public void TestBleedInPixelsPreservesTileSize() { TileProvider t = new TileProvider(TileConsumer.TileMapService); t.BleedInPixels = 100; using (Bitmap b = t.DrawTile(new Map(), 0,0,0)) { Assert.AreEqual(256, b.Width); } }
public void TestMinZoomLevel() { TileProvider t = new TileProvider(TileConsumer.GoogleMaps); t.CalculateNumberOfTilesAcross(-1); }
public void TestConvertTileToQuadKey() { TileProvider t = new TileProvider(TileConsumer.VirtualEarth); Assert.AreEqual("213", t.ConvertTileToQuadKey(3, 5, 3)); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { #region check arguments Rectangle worldExtents = null; Rectangle extents = new Rectangle(); string path = "."; bool showHelp = false; int maxZoomLevel = 19; int minZoomLevel = 0; bool onlyCount = false; TileConsumer consumer = TileConsumer.GoogleMaps; bool mxzlChanged = false; bool mnzlChanged = false; int bleedInPixels = 0; bool showVersion = false; OptionSet options = new OptionSet(); options.Add("e|extents=", "comma-delimited extents for clipping tile generation (e.g. -180,-90,180,90). Overrides the map file. (Must be in map's coordinate system)", delegate (string v) { extents = ParseExtents(v); }); options.Add("h|help", "show this message and exit", delegate (string v) { showHelp = v!= null; }); options.Add("o|output=", "the path of the where to create. Defaults to current directory", delegate (string v) { path = v; }); options.Add("x|maxzoom=", "the maximum zoom level", delegate (string v) { maxZoomLevel = int.Parse(v, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); mxzlChanged = true; }); options.Add("n|minzoom=", "the minimum zoom level", delegate (string v) { minZoomLevel = int.Parse(v, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); mnzlChanged = true; }); options.Add("t|test", "Test - only calculate the total and return", delegate (string v) { onlyCount = v != null; }); options.Add("c|consumer=", "The consumer. Valid values are 'googlemaps', 'tms', and 've'.", delegate (string v) { if (v == "googlemaps") { consumer = TileConsumer.GoogleMaps; } else if (v == "tms") { consumer = TileConsumer.TileMapService; } else if (v == "ve") { consumer = TileConsumer.VirtualEarth; } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Error: Unknown consumer."); ShowHelp(options); return; } }); options.Add("w|worldextents=", "comma-delimited extents for defining world (e.g. -180,-90,180,90). Valid only for TMS", delegate (string v) { worldExtents = ParseExtents(v); } ); options.Add("b|bleed=", "the bleed in pixels for tiles (useful for catching overrunning symbols/labels from other tiles", delegate (string v) { bleedInPixels = int.Parse(v, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }); options.Add("v|version", "shows the version and exits", delegate (string v) { showVersion = v != null; }); List<string> rest = options.Parse(args); if (showVersion) { System.Console.WriteLine("Version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); return; } if (showHelp) { ShowHelp(options); return; } if (rest.Count == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("No map provided"); ShowHelp(options); return; } if (!File.Exists(rest[0])) { System.Console.WriteLine("Map xml file not found"); ShowHelp(options); return; } if ((consumer == TileConsumer.GoogleMaps || consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth) && worldExtents != null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error: cannot set world extents for this consumer"); ShowHelp(options); return; } #endregion #region get map // search in the local directory for espg files // so Windows ppl don't have to have it installed ProjFourWrapper.CustomSearchPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); MapSerializer ms = new MapSerializer(); ms.AddDatabaseFeatureSourceType<Cumberland.Data.PostGIS.PostGISFeatureSource>(); ms.AddDatabaseFeatureSourceType<Cumberland.Data.SqlServer.SqlServerFeatureSource>(); Map map = ms.Deserialize(rest[0]); // use map extents as clipping range if not provided if (extents.IsEmpty && !map.Extents.IsEmpty) { extents = map.Extents; } // if map has a projection, reproject clipping area if ((consumer == TileConsumer.GoogleMaps || consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth) && !extents.IsEmpty) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Projection)) { using (ProjFourWrapper src = new ProjFourWrapper(map.Projection)) { using (ProjFourWrapper dst = new ProjFourWrapper(ProjFourWrapper.SphericalMercatorProjection)) { extents = new Rectangle(src.Transform(dst, extents.Min), src.Transform(dst, extents.Max)); } } } else { System.Console.WriteLine(@"Warning: Your map doesn't have a projection. Unless your data is in spherical mercator, you will not get correct tiles"); } } if (consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth) { if (!mnzlChanged) minZoomLevel = 1; if (!mxzlChanged) maxZoomLevel = 23; } #endregion #region calculate total # of tiles TileProvider tp; if (worldExtents == null) { tp = new TileProvider(consumer); } else { tp = new TileProvider(consumer, worldExtents); } tp.DrawExceptionsOnTile = false; tp.BleedInPixels = bleedInPixels; // calculate total number of tiles long totalCount = 0; for (int ii = minZoomLevel; ii <= maxZoomLevel; ii++) { //System.Console.WriteLine(tp.ClipRectangleAtZoomLevel(extents, ii).ToString()); if (extents.IsEmpty) { int across = tp.CalculateNumberOfTilesAcross(ii); totalCount += (Convert.ToInt64(across)*Convert.ToInt64(across)); } else { System.Drawing.Rectangle r = tp.ClipRectangleAtZoomLevel(extents, ii); totalCount += Convert.ToInt64(r.Width+1) * Convert.ToInt64(r.Height+1); } } string info = string.Format("0{0} of {1}", new string(' ', totalCount.ToString().Length-1),totalCount); System.Console.Write(info); if (onlyCount) { return; } #endregion #region render tiles Directory.CreateDirectory(path); #region Handle TMS xml file XmlWriter writer = null; if (consumer == TileConsumer.TileMapService) { writer = new XmlTextWriter(Path.Combine(path, "tilemapresource.xml"), Encoding.UTF8); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("TileMap"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "1.0.0"); writer.WriteAttributeString("tilemapservice", ""); writer.WriteElementString("Title", string.Empty); writer.WriteElementString("Abstract", string.Empty); int epsg; if (ProjFourWrapper.TryParseEpsg(map.Projection, out epsg)) { writer.WriteElementString("SRS", "EPSG:" + epsg.ToString()); } else { writer.WriteElementString("SRS", string.Empty); System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: could not parse epsg code from map projection. SRS element not set"); } writer.WriteStartElement("BoundingBox"); writer.WriteAttributeString("minx", extents.Min.X.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("miny", extents.Min.Y.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("maxx", extents.Max.X.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("maxy", extents.Max.Y.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); // BoundingBox writer.WriteStartElement("Origin"); writer.WriteAttributeString("x", extents.Center.X.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("y", extents.Center.Y.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); // Origin writer.WriteStartElement("TileFormat"); writer.WriteAttributeString("width", "256"); writer.WriteAttributeString("height", "256"); writer.WriteAttributeString("mime-type", "image/png"); writer.WriteAttributeString("extension", "png"); writer.WriteEndElement(); // TileFormat writer.WriteStartElement("TileSets"); writer.WriteAttributeString("profile", "local"); } #endregion long current = 0; for (int ii = minZoomLevel; ii <= maxZoomLevel; ii++) { string tilepath = Path.Combine(path, ii.ToString()); if (consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth) { tilepath = path; } Directory.CreateDirectory(tilepath); System.Drawing.Rectangle r; if (extents.IsEmpty) { int across = tp.CalculateNumberOfTilesAcross(ii); r = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, across, across); } else { r = tp.ClipRectangleAtZoomLevel(extents, ii); } if (consumer == TileConsumer.TileMapService) { writer.WriteStartElement("TileSet"); writer.WriteAttributeString("href", tilepath); writer.WriteAttributeString("units-per-pixel", tp.CalculateMapUnitsPerPixel(ii).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("order", ii.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); // TileSet } for (int x = r.Left; x <= (r.Left+r.Width); x++) { string xtilepath = Path.Combine(tilepath, x.ToString()); if (consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth) { xtilepath = path; } Directory.CreateDirectory(xtilepath); for (int y = r.Top; y <= (r.Top+r.Height); y++) { current++; // render tile and save to file Bitmap b = tp.DrawTile(map, x, y, ii); string tileFile = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.png", xtilepath, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, (consumer == TileConsumer.VirtualEarth ? tp.ConvertTileToQuadKey(x,y,ii) : y.ToString())); b.Save(tileFile ,ImageFormat.Png); // update count in console Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop); Console.Write(current.ToString()); Console.SetCursorPosition(info.Length+1, Console.CursorTop); } } } if (consumer == TileConsumer.TileMapService) { writer.WriteEndElement(); // TileSets writer.WriteEndElement(); // TileMap writer.Close(); } #endregion System.Console.WriteLine("Finished!"); }