//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // P2pContextOwner(P2pContext ctx, ClassicLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<P2pContext>> contextList); //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: 'rvalue references' have no equivalent in C#: public P2pContextOwner(P2pContextOwner && other) { this.contextList = other.contextList; this.contextIterator = other.contextIterator; other.contextIterator = contextList.end(); }
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: 'rvalue references' have no equivalent in C#: public P2pConnectionProxy(P2pContextOwner && ctx, IP2pNodeInternal node) { this.m_contextOwner = new CryptoNote.P2pContextOwner(std::move(ctx)); this.m_context = new CryptoNote.P2pContext(m_contextOwner.get()); this.m_node = new CryptoNote.IP2pNodeInternal(node); }