コード例 #1
        private static void SignMessage(BigInteger h, BigInteger g, BigInteger p, BigInteger x, out BigInteger r, out BigInteger s)
            BigInteger k, kRev, ret;

                k   = CryptoTools.GenerateRandomBigInteger(2, p - 1);
                ret = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(p - 1, k, out _, out kRev);
            } while (ret != 1);

            if (kRev < 0)
                kRev += (p - 1);

            r = CryptoTools.ModuloPower(g, k, p);

            BigInteger u = (h - x * r) % (p - 1);

            if (u < 0)
                u += (p - 1);
            s = (kRev * u) % (p - 1);
コード例 #2
        public static BigInteger GenerateShamirPrivateKeyUsingAnother(BigInteger p, BigInteger c)
            BigInteger temp, d, ret = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(p - 1, c, out temp, out d);

            if (d < 0)
                d += (p - 1);
コード例 #3
        internal static void SimulateRSASigning(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger d, BigInteger m)
            Console.WriteLine($"Alice gonna sign messsage m = {m} and send it to Bob");

            BigInteger N   = p * q;
            BigInteger phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);

            BigInteger c, temp;

            BigInteger ret = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(phi, d, out temp, out c);

            if (ret != 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"d = {d} isn't mutually prime with phi(N)! A new one will be generated");

                BigInteger cCandidate, dCandidate;
                    dCandidate = CryptoTools.GenerateRandomBigInteger(1, phi);
                    ret        = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(phi, dCandidate, out temp, out cCandidate);
                } while (ret != 1);
                c = cCandidate;
                d = dCandidate;
            if (c < 0)
                c += phi;

            Console.WriteLine($"Alice's public keys are N = {N} and d = {d}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Alice's private key is c = {c}");

            BigInteger y = CalculateHash(m);

            Console.WriteLine($"Hash function of message {m} is {y} (h(m) = m)");

            BigInteger s = SignMessage(y, c, N);

            Console.WriteLine($"Alice sent message {m} and signature {s} to Bob");

            Console.WriteLine("Bob received them and checked if signature is correct");
            SimulateRSAChecking(m, s, d, N);
コード例 #4
        public static void GenerateShamirPrivateKeys(BigInteger p, out BigInteger c, out BigInteger d)
            Random     r = new Random();
            BigInteger cCandidate, dCandidate, ret;

                BigInteger temp;
                cCandidate = r.Next(1, (int)p);
                ret        = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(p - 1, cCandidate, out temp, out dCandidate);
            } while (ret != 1); //крутимся пока не найдём такое cCandidate: (cCandidate, p - 1) = 1. тогда dCandidate обратное к cCandidate с точностью до модуля
            c = cCandidate;
            if (dCandidate < 0)
                dCandidate += (p - 1);
            d = dCandidate;
コード例 #5
        internal static void SimulateRSAExchange(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger d, BigInteger x)
            BigInteger N   = p * q;
            BigInteger phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);

            BigInteger c, temp;

            BigInteger ret = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(phi, d, out temp, out c);

            if (ret != 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"d = {d} isn't mutually prime with phi(N)! A new one will be generated");

                BigInteger cCandidate, dCandidate;
                    dCandidate = CryptoTools.GenerateRandomBigInteger(1, phi);
                    ret        = CryptoTools.EuclidAlgorithm(phi, dCandidate, out temp, out cCandidate);
                } while (ret != 1);
                c = cCandidate;
                d = dCandidate;
            if (c < 0)
                c += phi;

            Console.WriteLine($"Receiver's public keys are N = {N} and d = {d}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Receiver's private key is c = {c}");

            BigInteger y = CryptoTools.ModuloPower(x, d, N);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sender encrypted message and sent y = {y} to receiver");

            BigInteger w = CryptoTools.ModuloPower(y, c, N);

            Console.WriteLine($"Receiver decrypted y and got w = {w}");