コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Doesn't create the virtual if it doesn't exist.</summary>
        internal void GetVirtual(CssEvent e, int priority)
            // Get the CS:
            ComputedStyle cs = e.SelectorTarget.computedStyle;

            VirtualElements virts = cs.RenderData.Virtuals;

            IRenderableNode node = null;

            if (virts != null)
                // Get and apply:
                node = virts.Get(priority) as IRenderableNode;

            // Update the target:
            e.SelectorTarget = (node == null) ? null : node.RenderData;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Sets up this renderer so that it's ready to start packing child elements of
        /// a given element into lines.</summary>
        /// <param name="renderable">The parent render data whose children will be packed.</param>
        public LineBoxMeta BeginLines(RenderableData renderable, VirtualElements virts, LayoutBox box, bool autoWidth)
            // Get CS:
            ComputedStyle cs = renderable.computedStyle;

            LineBoxMeta lineZone;

            InfiniText.FontFace face = box.FontFace;

            // Update line height:

            // Line height:
            Css.Value lineHeightValue = cs.LineHeightX;

            float cssLineHeight;

            if (lineHeightValue.IsType(typeof(Css.Keywords.Normal)))
                // Get from the metrics font now:
                cssLineHeight = box.FontFace.BaselineToBaseline * box.FontSize;
            else if (
                lineHeightValue.Type != Css.ValueType.RelativeNumber &&
                lineHeightValue.GetType() != typeof(Css.Units.DecimalUnit)
                // E.g. line-height:14px, but not line-height:1. It's just as-is:
                cssLineHeight = lineHeightValue.GetRawDecimal();
                // Some multiple of the font size:
                cssLineHeight = lineHeightValue.GetRawDecimal() * box.FontSize;

            // Check if it's a block context:
            if (box.DisplayMode == DisplayMode.Inline && LastBlockBox != null)
                // Anything else uses the nearest parent block element as the max.
                lineZone = new InlineBoxMeta(LastBlockBox, TopOfStackSafe, box, renderable);

                // Put up the 'strut':
                lineZone.LineHeight = cssLineHeight;
                box.Baseline        = box.FontSize * face.Descender;
                lineZone      = LastBlockBox = new BlockBoxMeta(TopOfStackSafe, box, renderable);
                lineZone.MaxX = box.InnerWidth;

                if (virts != null && virts.Has(ComputedStyle.VerticalScrollPriority))
                    lineZone.MaxX -= 14;

                    if (lineZone.MaxX < 0)
                        lineZone.MaxX = 0;

                bool left = (cs.DrawDirectionX == DirectionMode.RTL);
                lineZone.GoingLeftwards = left;

                // H-align:
                int hAlign = cs.HorizontalAlignX;

                if (hAlign == HorizontalAlignMode.Auto)
                    if (left)
                        hAlign = HorizontalAlignMode.Right;
                        hAlign = HorizontalAlignMode.Left;

                if (hAlign == HorizontalAlignMode.Left)
                    // Ok how it is (left by default).
                    hAlign = 0;

                lineZone.HorizontalAlign = hAlign;

            // Apply whitespace mode:
            lineZone.WhiteSpace = cs.WhiteSpaceX;

            // Apply line height:
            lineZone.CssLineHeight = cssLineHeight;

            // Update vertical-align:
            Css.Value vAlign = cs.Resolve(Css.Properties.VerticalAlign.GlobalProperty);

            // Get the complete value:
            float vAlignValue = vAlign.GetDecimal(renderable, Css.Properties.VerticalAlign.GlobalProperty);

            // If it's a keyword..
            if (vAlign is Css.CssKeyword)
                // It's a mode:
                lineZone.VerticalAlign       = (int)vAlignValue;
                lineZone.VerticalAlignOffset = 0f;
                // It's a baseline offset:
                lineZone.VerticalAlign       = VerticalAlignMode.Baseline;
                lineZone.VerticalAlignOffset = vAlignValue;

            box.ContentWidth  = 0;
            box.ContentHeight = 0;
