コード例 #1
ファイル: GlobalsUserType.cs プロジェクト: dasatomic/WinDbgCs
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts all fields from the user type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">The user type factory.</param>
        /// <param name="generationFlags">The user type generation flags.</param>
        protected override IEnumerable <UserTypeField> ExtractFields(UserTypeFactory factory, UserTypeGenerationFlags generationFlags)
            ExportStaticFields = true;

            var              fields       = Symbol.Fields.OrderBy(s => s.Name).ToArray();
            bool             useThisClass = generationFlags.HasFlag(UserTypeGenerationFlags.UseDirectClassAccess);
            HashSet <string> usedNames    = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var field in fields)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Type.Name))

                if (IsFieldFiltered(field))

                field.PropertyName = NormalizeSymbolNamespace(UserTypeField.GetPropertyName(field, this));
                while (usedNames.Contains(field.PropertyName))
                    field.PropertyName += "_";

                if (field.Name.Contains("@") || field.PropertyName.Length > 511)
                    // Skip names containing '@'

                // Skip fields that are actual values of enum values
                if (field.Type.Tag == CodeTypeTag.Enum && field.Type.EnumValues.Any(t => t.Item1 == field.Name))

                var userField = ExtractField(field, factory, generationFlags, forceIsStatic: true);

                if (field.Type.Tag == CodeTypeTag.Pointer)
                    // Do not use const values for pointers.
                    // We do not allow user type implicit conversion from integers.
                    userField.ConstantValue = string.Empty;

                userField.FieldName    = NormalizeSymbolNamespace(userField.FieldName);
                userField.PropertyName = NormalizeSymbolNamespace(userField.PropertyName);

                yield return(userField);


            foreach (var field in GetAutoGeneratedFields(false, useThisClass))
                yield return(field);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates user type field based on the specified symbol field and all other fields that are prepared for this function.
        /// Do not use this function directly, unless you are calling it from overridden function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The symbol field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldType">The field tree type.</param>
        /// <param name="factory">The user type factory.</param>
        /// <param name="simpleFieldValue">The code foe "simple field value" used when creating transformation.</param>
        /// <param name="gettingField">The code for getting field variable.</param>
        /// <param name="isStatic">if set to <c>true</c> generated field should be static.</param>
        /// <param name="generationFlags">The user type generation flags.</param>
        /// <param name="extractingBaseClass">if set to <c>true</c> user type field is being generated for getting base class.</param>
        protected override UserTypeField ExtractFieldInternal(SymbolField field, TypeTree fieldType, UserTypeFactory factory, string simpleFieldValue, string gettingField, bool isStatic, UserTypeGenerationFlags generationFlags, bool extractingBaseClass)
            // Physical code generation make sense only for non-static fields
            if (!isStatic)
                bool lazyCacheUserTypeFields = generationFlags.HasFlag(UserTypeGenerationFlags.LazyCacheUserTypeFields);

                bool                   cacheUserTypeFields       = generationFlags.HasFlag(UserTypeGenerationFlags.CacheUserTypeFields);
                bool                   cacheStaticUserTypeFields = generationFlags.HasFlag(UserTypeGenerationFlags.CacheStaticUserTypeFields);
                string                 constructorText           = "";
                string                 fieldName          = field.Name;
                string                 fieldTypeString    = fieldType.GetTypeString();
                BasicTypeTree          baseType           = fieldType as BasicTypeTree;
                ArrayTypeTree          codeArrayType      = fieldType as ArrayTypeTree;
                UserTypeTree           userType           = fieldType as UserTypeTree;
                TransformationTypeTree transformationType = fieldType as TransformationTypeTree;
                bool                   isEmbedded         = field.Type.Tag != CodeTypeTag.Pointer;

                // Specialization for basic types
                if (baseType != null)
                    if (baseType.BasicType == "string")
                        int charSize = field.Type.ElementType.Size;

                        constructorText = string.Format("ReadString(GetCodeType().Module.Process, ReadPointer(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {0}, {1}), {2})", field.Offset, field.Type.Size, charSize);
                    else if (baseType.BasicType != "NakedPointer")
                        if (field.LocationType == LocationType.BitField)
                            constructorText = string.Format("Read{0}(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1}, {2}, {3})", baseType.GetTypeString().UppercaseFirst(), field.Offset, field.Size, field.BitPosition);
                            constructorText = string.Format("Read{0}(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1})", baseType.GetTypeString().UppercaseFirst(), field.Offset);
                // Specialization for arrays
                else if (codeArrayType != null)
                    if (codeArrayType.ElementType is BasicTypeTree)
                        baseType = (BasicTypeTree)codeArrayType.ElementType;
                        if (baseType != null && baseType.BasicType != "string" && baseType.BasicType != "NakedPointer")
                            int arraySize   = field.Type.Size;
                            int elementSize = field.Type.ElementType.Size;

                            if (baseType.BasicType == "char")
                                constructorText = string.Format("Read{0}Array(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1}, {2}, {3})", baseType.GetTypeString().UppercaseFirst(), field.Offset, arraySize / elementSize, elementSize);
                                constructorText = string.Format("Read{0}Array(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1}, {2})", baseType.GetTypeString().UppercaseFirst(), field.Offset, arraySize / elementSize);
                            fieldTypeString = baseType.GetTypeString() + "[]";
                // Specialization for user types
                else if (userType != null && !extractingBaseClass)
                    if (!(userType.UserType is EnumUserType))
                        string thisClassCodeType;

                        if (IsTypeUsingStaticCodeType(this))
                            thisClassCodeType = ClassCodeType;
                            thisClassCodeType = "thisClass.Value.GetCodeType()";
                            usedThisClass     = true;

                        // Check if type is embedded
                        if (!isEmbedded)
                            // If user type is not embedded, we do have pointer inside of our memory buffer that we can read directly
                            if (IsTypeUsingStaticCodeType(this))
                                constructorText = string.Format("ReadPointer<{0}>({4}, \"{1}\", memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {2}, {3})", fieldTypeString, fieldName, field.Offset, field.Type.Size, ClassCodeType);
                                constructorText = string.Format("ReadPointer<{0}>(thisClass, \"{1}\", memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {2}, {3})", fieldTypeString, fieldName, field.Offset, field.Type.Size);
                                usedThisClass   = true;

                            // Do downcasting if field has vtable
                            if (userType.UserType.Symbol.HasVTable() && userType.UserType.DerivedClasses.Count > 0)
                                constructorText += ".DowncastObject()";
                            // If user type is embedded, we can reuse memory buffer that we already have in this class
                            string fieldAddress  = string.Format("memoryBufferAddress + (ulong)(memoryBufferOffset + {0})", field.Offset);
                            string fieldCodeType = string.Format("{0}.GetClassFieldType(\"{1}\")", thisClassCodeType, fieldName);

                            if (IsTypeUsingStaticCodeType(userType.UserType))
                                fieldCodeType = string.Format("{0}.{1}", userType.UserType.FullClassName, ClassCodeType);
                            else if (IsTypeUsingStaticCodeType(this))
                                fieldCodeType = AddFieldCodeType(fieldName);

                            constructorText = string.Format("new {0}(memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1}, memoryBufferAddress, {2}, {3}, \"{4}\")", fieldTypeString, field.Offset, fieldCodeType, fieldAddress, fieldName);
                        // TODO: This is enum. Read how much enum base type is big and just cast to enum type...
                // Specialization for transformations
                else if (transformationType != null)
                    if (!isEmbedded)
                        string thisClassCodeType;

                        if (IsTypeUsingStaticCodeType(this))
                            thisClassCodeType = ClassCodeType;
                            thisClassCodeType = "thisClass.Value.GetCodeType()";
                            usedThisClass     = true;

                        string fieldAddress  = string.Format("memoryBufferAddress + (ulong)(memoryBufferOffset + {0})", field.Offset);
                        string fieldVariable = string.Format("Variable.CreateNoCast({0}.GetClassFieldType(\"{1}\"), {2}, \"{1}\")", thisClassCodeType, fieldName, fieldAddress);

                        if (transformationType.Transformation.Transformation.HasPhysicalConstructor)
                            fieldVariable = string.Format("{0}, memoryBuffer, memoryBufferOffset + {1}, memoryBufferAddress", fieldVariable, field.Offset);

                        simpleFieldValue = fieldVariable;
                        constructorText  = string.Format("new {0}({1})", fieldTypeString, fieldVariable);

                // If we found suitable physical representation, generate the field
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(constructorText))
                    return new UserTypeField()
                               ConstructorText      = constructorText,
                               FieldName            = "_" + fieldName,
                               FieldType            = fieldTypeString,
                               FieldTypeInfoComment = string.Format("// {0} {1};", field.Type.Name, fieldName),
                               PropertyName         = UserTypeField.GetPropertyName(field, this),
                               Static           = isStatic,
                               UseUserMember    = lazyCacheUserTypeFields,
                               CacheResult      = cacheUserTypeFields || (isStatic && cacheStaticUserTypeFields),
                               SimpleFieldValue = simpleFieldValue,

            return(base.ExtractFieldInternal(field, fieldType, factory, simpleFieldValue, gettingField, isStatic, generationFlags, extractingBaseClass));