コード例 #1
ファイル: Class1.cs プロジェクト: Hamster-Huey/CsharpLab
        } //checked

        public static ArrayList ExtractHand(float[,] recording)
            int x = recording.GetLength(0);
            int y = recording.GetLength(1);

            ArrayList depthSequence         = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList depthSequenceOriginal = new ArrayList();
            //[frame num, frame]
            ArrayList threshFrames = new ArrayList();

            //transposed frames of recording
            for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
                float[] recordFrame = new float[217088];
                for (int j = 0; j < 217088; j++)
                    recordFrame[j] = recording[i, j];
                DenseMatrix frame = new DenseMatrix(424, 512, recordFrame);
            int numFrames = x;

            //Getting the Background Frame
            DenseMatrix backFrame = (DenseMatrix)threshFrames[0];

            //Variables for thresholding

            int          numPlast        = 0;
            int          startThresh     = 400;
            int          startUpThresh   = 200;
            int          upThresh        = 0;
            int          downThresh      = 0;
            int          maxThresh       = 0;
            int          minThresh       = 0;
            BWConnReturn maxClusterFinal = new BWConnReturn();

            //Thresholding each frame one by one
            for (int frameNum = 1; frameNum < numFrames; frameNum++)
                bool bad = false;

                //Background subtraction
                DenseMatrix depthFrame = (DenseMatrix)threshFrames[frameNum];
                depthFrame = backFrame - depthFrame; //Can't find Absolute value function
                DenseMatrix depthFrameTest = Threshold(depthFrame, 3000, 100);
                ArrayList   CC             = BWConnComp(depthFrameTest, 512, 424);

                //ArrayList is a list of objects that each contain clusters with the indeces and number of pixels
                //Goal 1: Find the cluster with the most pixels and store that object
                BWConnReturn maxCluster = new BWConnReturn();
                for (int i = 0; i < CC.Count; i++)
                    if (((BWConnReturn)CC[i]).size > maxCluster.size)
                        maxCluster = (BWConnReturn)CC[i];

                //Goal 2: set the indices to 1 and everything else to 0
                for (int i = 0; i < maxCluster.indices.Count; i++)
                    //get row and column from index
                    int row    = (int)((int)maxCluster.indices[i] / depthFrame.ColumnCount);
                    int column = (int)((int)maxCluster.indices[i] % depthFrame.ColumnCount);

                    //set to 1
                    depthFrameTest[row, column] = 1;

                //Now layer the original depthFrame over the new silhouette
                depthFrameTest.PointwiseMultiply((DenseMatrix)depthSequenceOriginal[frameNum], depthFrame);

                //Feedback loop that applies thresholds until satisfied with the result
                bool goodClump  = false;
                int  iterations = 0;
                while (goodClump == false)
                    int threshold = 0;

                    //Get Hand from First Frame
                    if (frameNum == 1)
                        ArrayList goodIndices = findIndices(depthFrame, startThresh);
                        threshold  = goodIndices.OfType <int>().Min();
                        downThresh = threshold - 200;
                        upThresh   = threshold + startUpThresh;
                    else if (bad) //Re-Threshold Frames if first try doesn't work
                        if (startThresh > 1500)
                            ArrayList goodIndices = findIndices(depthFrame, (int)(maxThresh + minThresh) / 2);
                            threshold = goodIndices.OfType <int>().Min();
                            ArrayList goodIndices = findIndices(depthFrame, startThresh);
                            threshold     = goodIndices.OfType <int>().Min();
                            startUpThresh = 200;
                            goodClump     = true;
                        downThresh = threshold - 200;

                    depthFrameTest = Threshold(depthFrame, upThresh, downThresh);

                    //Connect Components
                    CC = BWConnComp(depthFrameTest, 512, 424);
                    //Find Max+IDs
                    maxClusterFinal = new BWConnReturn();
                    for (int i = 0; i < CC.Count; i++)
                        if (((BWConnReturn)CC[i]).size > maxClusterFinal.size)
                            maxClusterFinal = (BWConnReturn)CC[i];

                    //get Difference
                    int numP       = maxClusterFinal.size;
                    int difference = numPlast - numP;

                    //Feedback steps for the first frame
                    if (frameNum == 1)
                        if ((numP > 4500) && (numP < 5500))
                            goodClump = true; //Decent sized clump
                            numPlast  = numP;
                        else if (numP > 5500)
                            startUpThresh -= 10;
                        else if (numP < 4500)
                            startThresh += 20;
                    //Feedback for other frames based on difference in size of frame before it, also not too small
                    else if ((Math.Abs(difference) > 600) || (numP < 1600))
                        bad = true;
                        //Check to see if anything significant was caught
                        if ((difference > 0) || (numP < 1600))
                            maxThresh += 2;
                            upThresh   = maxThresh;
                            maxThresh -= 2;
                            upThresh   = maxThresh;
                        //Gotta stop sometime
                        if (iterations == 3000)
                            goodClump = true;
                        goodClump = true;
                        numPlast  = numP;

                //Set indices to 1
                for (int i = 0; i < maxClusterFinal.indices.Count; i++)
                    //get row and column from index
                    int row    = (int)((int)maxClusterFinal.indices[i] / depthFrame.ColumnCount);
                    int column = (int)((int)maxClusterFinal.indices[i] % depthFrame.ColumnCount);

                    //set to 1
                    depthFrame[row, column] = 1;

                //Todo: Fill the Holes

                //Layer Depths onto silhouette to extract the max and min depths
                DenseMatrix depthFrameLayered = new DenseMatrix(424, 512);
                ((DenseMatrix)depthSequenceOriginal[frameNum]).PointwiseMultiply(depthFrame, depthFrameLayered);
                ArrayList greaterThanZeros = findIndices(depthFrameLayered, 0);
                maxThresh = greaterThanZeros.OfType <int>().Max();
                minThresh = greaterThanZeros.OfType <int>().Min();

                startThresh = (int)((maxThresh + minThresh) / 2);
                upThresh    = maxThresh;
                downThresh  = minThresh - 300;


コード例 #2
ファイル: Class1.cs プロジェクト: Hamster-Huey/CsharpLab
        /* Desired Functions:
         * Connect Components
         * Extract Hand
         * Get Shape Descriptors
         * Get Covariance Matrix (in Math.Net Possibly?)
         * reshape
         * getTfeatures

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a 2d int array with number of connect components and indices of connected components
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ArrayList BWConnComp(DenseMatrix array, int width, int height)
            ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList roots = new ArrayList();

            ArrayList returnArray = new ArrayList();

            //Make each pixel a separate node
            for (int i = 0; i < array.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < array.ColumnCount; j++)
                    ConnNode pixNode = new ConnNode(i * array.ColumnCount + j);
                    if (array[i, j] == 1)

            //iterate through the nodes
            foreach (ConnNode node in nodes)
                //check if node's white
                if (node.white == 1)
                    //first check if root
                    if (node.parent == null)

                    //now check up,down,left,right
                    //first check if in top row
                    if (!(node.id < width))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - width];
                        //check if parent or inspected already
                        if (!(newNode.inspected))
                            //check if white
                            if (newNode.white == 1)
                                newNode.inspected = true;

                    //first check if in bottom row
                    if (!(node.id >= (width * (height - 1))))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + width];
                        //check if parent or inspected already
                        if (!(newNode.inspected))
                            //check if white
                            if (newNode.white == 1)
                                newNode.inspected = true;

                    //first check if in left column
                    if (node.id % width != 0)
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - 1];
                        //check if parent or inspected already
                        if (!(newNode.inspected))
                            //check if white
                            if (newNode.white == 1)
                                newNode.inspected = true;

                    //first check if in right column
                    if ((node.id + 1) % width != 0)
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + 1];
                        //check if parent or inspected already
                        if (!(newNode.inspected))
                            //check if white
                            if (newNode.white == 1)
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                node.inspected = true;
            //Go through each root and find size and indices
            foreach (ConnNode newnode in roots)
                //make new BWConnReturn
                BWConnReturn values = new BWConnReturn();

                //Get size of tree
                values.size = newnode.GetSize();

                //now get indices
                values.indices = newnode.GetIndices();

                //now add returntype to array
        } //checked
コード例 #3
ファイル: Class1test.cs プロジェクト: Hamster-Huey/CsharpLab
        /* Desired Functions:
         * Connect Components
         * Extract Hand
         * Get Shape Descriptors
         * Get Covariance Matrix (in Math.Net Possibly?)
         * reshape
         * getTfeatures

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a 2d int array with number of connect components and indices of connected components
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <BWConnReturn> BWConnComp(DenseMatrix array, int width, int height)
            List <ConnNode> nodes     = new List <ConnNode>();
            List <ConnNode> roots     = new List <ConnNode>();
            string          outstring = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < array.ColumnCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < array.RowCount; j++)
                    outstring += array[j, i].ToString() + ",";
            List <BWConnReturn> returnArray = new List <BWConnReturn>();

            //Make each pixel a separate node
            for (int i = 0; i < array.ColumnCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < array.RowCount; j++)
                    ConnNode pixNode = new ConnNode(i * array.RowCount + j);
                    if (array[j, i] == 1)

            //iterate through the nodes
            foreach (ConnNode node in nodes)
                //check if node's white
                if ((node.white == 1))
                    //first check if root
                    if (node.parent == null)

                    //now check up,down,left,right
                    //first check if in top row
                    if (!(node.id % height == 0))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - 1];

                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)

                    //first check if in bottom row
                    if (!((node.id + 1) % height == 0))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + 1];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)

                    //first check if in left column
                    if (node.id >= height)
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - height];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)

                    //first check if in right column
                    if (node.id < (height * (width - 1)))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + height];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)

                    if ((node.id >= height) && (!(node.id % height == 0)))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - height - 1];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)

                    if ((node.id < (height * (width - 1))) && (!(node.id % height == 0)))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + height - 1];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)
                    if ((node.id < (height * (width - 1))) && (!((node.id + 1) % height == 0)))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id + height + 1];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)
                    if ((node.id >= height) && (!((node.id + 1) % height == 0)))
                        ConnNode newNode = (ConnNode)nodes[node.id - height + 1];
                        //check if white
                        if (newNode.white == 1)
                            //inspected already
                            if (!(newNode.inspected))
                                newNode.inspected = true;
                                //compare roots. if Different roots, combine trees
                                ConnNode root1 = node;
                                ConnNode root2 = newNode;
                                while (root1.parent != null)
                                    root1 = root1.parent;
                                while (root2.parent != null)
                                    root2 = root2.parent;
                                if (root1.id != root2.id)
                node.inspected = true;
            //Go through each root and find size and indices
            foreach (ConnNode newnode in roots)
                //make new BWConnReturn
                BWConnReturn values = new BWConnReturn();

                //Get size of tree
                values.size = newnode.GetSize();

                //now get indices
                values.indices = newnode.GetIndices();

                //now add returntype to array
        } //checked