private VoucherEditDto FetchVoucherEdit(SafeDataReader dr) { var voucherEdit = new VoucherEditDto(); // Value properties voucherEdit.Id = dr.GetInt32("tran_id"); voucherEdit.Amount = (Decimal?)dr.GetValue("tran_amount"); voucherEdit.PersonId = !dr.IsDBNull("person_id") ? dr.GetString("person_id") : null; voucherEdit.NamePrefix = !dr.IsDBNull("name_prefix") ? dr.GetString("name_prefix") : null; voucherEdit.First = !dr.IsDBNull("first_name") ? dr.GetString("first_name") : null; voucherEdit.Middle = !dr.IsDBNull("middle_name") ? dr.GetString("middle_name") : null; voucherEdit.Last = !dr.IsDBNull("last_name") ? dr.GetString("last_name") : null; voucherEdit.Suffix = !dr.IsDBNull("name_suffix") ? dr.GetString("name_suffix") : null; voucherEdit.Title = !dr.IsDBNull("title") ? dr.GetString("title") : null; voucherEdit.Company = !dr.IsDBNull("company") ? dr.GetString("company") : null; voucherEdit.AddressLine1 = !dr.IsDBNull("address_1") ? dr.GetString("address_1") : null; voucherEdit.AddressLine2 = !dr.IsDBNull("address_2") ? dr.GetString("address_2") : null; voucherEdit.Municipality = !dr.IsDBNull("municipality") ? dr.GetString("municipality") : null; voucherEdit.Region = !dr.IsDBNull("region") ? dr.GetString("region") : null; voucherEdit.PostalCode = !dr.IsDBNull("postal_code") ? dr.GetString("postal_code") : null; voucherEdit.Country = !dr.IsDBNull("country") ? dr.GetString("country") : null; voucherEdit.PhoneNumber = !dr.IsDBNull("phone_number") ? dr.GetString("phone_number") : null; voucherEdit.EmailAddress = !dr.IsDBNull("email") ? dr.GetString("email") : null; voucherEdit.Updated = !dr.IsDBNull("updated") ? dr.GetSmartDate("updated", true) : null; return voucherEdit; }
private OpenBatchListItemDto Fetch(SafeDataReader dr) { var openBatchListItem = new OpenBatchListItemDto(); openBatchListItem.Num = dr.GetInt32("batch_num"); openBatchListItem.Label = !dr.IsDBNull("batch_label") ? dr.GetString("batch_label") : null; return openBatchListItem; }
private AccountDto Fetch(IDataReader data) { var account = new AccountDto(); using (var dr = new SafeDataReader(data)) { if (dr.Read()) { account.Id = dr.GetInt32("account_id"); account.Name = dr.GetString("account_name"); account.Description = !dr.IsDBNull("account_dscr") ? dr.GetString("account_dscr") : null; account.Number = !dr.IsDBNull("account_number") ? dr.GetString("account_number") : null; account.Balance = (Decimal?)dr.GetValue("balance"); account.LastReconciliationDate = !dr.IsDBNull("last_rec_date") ? dr.GetSmartDate("last_rec_date", true) : null; account.LastReconciliationBalance = (Decimal?)dr.GetValue("last_rec_balance"); } } return account; }
private BatchEditDto Fetch(IDataReader data) { var batchEdit = new BatchEditDto(); using (var dr = new SafeDataReader(data)) { if (dr.Read()) { batchEdit.Num = dr.GetInt32("batch_num"); batchEdit.Date = !dr.IsDBNull("batch_date") ? dr.GetSmartDate("batch_date", true) : null; batchEdit.PayDate = !dr.IsDBNull("pay_date") ? dr.GetSmartDate("pay_date", true) : null; batchEdit.Amount = (Decimal?)dr.GetValue("batch_amount"); batchEdit.JobNum = (int?)dr.GetValue("job_num"); batchEdit.Description = !dr.IsDBNull("batch_dscr") ? dr.GetString("batch_dscr") : null; batchEdit.Updated = !dr.IsDBNull("updated") ? dr.GetSmartDate("updated", true) : null; batchEdit.ThankYou1 = !dr.IsDBNull("thank_you_1") ? dr.GetString("thank_you_1") : null; batchEdit.StudyTopic = !dr.IsDBNull("study_topic") ? dr.GetString("study_topic") : null; batchEdit.ThankYou2 = !dr.IsDBNull("thank_you_2") ? dr.GetString("thank_you_2") : null; batchEdit.MarketingResearchMessage = !dr.IsDBNull("marketing_research_message") ? dr.GetString("marketing_research_message") : null; } FetchChildren(dr); } return batchEdit; }
public override void CopyNavigationMenu() { var values = new List<string>(); const string commandText = @" SELECT Id, Name, SystemName, LastModifiedOn, IconURL, Sequence, IconId from NavigationGroups "; using (var ctx = GetMetaDatabaseConnectionManager()) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, ctx.Connection)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { values.Add(string.Format("({0},'{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',{5},{6})", reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetDateTime(3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetDouble(5), reader.IsDBNull(6) ? "NULL" : reader.GetInt32(6).ToString())); } } } } var script = string.Format(@" SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationGroup ON MERGE INTO [dbo].[__NavigationGroup] AS TARGET USING ( VALUES {0} ) AS Source([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [LastModifiedOn], [IconURL], [Sequence],[Icon]) ON = Source.Id -- update matched rows WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [Name] = Source.[Name], [SystemName] = Source.[SystemName], [LastModifiedOn] = Source.[LastModifiedOn], [IconURL] = Source.[IconURL], [Sequence] = Source.[Sequence], [Icon] = Source.[Icon], [IsRemoved] = 0 -- insert new rows WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [LastModifiedOn], [IconURL], [Sequence], [Icon], [IsRemoved]) VALUES ([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [LastModifiedOn], [IconURL], [Sequence], [Icon], 0) -- delete rows that are in the target but not the source WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationGroup OFF ", string.Join(",", values)); ExecuteSql(script); values.Clear(); const string navItemsCommandText = @" SELECT, ni.guid, ni.NAME, p.systemname, NULL, ni.lastmodifiedon, sequence, navigationgroupid, ni.[description], c.[Color], ni.IconId FROM [dbo].[navigationitems] ni INNER JOIN publishedprocesses pp ON = ni.publishedprocessid INNER JOIN processes p ON pp.processid = AND p.IsPublishedCopy = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors as c on c.Id = p.[ColorId] WHERE p.IsRemoved = 0 "; using (var ctx = GetMetaDatabaseConnectionManager()) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(navItemsCommandText, ctx.Connection)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { values.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', {6}, {7}, '{8}', {9}, {10})", reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetGuid(1), Escape(reader.GetString(2)), reader.GetString(3), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetDateTime(5).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), reader.GetDouble(6), reader.GetInt32(7), Escape(reader.GetString(8)), reader.GetInt64(9), reader.IsDBNull(10) ? "null" : reader.GetInt32(10).ToString())); } } } } if (values.Count == 0) return; script = string.Format(@" SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationItem ON MERGE INTO [dbo].[__NavigationItem] AS TARGET USING ( VALUES {0} ) AS Source([Id], [Guid], [Name], [SystemName], [IconURL], [LastModifiedOn], [Sequence], [NavigationGroupId], [Description], [ProcessColor], [IconId]) ON = Source.Id -- update matched rows WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [Guid] = Source.[Guid], [Name] = Source.[Name], [SystemName] = Source.[SystemName], [IconURL] = Source.[IconURL], [LastModifiedOn] = Source.[LastModifiedOn], [NavigationGroup] = Source.[NavigationGroupId], [Description] = Source.[Description], [Sequence] = Source.[Sequence], -- insert new rows [ProcessColor] = Source.[ProcessColor], [Icon] = Source.[Iconid] WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([Id], [Guid], [Name], [SystemName], [IconURL], [LastModifiedOn], [Sequence], [NavigationGroup], [Description], [ProcessColor], [IsRemoved], [Icon]) VALUES ([Id], [Guid], [Name], [SystemName], [IconURL], [LastModifiedOn], [Sequence], [NavigationGroupId], [Description], [ProcessColor], 0, [IconId]) -- delete rows that are in the target but not the source WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationItem OFF ", string.Join(",", values)); ExecuteSql(script); //------------------------------------------------------ values.Clear(); const string navigationGroupSecurityConfigurationsScript = @" SELECT ngscs.[id], ngscs.[NavigationGroupId], ngscs.[RoleId], ngscs.[CanView] FROM [dbo].[NavigationGroupSecurityConfigurations] ngscs"; using (var ctx = GetMetaDatabaseConnectionManager()) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(navigationGroupSecurityConfigurationsScript, ctx.Connection)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { values.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')", reader.GetInt32(0),reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2), reader.GetBoolean(3))); } } } } if (values.Count == 0) return; script = string.Format(@"SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationGroupSecurity ON MERGE INTO [dbo].[__NavigationGroupSecurity] AS TARGET USING ( VALUES {0} ) AS Source([Id], [NavigationGroup], [RoleId], [CanView]) ON = Source.Id -- update matched rows WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [NavigationGroup] = Source.[NavigationGroup], [RoleId] = Source.[RoleId], [CanView] = Source.[CanView] WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([Id], [NavigationGroup], [RoleId], [CanView], [IsRemoved]) VALUES ([Id], [NavigationGroup], [RoleId], [CanView], 0) -- delete rows that are in the target but not the source WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationGroupSecurity OFF ", string.Join(",", values)); ExecuteSql(script); //------------------------------------------------------ values.Clear(); const string navigationItemsSecurityConfigurationsScript = @" SELECT ngscs.[id], ngscs.[NavigationItemId], ngscs.[RoleId], ngscs.[CanView] FROM [dbo].[NavigationItemSecurityConfigurations] ngscs"; using (var ctx = GetMetaDatabaseConnectionManager()) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(navigationItemsSecurityConfigurationsScript, ctx.Connection)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { values.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')", reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2), reader.GetBoolean(3))); } } } } if (values.Count == 0) return; script = string.Format(@"SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationItemSecurity ON MERGE INTO [dbo].[__NavigationItemSecurity] AS TARGET USING ( VALUES {0} ) AS Source([Id], [NavigationItem], [RoleId], [CanView]) ON = Source.Id -- update matched rows WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [NavigationItem] = Source.[NavigationItem], [RoleId] = Source.[RoleId], [CanView] = Source.[CanView] WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([Id], [NavigationItem], [RoleId], [CanView], [IsRemoved]) VALUES ([Id], [NavigationItem], [RoleId], [CanView], 0) -- delete rows that are in the target but not the source WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __NavigationItemSecurity OFF ", string.Join(",", values)); ExecuteSql(script); }
/// <summary> /// Updates ActiveProcesses table in runtime db. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Active processes are those not being removed or inactive.</remarks> public override void UpdateActiveProcesses() { try { var values = new List<string>(); const string commandText = @" SELECT p.Id, p.Name, p.SystemName, p.Guid, p.IconId AS [Icon] FROM PublishedProcesses pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON p.Id = pp.ProcessId WHERE p.IsRemoved = 0 AND p.IsInactive = 0 "; using (var ctx = GetMetaDatabaseConnectionManager()) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, ctx.Connection)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { values.Add(string.Format("({0},'{1}','{2}','{3}',{4})", reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetGuid(3).ToString("D"), reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "NULL" : reader.GetInt32(4).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } } } var script = string.Format(@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND TABLE_NAME = '{0}') RETURN; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __Process ON MERGE INTO [dbo].[__Process] AS TARGET USING ( VALUES {1} ) AS Source([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [ProcessID], [Icon]) ON = Source.Id -- update matched rows WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [Name] = Source.[Name], [SystemName] = Source.[SystemName], [ProcessID] = Source.[ProcessID], [Icon] = Source.[Icon], [IsRemoved] = 0 -- insert new rows WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [ProcessID], [Icon], [IsRemoved]) VALUES ([Id], [Name], [SystemName], [ProcessID], [Icon], 0) -- delete rows that are in the target but not the source WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT __Process OFF ", Constants.ProcessProcessName, string.Join(",", values)); ExecuteSql(script); } catch (SqlException ex) { Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Error, "SqlServerDatabaseGenerator", ex); } }
public Item Map(SafeDataReader reader) { var item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Item), true); using (BypassPropertyChecks(item)) { item.ItemId = reader.GetString("ItemId"); item.OriginalItemId = reader.GetString("ItemId"); item.ProductId = reader.GetString("ProductId"); item.ListPrice = reader.IsDBNull("ListPrice") ? (System.Decimal?)null : reader.GetDecimal("ListPrice"); item.UnitCost = reader.IsDBNull("UnitCost") ? (System.Decimal?)null : reader.GetDecimal("UnitCost"); item.Supplier = reader.IsDBNull("Supplier") ? (System.Int32?)null : reader.GetInt32("Supplier"); item.Status = reader.GetString("Status"); item.Name = reader.GetString("Name"); item.Image = reader.GetString("Image"); } MarkOld(item); return item; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves checklist step. /// </summary> /// <param name="processName">The process name.</param> /// <param name="fieldName">The field name.</param> /// <param name="isPublishedCopy">The is published copy.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="ChecklistStepDto" />.</returns> public ChecklistStepDto FetchChecklistStep(string processName, string fieldName, bool isPublishedCopy = false) { const string CommandText = @" DECLARE @fieldId AS INT SELECT @fieldId = f.Id FROM [dbo].[Processes] p INNER JOIN [dbo].[Sections] s ON s.ProcessId = p.Id INNER JOIN [dbo].[Fields] f ON f.SectionId = s.Id WHERE p.[SystemName] = @processName AND p.IsRemoved = 0 AND p.IsPublishedCopy = @isPublishedCopy AND f.SystemName = @fieldName; EXEC [dbo].[GetChecklistStep] @FieldId = @fieldId;"; using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CommandText, ctx.Connection)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@processName", processName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fieldName", fieldName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isPublishedCopy", isPublishedCopy); using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { if (reader.Read()) { var dto = new ChecklistStepDto { QuestionProcessSystemName = reader.GetString(0), AnswerProcessSystemName = reader.GetString(1), AnswerProcessDefaultStateGuid = reader.GetGuid(2), CommentsFieldSystemName = reader.GetString(3), IsSingleQuestionView = reader.GetBool(4), ListDisplayFieldSystemName = reader.GetString(5), AllowAdhocQuestions = reader.GetBool(6), FilterDefinition = reader.GetString(7), FilterGuid = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? null : (Guid?)reader.GetGuid(8), CanChangeItemState = reader.GetBool(9), ShowLinkedItems = reader.GetBool(10), SortFieldSystemName = reader.GetString(11), SortDirection = reader.GetEnum(12, SortDirection.Ascending), HideValidationIcon = reader.GetBool(13) }; return dto; } } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves published process by process id. /// </summary> /// <param name="processId">The process id.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="PublishedProcessInfoDTO" />.</returns> public PublishedProcessInfoDTO FetchPublishedProcessByProcessId(int processId) { var result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO(); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var cn = ctx.Connection; const string Sql = @" SELECT pp.Id ,Name ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.SystemName ,p.BaseProcessId FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id WHERE = @processId"; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql, cn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@processId", processId); using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { if (reader.Read()) { result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(2), SystemName = reader.GetString(3) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { result.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcess(reader.GetInt32(4)); } } } } } return result; }
public VoucherEditDto Fetch(int id) { var voucherEdit = new VoucherEditDto(); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("CoopCheck")) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.dsa_GetVoucher", ctx.Connection)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tran_id", id).DbType = DbType.Int32; var dr = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader()); dr.Read(); voucherEdit.Id = dr.GetInt32("tran_id"); voucherEdit.Amount = (Decimal?)dr.GetValue("tran_amount"); voucherEdit.PersonId = !dr.IsDBNull("person_id") ? dr.GetString("person_id") : null; voucherEdit.NamePrefix = !dr.IsDBNull("name_prefix") ? dr.GetString("name_prefix") : null; voucherEdit.First = !dr.IsDBNull("first_name") ? dr.GetString("first_name") : null; voucherEdit.Middle = !dr.IsDBNull("middle_name") ? dr.GetString("middle_name") : null; voucherEdit.Last = !dr.IsDBNull("last_name") ? dr.GetString("last_name") : null; voucherEdit.Suffix = !dr.IsDBNull("name_suffix") ? dr.GetString("name_suffix") : null; voucherEdit.Title = !dr.IsDBNull("title") ? dr.GetString("title") : null; voucherEdit.Company = !dr.IsDBNull("company") ? dr.GetString("company") : null; voucherEdit.AddressLine1 = !dr.IsDBNull("address_1") ? dr.GetString("address_1") : null; voucherEdit.AddressLine2 = !dr.IsDBNull("address_2") ? dr.GetString("address_2") : null; voucherEdit.Municipality = !dr.IsDBNull("municipality") ? dr.GetString("municipality") : null; voucherEdit.Region = !dr.IsDBNull("region") ? dr.GetString("region") : null; voucherEdit.PostalCode = !dr.IsDBNull("postal_code") ? dr.GetString("postal_code") : null; voucherEdit.Country = !dr.IsDBNull("country") ? dr.GetString("country") : null; voucherEdit.PhoneNumber = !dr.IsDBNull("phone_number") ? dr.GetString("phone_number") : null; voucherEdit.EmailAddress = !dr.IsDBNull("email") ? dr.GetString("email") : null; voucherEdit.Updated = !dr.IsDBNull("updated") ? dr.GetSmartDate("updated", true) : null; } } return voucherEdit; }
public PublishedProcessInfoDTO FetchPublishedProcess(int id) { var result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO(); var sql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @" SELECT pp.Id ,ISNULL(pl.ProcessName, p.[Name]) ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.SystemName ,p.BaseProcessId ,p.ProcessOption ,p.SimpleProcess ,p.IsStateEnabled FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id INNER JOIN Processes p2 ON pp.ProcessGuid = p2.[Guid] and p2.[IsPublishedCopy] = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Localizations l ON l.CultureName = '{0}' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ProcessLocalizations pl ON pl.LocalizationId = l.Id AND p2.Id = pl.ProcessId WHERE = @id", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var cn = ctx.Connection; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id); using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { if (reader.Read()) { result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(2), SystemName = reader.GetString(3), ProcessOption = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetString(5)) ? (ProcessOption) Enum.Parse( typeof(ProcessOption), reader.GetString(5)) : ProcessOption.None, SimpleProcess = reader.GetBool(6), IsStateEnabled = reader.GetBoolean(7) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { result.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcess(reader.GetInt32(4)); } } } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves published process with filters. /// </summary> /// <param name="publishedProcessId">The published process id.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="PublishedProcessWithFiltersInfoDto" />.</returns> public PublishedProcessWithFiltersInfoDto FetchPublishedProcessWithFilters(int publishedProcessId) { var result = new PublishedProcessWithFiltersInfoDto(); const string CommandText = @" SELECT pp.Id ,Name ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.SystemName ,p.BaseProcessId ,p.ProcessOption ,p.IsStateEnabled FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id WHERE = @id"; using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CommandText, ctx.Connection)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", publishedProcessId); using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { if (reader.Read()) { var processId = reader.GetInt32(2); result = new PublishedProcessWithFiltersInfoDto( FetchProcessFilters(processId), FetchCrossRefFields(processId, Guid.Empty, true), FetchReverseCrossRefFields(processId, Guid.Empty, true), FetchProcessInfoStates(processId)) { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), ProcessId = processId, SystemName = reader.GetString(3), IsStateEnabled = reader.GetBoolean(6) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { result.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcessWithFilters(reader.GetInt32(4)); } } } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves synchronized processes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The <see cref="IList" />.</returns> public IEnumerable<PublishedProcessInfoDTO> FetchSynchronizedProcesses() { var result = new List<PublishedProcessInfoDTO>(); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var connection = ctx.Connection; const string CommandText = @" SELECT pp.Id ,p.[Name] ,p.[SystemName] ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.[BaseProcessId] ,p.[IconId] FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id WHERE p.IsRemoved = 0 AND p.IsInactive = 0 AND EXISTS( SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SyncProcesses] sp WHERE sp.ProcessId = p.Id) ORDER BY p.Name "; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CommandText, connection)) using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { var dto = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), SystemName = reader.GetString(2), ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(3), IconId = reader.GetNullableInt(5) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { dto.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcess(reader.GetInt(4)); } result.Add(dto); } } } return result; }
public IList<PublishedProcessInfoDTO> FetchPublishedProcesses(string culture) { var result = new List<PublishedProcessInfoDTO>(); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var connection = ctx.Connection; var commandText = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @" SELECT pp.Id ,ISNULL(pl.ProcessName, p.[Name]) ,p.[SystemName] ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.[BaseProcessId] ,p2.[IconId] ,p.[Guid] ,p.[ProcessOption] ,p.[IsStateEnabled] FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id INNER JOIN Processes p2 ON pp.ProcessGuid = p2.[Guid] and p2.[IsPublishedCopy] = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ProcessLocalizations pl INNER JOIN dbo.Localizations l ON pl.LocalizationId = l.Id AND l.CultureName = '{0}' ON p2.Id = pl.ProcessId WHERE p.IsRemoved = 0 AND p2.IsRemoved = 0 ORDER BY p.Name", culture); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection)) using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { var dto = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), SystemName = reader.GetString(2), ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(3), IconId = reader.GetNullableInt(5), ProcessGuid = reader.GetGuid(6), ProcessOption = reader.GetEnum(7, ProcessOption.None), IsStateEnabled = reader.GetBoolean(8) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { dto.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcess(reader.GetInt(4)); } result.Add(dto); } } } return result; }
public Profile Map(SafeDataReader reader) { var item = (Profile)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Profile), true); using (BypassPropertyChecks(item)) { item.UniqueID = reader.GetInt32("UniqueID"); item.Username = reader.GetString("Username"); item.ApplicationName = reader.GetString("ApplicationName"); item.IsAnonymous = reader.IsDBNull("IsAnonymous") ? (System.Boolean?)null : reader.GetBoolean("IsAnonymous"); item.LastActivityDate = reader.IsDBNull("LastActivityDate") ? (System.DateTime?)null : reader.GetDateTime("LastActivityDate"); item.LastUpdatedDate = reader.IsDBNull("LastUpdatedDate") ? (System.DateTime?)null : reader.GetDateTime("LastUpdatedDate"); } MarkOld(item); return item; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves published process by process name. /// </summary> /// <param name="processName">The process name.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="PublishedProcessInfoDTO" />.</returns> public PublishedProcessInfoDTO FetchPublishedProcess(string processName) { var result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO(); using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var cn = ctx.Connection; const string Sql = @" SELECT pp.Id ,Name ,p.Id AS ProcessId ,p.SystemName ,p.BaseProcessId ,p.ProcessOption ,p.SimpleProcess ,p.IsStateEnabled FROM [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp INNER JOIN Processes p ON pp.ProcessId = p.Id WHERE p.SystemName = @procName AND p.IsRemoved=0"; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql, cn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@procName", processName); using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { if (reader.Read()) { result = new PublishedProcessInfoDTO { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), Name = reader.GetString(1), ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(2), SystemName = reader.GetString(3), ProcessOption = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetString(5)) ? (ProcessOption) Enum.Parse( typeof(ProcessOption), reader.GetString(5)) : ProcessOption.None, SimpleProcess = reader.GetBool(6), IsStateEnabled = reader.GetBoolean(7) }; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { result.BaseProcess = this.FetchPublishedProcess(reader.GetInt32(4)); } } } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the integration service scheduled calls. /// </summary> /// <returns>IEnumerable{IntegrationServiceScheduledCallDto}.</returns> public IEnumerable<IntegrationServiceScheduledCallDto> GetIntegrationServiceScheduledCalls() { const string CommandText = @" SELECT sc.[Id] ,sc.[CreationDate] ,sc.[IntegrationServiceGuid] ,sc.[ProcessName] ,sc.[ItemId] ,sc.[CallCount] ,sc.[Status] ,wm.[ServiceDescriptionId] ,wm.[ContractTypeName] ,wm.[MethodName] ,wm.[Data] ,wm.[Options] FROM [dbo].[IntegrationServiceScheduledCalls] sc INNER JOIN [dbo].[IntegrationServiceWebMethodScheduledCalls] wm ON wm.[ScheduledCallId] = sc.[Id] WHERE sc.[Status] = 'Scheduled'; SELECT sc.[Id] ,sc.[CreationDate] ,sc.[IntegrationServiceGuid] ,sc.[ProcessName] ,sc.[ItemId] ,sc.[CallCount] ,sc.[Status] ,url.[Url] ,url.[Data] ,url.[HttpMethod] FROM [dbo].[IntegrationServiceScheduledCalls] sc INNER JOIN [dbo].[IntegrationServiceUrlScheduledCalls] url ON url.[ScheduledCallId] = sc.[Id] WHERE sc.[Status] = 'Scheduled';"; var result = new List<IntegrationServiceScheduledCallDto>(); // Don't enlist this connection in current TransationScope. // When this method is called from dynamic assemblies, it will fail if MS DTC is not enabled. var csb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(Database.VeyronMeta) { Enlist = false }; using (var cn = new SqlConnection(csb.ConnectionString)) { cn.Open(); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CommandText, cn)) { using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader())) { while (reader.Read()) { var dto = new IntegrationServiceWebMethodScheduledCallDto { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), CreationDate = reader.GetDateTime(1), IntegrationServiceGuid = reader.GetGuid(2), ProcessName = reader.GetString(3), ItemId = reader.GetInt32(4), CallCount = reader.GetInt32(5), Status = (ServiceCallStatus) Enum.Parse( typeof(ServiceCallStatus), reader.GetString(6), true), ServiceDescriptionId = reader.GetInt32(7), ContractTypeName = reader.GetString(8), MethodName = reader.GetString(9), Data = reader.GetString(10), Options = !reader.IsDBNull(11) ? reader.GetString(11) : null }; result.Add(dto); } reader.NextResult(); while (reader.Read()) { var dto = new IntegrationServiceUrlScheduledCallDto { Id = reader.GetInt32(0), CreationDate = reader.GetDateTime(1), IntegrationServiceGuid = reader.GetGuid(2), ProcessName = reader.GetString(3), ItemId = reader.GetInt32(4), CallCount = reader.GetInt32(5), Status = (ServiceCallStatus) Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceCallStatus), reader.GetString(6), true), Url = reader.GetString(7), Data = reader.GetString(8), HttpMethod = (UrlServiceCallMethod) Enum.Parse( typeof(UrlServiceCallMethod), reader.GetString(9), true) }; result.Add(dto); } } } } return result; }