コード例 #1
        public VorbisCodebook(ByteArray aByteArray)
            count = aByteArray.ReadByte() + 1;

            Logger.LogWarning("Vorbis Codebook Count:" + count);

            headerArray = new CodebookHeader[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                headerArray[i] = new CodebookHeader(aByteArray);
コード例 #2
        public void DecodePacket1(CodebookHeader aCodebookHeader, double[] a, ByteArray aByteArray, int offset)
            int n = ( int )partitionSizeAdd1;

            int i = 0;

            while (i < n)
                //Logger.LogError( "aCodebookHeader.ReadVv( aByteArray ):" + i );

                double[] entry_temp = aCodebookHeader.ReadVv(aByteArray);

                for (int j = 0; j < aCodebookHeader.dimensions; j++)
                    a[offset + i] += entry_temp[j];

コード例 #3
        private void DecodePacket0(Identification aOggHeaderIdentification, Setup aOggHeaderSetup)
            CodebookHeader lCodebookHeader = aOggHeaderSetup.codebook.headerArray[classbook];

            // Check 61.
            int n = ( int )partitionSizeAdd1;
            //[v] is the residue vector
            //[offset] is the beginning read ofset in [v]

            int step = n / lCodebookHeader.dimensions;

            for (int i = 0; i < step; i++)
                //vector[entry_temp] = 0;//read vector from packet using current codebook in VQ context

                for (int j = 0; j < lCodebookHeader.dimensions; j++)
                    //vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]+[j]*[step]) = vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]+[j]*[step]) + vector [entry\_temp] element [j]
コード例 #4
        public void DecodePacket2(CodebookHeader aCodebookHeader, int aAudioChannels, double[][] a, ByteArray aByteArray, int offset, int aCh, Byte[] do_not_decode_flag)
            for (int i = 0; i < aCh; i++)
                if (do_not_decode_flag[i] == 1)
                    Logger.LogError("do_not_decode_flag:" + i);

            double[] lValueArray = new double[aAudioChannels * a[0].Length];

            DecodePacket1(aCodebookHeader, lValueArray, aByteArray, offset);

            for (int i = 0; i < a[0].Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < aAudioChannels; j++)
                    a[j][i] += lValueArray[i * aAudioChannels + j];
コード例 #5
        private int DecodePacket1(ByteArray aByteArray, CodebookHeader[] aCodebookHeaderArray)

            Byte lNonzero = aByteArray.ReadBitsAsByte(1);

            if (lNonzero == 0x01)

                UInt16[] vector = { 256, 128, 86, 64 };
                range = vector[multiplier1Add1 - 1];

                Logger.LogWarning("Range" + range);
                //Logger.LogWarning( "iLog:" + ilog( ( UInt32 )( range - 1 ) ) );

                Logger.LogWarning("Count:" + xList1.Count);
                floorYList1 = new UInt16[xList1.Count];

                floorYList1[0] = aByteArray.ReadBitsAsUInt16(ilog(( UInt32 )(range - 1)));
                floorYList1[1] = aByteArray.ReadBitsAsUInt16(ilog(( UInt32 )(range - 1)));

                //Logger.LogError( "xList1,floorYList1[0]:" + xList1[0] + "," + floorYList1[0] );
                //Logger.LogError( "xList1,floorYList1[1]:" + xList1[1] + "," + floorYList1[1] );

                int offset = 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < partitions1; i++)
                    Byte   lClass = partitionClassList1[i];
                    int    cdim   = classDimensions1Add1[lClass];
                    Byte   cbits  = classSubClasses1[lClass];
                    int    csub   = ( int )Math.Pow(2, cbits) - 1;
                    UInt32 cval   = 0;

                    if (cbits > 0)
                        CodebookHeader lCodebookHeader = aCodebookHeaderArray[classMasterbooks1[lClass]];
                        int            lHuffman        = lCodebookHeader.huffmanRoot.Read(aByteArray);
                        //Logger.LogError( "Huffman1:" + lHuffman );
                        cval = ( UInt32 )lHuffman;

                    for (int j = 0; j < cdim; j++)
                        int book = subClassBooks1Sub1[lClass][cval & csub];

                        cval >>= cbits;

                        if (book >= 0)
                            CodebookHeader lCodebookHeader = aCodebookHeaderArray[book];
                            int            lHuffman        = lCodebookHeader.huffmanRoot.Read(aByteArray);
                            //Logger.LogError( "Huffman2:" + lHuffman );
                            floorYList1[j + offset] = ( UInt16 )lHuffman;
                            floorYList1[j + offset] = 0;

                        //Logger.LogError( "xList1,floorYList1[" + ( j + offset ) + "]:" + xList1[j + offset] + "," + floorYList1[j + offset] );

                    offset += cdim;


コード例 #6
        public void DecodePacket(ByteArray aByteArray, int aAudioChannels, CodebookHeader[] aCodebookHeaderArray, int n, int aCh, Byte[] do_not_decode_flag, double[][] aResidueArray)
            //Logger.LogError( "■DecodePacket:" + classbook );

            CodebookHeader lCodebookHeader = aCodebookHeaderArray[classbook];

            int actual_size = n / 2;

            if (types == 0x0002)
                actual_size *= aCh;
                aCh          = 1;

            // Maximum.

             * int limit_residue_begin = actual_size;
             * if( begin > actual_size )
             * {
             *      limit_residue_begin = ( int )begin;
             * }
             * int limit_residue_end = actual_size;
             * if( end > actual_size )
             * {
             *      limit_residue_end = ( int )end;
             * }

            // Miminam.
            int limit_residue_begin = ( int )begin;

            if (actual_size < begin)
                limit_residue_begin = actual_size;

            int limit_residue_end = ( int )end;

            if (actual_size < end)
                limit_residue_end = actual_size;

            Logger.LogDebug("■actual_size,.begin,end:" + actual_size + "," + begin + "," + end);

            int classwords_per_codeword = lCodebookHeader.dimensions;
            int n_to_read          = limit_residue_end - limit_residue_begin;
            int partitions_to_read = ( int )(n_to_read / partitionSizeAdd1);

            //Logger.LogError( "classwords_per_codeword:" + classwords_per_codeword );
            //Logger.LogError( "partitionSizeAdd1:" + partitionSizeAdd1 );
            //Logger.LogError( "partitions_to_read:" + partitions_to_read );

            int[][] lClassifications = new int[aCh][];

            for (int j = 0; j < aCh; j++)
                lClassifications[j] = new int[partitions_to_read + classwords_per_codeword];

            if (n_to_read <= 0)
                Logger.LogError("■there is no residue to decode.");

            for (int pass = 0; pass < 8; pass++)
                int partition_count = 0;

                while (partition_count < partitions_to_read)
                    if (pass == 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < aCh; j++)
                            if (do_not_decode_flag[j] == 0x00)
                                int temp = lCodebookHeader.huffmanRoot.Read(aByteArray);

                                //Logger.LogWarning( "temp:" + temp );

                                for (int i = classwords_per_codeword - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    lClassifications[j][i + partition_count] = temp % classificationsAdd1;
                                    temp /= classificationsAdd1;
                                    //Logger.LogError( "classifications[" + j + "][" + ( i + partition_count ) + "]:" + classifications[j][i + partition_count] );

                    for (int i = 0; i < classwords_per_codeword && partition_count < partitions_to_read; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < aCh; j++)
                            if (do_not_decode_flag[j] == 0x00)
                                //Logger.LogError( "classifications[" + j + "][" + ( partition_count ) + "]:" + classifications[j][partition_count] );
                                int    vqclass = lClassifications[j][partition_count];
                                UInt16 vqbook  = books[vqclass][pass];

                                if (vqbook != 0xFFFF /*'unused'*/)
                                    switch (types)
                                    case 0:
                                        Logger.LogDebug("■case 0");
                                        //DecodePacket0( aOggHeaderIdentification, aOggHeaderSetup, aResidueNumber );

                                    case 1:
                                        Logger.LogDebug("■case 1");
                                        //DecodePacket1( aOggHeaderIdentification, aOggHeaderSetup, aResidueNumber );

                                    case 2:
                                        int offset = ( int )(limit_residue_begin + partition_count * partitionSizeAdd1);

                                        //Logger.LogError( "pass,partition_count,i:" + pass + "," + partition_count + "," + i );
                                        //Logger.LogError( "■ch:" + aCh );
                                        CodebookHeader llCodebookHeader = aCodebookHeaderArray[vqbook];
                                        DecodePacket2(llCodebookHeader, aAudioChannels, aResidueArray, aByteArray, offset, aCh, do_not_decode_flag);
                                        //llCodebookHeader.ReadVvAdd( aOggHeaderIdentification.a, aByteArray, offset, ( int )partitionSizeAdd1 );

                                        //DecodePacket2( aOggHeaderIdentification, aOggHeaderSetup, aResidueNumber );

                                    //Logger.LogError( "vqbook == 0xFFFF,pass,partition_count,i:" + pass + "," + partition_count + "," + i );
