public void SetCommandName(MenuItem ctl, string value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].CommandName = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.CommandName = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
public void SetDisableWhenUseless(MenuItem ctl, bool value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].DisableWhenUseless = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.DisableWhenUseless = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
public void SetRebindAfterSave(MenuItem ctl, bool value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].RebindAfterSave = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.RebindAfterSave = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
public void SetPostSaveAction(MenuItem ctl, PostSaveActionType value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].PostSaveAction = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.PostSaveAction = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
public void SetActionType(MenuItem ctl, CslaFormAction value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].ActionType = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.ActionType = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
public void SetDisableWhenClean(ToolBarButton ctl, bool value) { if (_sources.ContainsKey(ctl)) { _sources[ctl].DisableWhenClean = value; } else { CslaActionExtenderProperties props = new CslaActionExtenderProperties(); props.DisableWhenClean = value; _sources.Add(ctl, props); } }
private bool ExecuteSaveAction(ISavable savableObject, ITrackStatus trackableObject, CslaActionExtenderProperties props) { var result = true; bool okToContinue = true; BusinessBase businessObject = null; bool savableObjectIsBusinessBase = savableObject is BusinessBase; if (savableObjectIsBusinessBase) { businessObject = savableObject as BusinessBase; } if (savableObjectIsBusinessBase) { if (!businessObject.IsValid) { HasBrokenRulesEventArgs argsHasBrokenRules = new HasBrokenRulesEventArgs( props.CommandName, businessObject.GetBrokenRules().ErrorCount > 0, businessObject.GetBrokenRules().WarningCount > 0, businessObject.GetBrokenRules().InformationCount > 0, _autoShowBrokenRules); OnHasBrokenRules(argsHasBrokenRules); okToContinue = !argsHasBrokenRules.Cancel; //in case the client changed it _autoShowBrokenRules = argsHasBrokenRules.AutoShowBrokenRules; } } if (okToContinue) { if (savableObjectIsBusinessBase) { if (_autoShowBrokenRules && !businessObject.IsValid) { // todo: add child broken rules string brokenRules = string.Empty; foreach (var brokenRule in businessObject.GetBrokenRules()) { var lambdaBrokenRule = brokenRule; var friendlyName = PropertyInfoManager.GetRegisteredProperties(businessObject.GetType()).Find( c => c.Name == lambdaBrokenRule.Property).FriendlyName; brokenRules += string.Format("{0}: {1}{2}", friendlyName, brokenRule, Environment.NewLine); } MessageBox.Show(brokenRules, Resources.ActionExtenderErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } if (trackableObject.IsValid) { CslaActionCancelEventArgs savingArgs = new CslaActionCancelEventArgs(false, props.CommandName); OnObjectSaving(savingArgs); if (!savingArgs.Cancel) { _bindingSourceTree.Apply(); ISavable objectToSave; if (Csla.ApplicationContext.AutoCloneOnUpdate == false) { objectToSave = ((ICloneable)savableObject).Clone() as ISavable;// if not AutoClone, clone manually } else { objectToSave = savableObject; } if (objectToSave != null) { try { RemoveEventHooks(savableObject); savableObject = savableObject.Save() as ISavable; OnObjectSaved(new CslaActionEventArgs(props.CommandName)); switch (props.PostSaveAction) { case PostSaveActionType.None: if (props.RebindAfterSave) { _bindingSourceTree.Bind(savableObject); AddEventHooks(savableObject); } break; case PostSaveActionType.AndClose: CloseForm(); break; case PostSaveActionType.AndNew: OnSetForNew(new CslaActionEventArgs(props.CommandName)); AddEventHooks(savableObject); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { _bindingSourceTree.Bind(objectToSave); AddEventHooks(objectToSave); OnErrorEncountered(new ErrorEncounteredEventArgs(props.CommandName, new ObjectSaveException(ex))); // there was some problem result = false; } } else { // did not find bound object so don't bother raising the Clicked event result = false; } _bindingSourceTree.SetEvents(true); } } else { OnBusinessObjectInvalid(new CslaActionEventArgs(props.CommandName)); // object not valid or has broken rules set to invalidate it due to this control's properties result = false; } } else { // process was canceled from the HasBrokenRules event (okToContinue = false) result = false; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Method invoked when the target control is clicked. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Object originating action.</param> /// <param name="e">Arguments.</param> protected void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem ctl = (MenuItem)sender; CslaActionExtenderProperties props = _sources[ctl]; if (props.ActionType != CslaFormAction.None) { try { bool raiseClicked = true; CslaActionCancelEventArgs args = new CslaActionCancelEventArgs(false, props.CommandName); OnClicking(args); if (!args.Cancel) { ISavable savableObject = null; ITrackStatus trackableObject = null; BindingSource source = null; var sourceObjectError = false; if (_dataSource != null) { source = _dataSource as BindingSource; if (source != null) { savableObject = source.DataSource as ISavable; trackableObject = source.DataSource as ITrackStatus; } else { OnErrorEncountered(new ErrorEncounteredEventArgs(props.CommandName, new InvalidCastException(Resources.ActionExtenderInvalidBindingSourceCast))); sourceObjectError = true; } if (savableObject == null || trackableObject == null) { OnErrorEncountered(new ErrorEncounteredEventArgs(props.CommandName, new InvalidCastException(Resources.ActionExtenderInvalidBusinessObjectBaseCast))); sourceObjectError = true; } } if (!sourceObjectError) { DialogResult diagResult; switch (props.ActionType) { case CslaFormAction.Save: raiseClicked = ExecuteSaveAction(savableObject, trackableObject, props); break; // case CslaFormAction.Save case CslaFormAction.Cancel: diagResult = DialogResult.Yes; if (_warnOnCancel && trackableObject.IsDirty) { diagResult = MessageBox.Show( _warnOnCancelMessage, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } if (diagResult == DialogResult.Yes) { _bindingSourceTree.Cancel(savableObject); } break; // case CslaFormAction.Cancel case CslaFormAction.Close: diagResult = DialogResult.Yes; if (trackableObject.IsDirty || trackableObject.IsNew) { if (_warnIfCloseOnDirty) { diagResult = MessageBox.Show( _dirtyWarningMessage + Environment.NewLine + Resources.ActionExtenderCloseConfirmation, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } if (diagResult == DialogResult.Yes) { _bindingSourceTree.Close(); _closeForm = true; } break; // case CslaFormAction.Close case CslaFormAction.Validate: if (savableObject is BusinessBase) { BusinessBase businessObject = savableObject as BusinessBase; if (!businessObject.IsValid) { // todo: add child broken rules string brokenRules = string.Empty; foreach (var brokenRule in businessObject.GetBrokenRules()) { var lambdaBrokenRule = brokenRule; var friendlyName = PropertyInfoManager.GetRegisteredProperties(businessObject.GetType()).Find( c => c.Name == lambdaBrokenRule.Property).FriendlyName; brokenRules += string.Format("{0}: {1}{2}", friendlyName, brokenRule, Environment.NewLine); } MessageBox.Show(brokenRules, Resources.ActionExtenderErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show(_objectIsValidMessage, Resources.ActionExtenderInformationCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } break; //case CslaFormAction.Validate } // switch (props.ActionType) // raiseClicked is true if // ActionType == CslaFormAction.Save and everything is ok if (raiseClicked) { if (props.ActionType == CslaFormAction.Save && source != null) { if (props.RebindAfterSave) { // For some strange reason, this has to be done down here. // Putting it in the Select Case AfterSave... does not work. _bindingSourceTree.ResetBindings(false); InitializeControls(true); } } else { if (props.ActionType == CslaFormAction.Cancel) { InitializeControls(true); } } OnClicked(new CslaActionEventArgs(props.CommandName)); } } // if (!sourceObjectError) } // if (!args.Cancel) if (_closeForm) { CloseForm(); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnErrorEncountered(new ErrorEncounteredEventArgs(props.CommandName, ex)); } } // if (props.ActionType != CslaFormAction.None) }