コード例 #1
        }     // end getFilteredCustomerList

        public static void addCustomerRoster(CustomerRoster cust)
            string query = Scripts.sqlAddCustomerRoster;

            using (
                OleDbCommand dbCommand = new OleDbCommand()
                Connection = new OleDbConnection(ConnectionAccess.connString),
                CommandType = CommandType.Text,
                CommandText = query,
                Parameters =
                    new OleDbParameter("@DateOfService",  OleDbType.Date),
                    new OleDbParameter("@FirstName",      cust.FirstName),
                    new OleDbParameter("@MiddleInitial",  cust.MiddleInitial),
                    new OleDbParameter("@LastName",       cust.LastName),
                    new OleDbParameter("@DOB",            OleDbType.Date),
                    new OleDbParameter("@PhoneNumber",    cust.PhoneNumber),
                    new OleDbParameter("@Staff",          cust.Staff),
                    new OleDbParameter("@EnrollmentType", cust.EnrollmentType),
                    new OleDbParameter("@ReasonForVisit", cust.ReasonForVisit),
                    new OleDbParameter("@IntakeDate",     OleDbType.Date),
                    new OleDbParameter("@ISIS_ID",        cust.ISIS_ID),
                    new OleDbParameter("@AgeGroup",       cust.AgeGroup),
                    new OleDbParameter("@SelfCertified",  cust.SelfCertified),
                    new OleDbParameter("@PSAExpDate",     OleDbType.Date),
                    new OleDbParameter("@YouthSchool",    cust.YouthSchool),
                    new OleDbParameter("@Email",          cust.Email),
                    new OleDbParameter("@Notes",          cust.Notes)
            }) // end using parenthetical
            {  // begin using scope
                dbCommand.Parameters[0].Value  = cust.DateOfService;
                dbCommand.Parameters[4].Value  = cust.DOB;
                dbCommand.Parameters[9].Value  = cust.IntakeDate;
                dbCommand.Parameters[13].Value = cust.PSAExpDate;

                foreach (OleDbParameter param in dbCommand.Parameters)
                { // replace ambiguous null values with explicit DBNulls.
                    if (param.Value == null)
                        param.Value = DBNull.Value;
                int rowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
                Console.WriteLine($"Rows affected: {rowsAffected}");
コード例 #2
        // just said screw it and put all the properties in Customer.
        // Not using reflection for the different types anymore(Just Customer), so it should be fine(?)

        #endregion End Properties

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a List of CustomerRoster objects (variant of DataTable Method)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Customer_ID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <CustomerRoster> getCustomerList(int?Customer_ID = null)
            DataTable             dt = new DataTable();
            List <CustomerRoster> customerRosterList = new List <CustomerRoster>();
            //string query = Scripts.sqlGetCustomerDetails;
            string query = Scripts.sqlGetCustomerRosterDetails;

            using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter())
                // Create the command and set its properties
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand             = new OleDbCommand();
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection  = new OleDbConnection(ConnectionAccess.connString);
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                // Assign the SQL to the command object
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = query;
                if (Customer_ID != null)
                    dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_ID", Customer_ID);
                    dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_ID", DBNull.Value);
                // Fill the datatable from adapter
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine($"An Error Occured trying to retrieve the data!.\n\nException: {ex}");
            } // end using scope
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                CustomerRoster tempCust = new CustomerRoster();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(CustomerRoster).GetProperties())
                    var rowVal = row[$"{property.Name}"];
                    if (rowVal.GetType() == typeof(DBNull))
                        rowVal = null;
                    property.SetValue(tempCust, rowVal);