK = false; contentCollection.Clear(); } si.sii("Content Collection Count = " + contentCollection.Count().ToString()); //if there is an error the collection is cleared and loaded from xml, if it worked the collection is saved for future use if (contentCollection.Count > 0) { SerializeContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\content.xml"); } else { contentCollection.Clear(); if (FTPONLY) { contentCollection = DeSerializeContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\xml\content.xml"); } else { contentCollection = DeSerializeContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\content.xml"); } }; #endregion si.sii("Collecting Media in Content Collection"); CollectMediaInContentCollection(); //Collect All Media si.sii("Collect this loop:"+currentSchedule.Loopname); #region CollectCurrentLoop try { if (CoreWorkingOK) { currentLoop = proxy.CollectThisLoop(currentSchedule.Loopname); //Collect Loop SerializeCurrentLoop(@"c:\tmp\loop.xml"); } else { currentLoop = null; } } catch (Exception) { currentLoop = null; } if (currentLoop == null) si.sii("Current Loop is NULL possibly because Core isn't working - Collect from XML"); si.sii("FTP Only Variable = "+FTPONLY.ToString()); if (currentLoop == null) { if (FTPONLY) { si.sii(@"INSIDE FTP ONLY - Deserializing c:\tmp\xml\loops.xml"); ObservableCollection<Loop> lc = new ObservableCollection<Loop>(); //DAL.LoopCollection lc = new LoopCollection(); try { lc = DeSerializeLoopCollection(@"c:\tmp\xml\loops.xml"); si.sii(@"Items in Loops.xml:"+lc.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception e3) { si.six(e3); } foreach (var l in lc) { si.sii("Stepping through loops.xml:"+l.Name+"/"+l.Templatename+"/"+l.Templateid.ToString()); if (l.Name == currentSchedule.Loopname) { currentLoop = l; si.sii("Current Loop = "+currentLoop.Name); break; } } } else { currentLoop = DeSerializeCurrentLoop(@"c:\tmp\loop.xml"); } } #endregion try { LastLoopTick = proxy.CollectDelta("loop"); LastTickerTick = proxy.CollectDelta("ticker"); } catch (Exception) { } #region CollectTemplateCollection si.sii("Collect this template:" + currentLoop.Templatename); try { templateCollection = proxy.CollectZonesForThisTemplateName(currentLoop.Templatename); //CollectTemplate } catch (Exception) { templateCollection.Clear(); } if (templateCollection.Count > 0) { SerializeTemplateCollection(@"c:\tmp\template.xml"); } else { if (FTPONLY) { try { templateCollection.Clear(); //TemplateCollection tmpCollection = new TemplateCollection(); ObservableCollection<Template> tmpCollection = new ObservableCollection<DAL.Template>(); tmpCollection = DeSerializeTemplateCollection(@"c:\tmp\xml\template.xml"); foreach (var t in tmpCollection) { if (t.Name == currentLoop.Templatename && t.Zonename != "_template") { templateCollection.Add(t); si.sii("Template Zone Added = " + t.Name + "/" + t.Zonename + "/" + t.Zonedescription); } } si.sii("Zones in Template = "+templateCollection.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception x1) { si.six(x1); } } else { templateCollection = DeSerializeTemplateCollection(@"c:\tmp\template.xml"); foreach (var t in templateCollection) { si.sii("Template Zone Added = " + t.Name + "/" + t.Zonename + "/" + t.Zonedescription); } si.sii("Zones in Template = " + templateCollection.Count.ToString()); } } #endregion //Populate Zones contentQ.Clear(); contentQ2.Clear(); contentQ3.Clear(); contentQ4.Clear(); contentQ5.Clear(); int count = 1; int tickerInCount = 0; //equals count where ticker is found, 0 by default means no ticker int backGroundCount = 0; // //equals count where ticker is found, 0 by default means background is empty (we hide this grid) string TickerBackgroundColour = ""; double TickerOpacity = 0; allTickerText = ""; si.sii("==============================="); si.sii("==============================="); foreach (var item in templateCollection) { try { if (CoreWorkingOK) { loopContentCollection = proxy.CollectLoopContentForZoneByName(item.Zonename, currentLoop.Name); SerializeLoopContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\zone\" + item.Zonename + ".xml", loopContentCollection); } else if (FTPONLY && File.Exists(@"c:\tmp\xml\allloopcontent.xml")) { //LoopContentCollection tmpLCC = new LoopContentCollection(); ObservableCollection<LoopContent> tmpLCC = new ObservableCollection<LoopContent>(); si.sii("Collecting from tmpxml alllloopcontent.xml"); tmpLCC = DeSerializeLoopContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\xml\allloopcontent.xml"); si.sii("LoopContent Items collected from xml = " + tmpLCC.Count.ToString()); loopContentCollection.Clear(); foreach (LoopContent c in tmpLCC) { si.sii("STEPPING THROUGH Loop Content tmpLCC:" + c.Medianame); if (c.Zonename == item.Zonename && c.Loopname == currentLoop.Name) { si.sii("ADDING TO LOOP Content Collection Content tmpLCC:" + c.Medianame); loopContentCollection.Add(c); } } } else { loopContentCollection = DeSerializeLoopContentCollection(@"c:\tmp\zone\" + item.Zonename + ".xml"); } } catch (Exception ei) { si.six(ei); } if (item.ZoneType.ToLower() == "Location and Weather strip".ToLower()) { tbLocation.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ClientID.ToUpper(); borderWeatherStrip.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UpdateWeather(); } if (item.ZoneType.ToLower() == "Weather Box".ToLower()) { tbLocation.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ClientID.ToUpper(); borderWeatherRight.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UpdateWeather(); } si.sii(item.Zonename + "/" + item.X + "/" + item.Width); foreach (var lc in loopContentCollection) { #region First Configure the Ticker try { foreach (var cc in contentCollection) { if (cc.Contenttype == "Ticker" && lc.Mediaid == cc.Id) { //Return All TickerMeta allTickerText += cc.Metadata8 + " "; TickerMeta = "text"; TickerMeta += " " + item.X.ToString(); //"text 0 690 1024 80 clWhite Arial 48 5" TickerMeta += " " + item.Y.ToString(); TickerMeta += " " + item.Width.ToString(); TickerMeta += " " + item.Height.ToString(); Color tickerC = new Color(); ColorConverter ccv = new ColorConverter(); string tickerColour = cc.Metadata4; TickerMeta += " $00" + tickerColour.Substring(7, 2) + tickerColour.Substring(5, 2) + tickerColour.Substring(3, 2);//0000FF";// Color.FromRgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF).ToString(); //Color TickerBackgroundColour = cc.Metadata6; TickerOpacity = Convert.ToDouble(cc.Metadata7); UserControlContent.TickerBackgroundOpacity = TickerOpacity; TickerMeta += " " + cc.Metadata2; //Font TickerMeta += " " + cc.Metadata3; //Size //TickerMeta += " " + cc.Metadata5; //Speed TickerMeta += " 12"; if (lc.Order == 1) { tickerFound = true; UserControlContent.TickerBackgroundColour = TickerBackgroundColour; TickerMetaToUse = TickerMeta; tickerInCount = count; si.sii("TICKER METADATA = " + TickerMeta); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion //Do the rest si.sii("Looping through ContentCollection...Medianame="+lc.Medianame+" / LoopName="+lc.Loopname); foreach (var cc in contentCollection) { if (cc.Contenttype != "Ticker" && lc.Mediaid == cc.Id) { //selectedn = @"c:\content\_media\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(selectedn); if (cc.Contenttype == "Background") backGroundCount = count; if (count == 1) { contentQ2.Add(cc); si.sii("ADDING CONTENT TO Q2:"+cc.Filelocation); } if (count == 2) { contentQ3.Add(cc); si.sii("ADDING CONTENT TO Q3:" + cc.Filelocation); } if (count == 3) { contentQ4.Add(cc); } if (count == 4) contentQ5.Add(cc); si.sii(@"c:\content\_media\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(cc.Filelocation)); } } } try { WriteTickerFile(allTickerText); } catch (Exception) { } uccTwo = new UserControlContent(); uccThree = new UserControlContent(); uccFour = new UserControlContent(); uccFive = new UserControlContent(); Grid currentGrid = null; #region PopulateGridWithContent if (count == 1) { if (tickerInCount == 1) { uccTwo.IsTickerBackground = true; } gridTwo.Children.Clear(); gridTwo.Children.Add(uccTwo); currentGrid = gridTwo; if (contentQ.Count == 0) currentGrid = gridHiddenGrid; uccTwo.SetContentQ(contentQ2); KeepAliveTicker++; si.sii("Firing Grid 2"); } else if (count == 2) { if (tickerInCount == 2) { uccThree.IsTickerBackground = true; } gridThree.Children.Clear(); gridThree.Children.Add(uccThree); currentGrid = gridThree; uccThree.SetContentQ(contentQ3); KeepAliveTicker++; si.sii("Firing Grid 3"); } else if (count == 3) { if (tickerInCount == 3) { uccFour.IsTickerBackground = true; } gridFour.Children.Clear(); gridFour.Children.Add(uccFour); currentGrid = gridFour; uccFour.SetContentQ(contentQ4); KeepAliveTicker++; si.sii("Firing Grid 4"); } else if (count == 4) { if (tickerInCount == 4) { uccFive.IsTickerBackground = true; } gridFive.Children.Clear(); gridFive.Children.Add(uccFive); currentGrid = gridFive; uccFive.SetContentQ(contentQ5); KeepAliveTicker++; si.sii("Firing Grid 5"); }; #endregion //gridTwo.Children.Add(ucc); //ucc.SetContentQ(contentQ); double x = Convert.ToDouble(item.X); //sim("targetx=" + target.x); double y = Convert.ToDouble(item.Y); //sim("targety=" + target.y); double width = Convert.ToDouble(item.Width); double height = Convert.ToDouble(item.Height); currentGrid.Width = width; currentGrid.Height = height; currentGrid.Opacity = Convert.ToDouble(item.Opacity); Canvas.SetTop(currentGrid, y); Canvas.SetLeft(currentGrid, x); //Canvas.SetZIndex(currentGrid, Convert.ToInt16(target.layer)); //sim(gridIndex + "|" + currentGrid + "x=" + x + " y=" + y); currentGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; count++; if (backGroundCount == 1) gridTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (backGroundCount == 2) gridThree.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (backGroundCount == 3) gridFour.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (backGroundCount == 4) gridFive.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } catch { } try { tickerTimer.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } si.sil("ConfigureAndTriggerSchedule"); //this.Topmost = true; //this.Activate(); //this.Focus(); }